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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. another cool episode but now the show is going to be another remake of the fugitive <_
  2. was that from that visions place?
  3. i just PRAY they dont come out with a honda civic with 6ft unpainted bolted on wing, Type-R stickers, clear tailights, and a popcan muffler.
  4. i have passed on the big boxes and have focused on the 4disc set instead. we all know a super duper box set will come out when this is all said and done so i might as well wait for that. edit - for canadian customers i believe the best deal around is from chapters.indigo. $39.19 online, $38.18 instore. for this month you can use your irewards card and save an additional % off. for online purchasers there's a $10 coupon as well. add $7 worth of goods and you'll have enough to get free shipping.
  5. YES there is a video problem on disc 4: Episode 19, "Crisis" on disc #4. Chapter 3 (title 5) from around 17:40 to around 23:00 (the chapter's end) and on chapter 5 (the preview) Heavy interlacing, visible scan lines, jerky/jittery animation. A fair number of people (myself included) have this problem. It is a glitchy disc. Contact ADV and they will send you a generic form. Fill the form out and ship it along with the ENTIRE package (so yes that includes the multi-disc case and booklet). You pay for shipping to ADV and they will ship a new one at their expense. This info is straight from an ADV rep. I have not sent mine back b/c i am waiting for an official response on this issue (i.e. have they gone back and remastered it? was it just a small batch which has this error? etc). When I asked ADV if the new discs will be corrected they didn't really answer me. I would hate to send this back and get another bad disc.
  6. do you like gravity defying breasts? no plot? a mad scientist who performs crazy experiments on Nanako? do you like bouncy breasts? if so then you will like ANN
  7. there's also a rumour that the viper could be repainted yellow to make Sunstreaker. if thats true i would be disappointed.
  8. The 3rd BT bot: Bluestreak ?
  9. Season 1 is available on fansub, hasnt been picked up for R1 yet. i imagine s2 will also be fansubbed
  10. Anyone know if there will HK issues of the new EVAs?
  11. a bandai rep has said not to buy into the rumous and that nintendo will not be taking over bandai lock stock and smoking barrel.
  12. didnt we just discuss this recently? anyway i think RahXephon is amazing. beautiful op/ed, ost, great character designs, engrossing story line. did you like Evangelion? then you'll probably like Rah. some call it an Eva-clone but thats selling it a bit short. yes they are similar but you'll find Rah less mind boggling then Eva. i found the end of Rah to be quite beautiful. note there's also a movie for Rahxephon which sums up the tv series.
  13. interestingly enough the latest toyfare mag has a pic of MP Prime US edition (read: sewer paint) with shiny long smoke stacks
  14. the anime is at a really good part. currently i find the manga story arc lacking and hope the excitement level is bumped up again.
  15. frankly i'm disappointed. regardless of one's political leanings with regards to HG we shouldn't be supporting bootleg products. edit - oops wrong company cited
  16. i fully agree. cant wait for my JP Prime to ship
  17. like say lipstick perhaps? their reasoning was that an XL tshirt doesn't fit everyone, figures break/dont fit in the package, a cap hasn't been done before. it has a velcro strap in the back to adjust the size.
  18. Kiddy Grade to be released by funimation will come in a dvd only release as well as a limited (only 5000 units) sturdy box + baseball cap + DVD. TRSI is taking preorders. i hate to say 'hurry now' but with such a low printing it might not be a bad idea if you're a fan of the series. edit: made a mistake in the publisher
  19. yes but Danguard 'intent' is not the same as definite. it is my intent to win a million dollar dollars doesnt make it happen
  20. yeah she's available for pre-order in this month's Dimaond Previews. What I want to know is what happened to the 2 Onegai Teacher figures they had for pre-order a few months ago?
  21. oh wow ep14 is a fantastic ep. not for the comedy but the great turn of events at the very end.
  22. ali you gotta slow down when you type...your posts are barely readable :|
  23. i love eva
  24. dell p3-933 512 mb ti4200 64mb dvdrom, 48x cdrw altec thx speakers audigy 1 soundcard 2x 200GB 8mb 1x 180GB 8mb 1x 120GB 8mb =700 GB 1x usb 2.0 external box currently swapping in 1 of 3 20gb drives
  25. well i do not know japanese. i can not tell if one group does a better job of translating then another. if i can follow along and the dialog matches up with the action on screen then i'm satisfied unless told otherwise. i cant complain about the quality of the a/v so yes i do think they are competant. i agree the old r-b was quite good. onigiri is very good as well.
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