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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. any pics?
  2. along the same lines a very legit looking eBay email going around asking for account names and passwords.
  3. triad is quite good as well
  4. i like them. could be better but its definately not a bad rls. the psuedo collector cells are cute too
  5. i have 3 or 4 different versions. i'll sort out which one to keep at the end of the series.
  6. heh...where are those 'sewer' comments now?
  7. a forum setup like this makes spoiler warnings kind of pointless. i think a better solution is a thread dedicated to spoiling. i just finished ep3...oh man did that come out from nowhere. ihe better not die though.
  8. oh man will it ever end? 3 new toys to add to the list :| Fix 19, and EVAs 3 and 4 were those really a surprise? this is Eva slash money making machine for all companies invovled. i think we should fully expect MP Evas, a few angels, and other colour variants
  9. whats with the battle damage craze lately?? nice statue but i'll pass
  10. you forgot: crystal hong kong special edition silver TrU Ltd edition Rainbow 'because we can' colour variant
  11. 6/10?? come on guys this is the funniest show this season..heck for the past few seasons since Azumanga. ph33r the army of bonta-kun.
  12. hahaa l00ser. ph33r my #7
  13. rahxephon movie: "RahXephon: Pluralitas Concentio," - presented in its original 4:3 aspect ratio with Dolby Digital 2.0 and 5.1 audio options. The 120 minute long re-telling of the TV series story features 30 minutes worth of all new animation.
  14. Eva..fan service? never seen that said about the show before. Anyhow ignoring that did you like the story line? did you like the ambiguity? rah has a similar storyline: big humanoid like mechs, mysterious enemy, young boy called upon to save the world, military organization with a sinister power head, etc. i absolutely loved RahXephon. the ending was quite satisfying to me, and although there were a lot of story elements i didnt understand, that hasn't stopped me from buying the dvds.
  15. i agree the sentinels themselves are all linked..they would have to be. my point is that they would be in an isolated network completely separate from the matrix. so who cares if the smith virus takes over the matrix..couldn't the machines have just wiped it all out and created a new one? you figure they would have copies of their Architect and Oracle programs. i was kidding about BT. yes after i posted the steamroller idea i realized that was out b/c it was already explained in matrix 1 that they can only work within the boundaries of the environment. and yeah if they can equip their ships with EMP generators why didn't they have them at their home base? why didnt the machines simply drill down 10, 100, 1000 of those boaring machines?
  16. hasbro - battle damage, short stacks takara - clean, normal stacks
  17. thats a rather big leap. for one thing it assumes that every single machine is jacked into the matrix. why would they be? why have a lowly sentinel be tied to the matrix which by all intents it is just a construct to house the humans in. second just how is Human Neo supposed to communicate with Matrix Neo? as someone else suggested he has some sort of super duper Bluetooth connection? the other problem i have is that in the Matrix we encounter various programs - oracle, serph, architect, train master, etc. would these programs have a real world machine counter part? or put another way you have the machines build the matrix then presumeably create programs to run and maintain the virtual world. some of these programs develop emotions and aid the humans. wouldn't the same thing happen to the machines? here's another thought. while in the matrix why be restricted to human form. couldn't they alter their body and become a huge steamroller and just roll over the bad guys?
  18. ok i'll accept that Neo's soul, persona, whatever is actually code from The Source and was somehow transferred into a human host shell. we saw that happen with Smith/Bane. What I dont buy is that when Neo is outside of the matrix he can somehow see, feel, and disable machines. why cant all humans do this? why couldn't Smith/Bane do it?
  19. well that doesnt make sense. when he was hooked up in sick bay wouldn't they have known right away he was part machine?
  20. i still dont understand how Neo can 'see'and 'feel' the machines outside of the matrix.
  21. yes the manga is far far better then the anime.
  22. haha that was funny.
  23. ogm is a container filer which 'packages' all the needed files. you will need files to play back the ogm files (as provided by another poster above). a new container file format is mkv which is open source and has some improvements over ogm. the benefit with ogm is you can package in additional features such as english dub tracks (yeah yeah i know..real anime fans dont listen to dub tracks..). sfv is a file to verify the integrity of your downloads. an SFV checker will use the values in the sfv file and check to see if your files match up. if they don't then you know that file is corrupt. and yes rah is licensed and i encourage you to purchase it as it is a beautfiul series.
  24. awesome series. i cant wait to get this on dvd.
  25. i'll pass. better $ to spend on alternators and the like. wake me up when the MPC comes out.
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