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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. i thoroughly enjoyed every 'lite-adventure' game they released - grim fandango, monkey island, indiana, dott, etc. Bring back the classic games!
  2. ok sw fanboy response time. whatever magic i once associated with SW has long been evaporated after the release of the new films and the onslaught of their marketing. actually it was more the marketing of SW which has killed it for me. any lame brain merchandising idea can get a SW license (it would not suprise me to find a SW condom..use the force indeed). here's what i predict: sw ep3 comes to theatre sw ep3 comes to dvd box set of ep1-3 comes out box set of ep4-6 comes out super limited box set of ep1-6 comes out super special limited set of 4-6 WITH the original theatre rls comes out super duper special limited set of 1-6 comes out re-do eps 1-3 with new FX and show it it in the treatre re-release new eps1-3 on dvds ..etc... re-do the whole process again in 20 yrs time
  3. ooooh i like the ikkitousen models
  4. naw..some of us are just too busy watching anime rather than writing about them
  5. nanaka was interesting in concept but a little weak. you have a typical love triangle with the twist being Nanaka alters between two personalities. The character designs are uninspired and not very cute (unless you like big pointy hair and a rei clone). It had some funny moments but overall its not a series i would rush out to buy. check out the manga that is coming out shortly for those interested in this series.
  6. "Variant Cover" my ass. No, sir! The EDSEL isn't a horrible mistake! It's a Variant Automobile! i think you're misreading it (or i'm misreading you). they're not claiming that the wrong colour scheme is a variant issue. they are saying the second cover (ie. the variant issue; each RT comic has an A and a B cover) was improperly coloured.
  7. i used to buy both cover variants from this series but lately i find 1 out of the 2 to be completely hideous. some of you may know that i am an RT supporter but even I cannot in good consciousness support the subpar art work that is being produced. thankfully at least one of the covers is decent enough to pickup :|
  8. they'll strip mine anime
  9. i have no clue whats going on in GitS2. i buy the comics just for the amazing artwork/fan service. so i'm a perv i will buy anything he has to offer in terms of hiquality artwork...i'll leave the story telling to others. any good websites out there that showcase his talent?
  10. i do not like that teaser pic if it is indeed real. to me catwoman should be sleek, slinky and sexy. that costume just screams trailer trash.
  11. i wish LH manga went longer. i simply love Ken's art and humour. here's to his upcoming 2 other manga series coming out from TP.
  12. ...delusions of grandeur...
  13. i've been hearing alot of great things about this movie. it recieved 4/5 stars in the Toronto Star over here. can't wait for an R1 release
  14. i dont even want to think about the legal challenges for importing a hyper realistic handgun. i can't see it happening with Hasbro importing MP Prime.
  15. "It's Not About The Robot" (with apologies to Lance Armstrong)
  16. pat lee is the best thing to happen to TF. just looking at the megatron and prime movie posters gives me goosebumps.
  17. well thank goodness its a subpar TF coming in book format. if it were a dinobot i'ld be seriously hard pressed to ignore it. as it is its really tough skipping out on Soundwave
  18. shouldn't this thread go in the feedback forum?
  19. $89.95 + shipping
  20. eva = anime classic and worthy of being added to one's collection
  21. i saw the DVD rip a few days ago. it is a gorgeous movie to watch...on par or better then Final Fantasy the movie. it has an interesting mix of hyper-realistic backgrounds and traditionally animated characters. once you get used to it it works pretty good. i'm not one to nitpick so i didnt analyze each frame to see if there were rendering errors. to me it looked just fabulous. the sub job was top notch. the fonts were highly legible and nothing stood out as being Engrish. everything made sense, synced nicely.. I have no complaints with the sub job overall. the audio..should prove to be fantastic for those with a proper 5.1 setup. call me..well call me whatever but i found the korean langauage to be quite jarring and unnatural. after listening to only japanese i found the korean language to be harsher and not as pleasing. when this comes to R1 i will only watch it in the english dub as i think the characters will fit their roles better with an English VA. (actually it would be neat if it was dubbed in japanese ) ok so the story itself? a complete and utter disappoinment. Extremely generic and extremely predicatble. i was very interested in the opening sequence but as the movie progressed i became bored. there's not much tension, hardly any mystery, i didn't care about the supporting characters, and i didnt particularly feel connected to the lead characters either. in a nutshell the evil overlords want to maintain control and secure their energy resources by ensuring the land is pollluted. this lends to a show that is perpetually in the dark (well cloudy with extreme overcast lol). the main character longs for a day of sunshine and blue skies so along with his ragtag band of resistance fighters they plot to overthrow the ruling body. toss in a love triangle, a betrayal of friendship (and an extremely weak one at that), a ruthless commander and you've got yourself a sub-par action/romance story. so buy this disc as a nice show-off piece for your kick ass DVD setup and for the curiousity factor of what Koreans can do with the anime style of entertaining.
  22. i have ADVs discs 1 and 2 for sale if you're interested
  23. i guess everyone approves of the battle damage effects being used
  24. i suppose imitation is a form of flattery, but i still say "RIPOFF"!
  25. matrix-style kick-ass bonta-kun!
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