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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. i think a few things could be cleaned up without inciting a riot (i.e. luke falling at cloud city...thats gotta be made more realistic)
  2. wow. for a rumour that is quite a wild one. i'll be totally blown away if some of those are true. somebody have a play book listing all the infinite versions of SW now? lol
  3. that's all well and good however there are ways in making this a more fan-friendly affair. to use everyone's favourite example of LOTR, the regular edition included a coupon good towards the purchase of the extended edition. surely a similar type of 'rebate' (not the same as a mass trade-in which i think is not a good idea) could be applied in recognition of those fans who supported the project early on - video flaws and all. Say 1 legacy box is worth $10 off the price of both remastered box sets. Unless i'm mistaken X1 was released August 14, 2001. X1.5 came out February 11, 2003. Not exactly a few months, but still not much better. That is another clear example of double-dipping at its worst. I don't buy the argument 'well other studios do it so why blame us' line. i argue that it is possible for a company (particularly an anime company. i mean come on how much more grass-roots can you get) to work with their fan base and to release the best possible product. So yes while it's amazing new material was found and that people who supported RT and the Macross releases were able to finance this new endeavour, the way about HG is expecting fans to re-purchase an entire series leaves me with a sour taste. If we agree that the majority of RT sales came from fans of the series, then just who exactly are they targetting with this remaster? i would argue it's those very same fans. do they owe them anything? no of course not however i believe it would be the right thing to do.
  4. so if HG/ADV is using the AnimEigo footage (which Steve Yun claims they are) then it would follow we would also get the zoomed out footage. or do you suppose they will crop it out to keep the look the same?
  5. what exactly do you mean when you refer to a 'zoomed' image? and i thought they are using the animeigo remastered footage...no?
  6. why is his gun grey?
  7. good to see you too jem. haven't seen you post as much lately.
  8. i like the Transformers op anyone have a clip of the japanese version?
  9. so now the question is who's going to cut up their MPC box?
  10. well season 2 of FMP? specifically, but yes i suppose it would be season 3 of the FMP universe.
  11. another brillaint episode. although 14 would also have made a good ending i think 15 leaves the show on a funny, zanny hinote. 14 would have been too much of a romantic cliche which i dont think fmp? was all about. here's hoping for a s2
  12. not a very impressive box.
  13. lol no need to pop a vein being vocal and deciding what to do with your cash is the best combo for getting the point across. if people said nothing and just didnt buy the product they wouldn't know why exactly the product hasn't sold. x-files? conspiracy? not at all. my simple point is this: yes its wonderful that new masters were found and what was previously impossible is now possible. i think some recognition of why this project is viable should be acknowledged - that being people who purchased the entire series under the assumption that it was the definitive release. a simple statement such as "And as our way of saying thanks to the loyal RT fans in north america who made this possible we're offering $5 off each boxset. Simply send in proof of purchase of your existing legacy set and we'll send a $5 coupon/rebate".
  14. that hound looks pretty snazzy. wonder if its all plastic lol. i like the sparkle that was added to the rims and headlights.
  15. haha. oh well looks like i'm in the bad books now
  16. oh hell ya! this is great news. hopefully the comedy will be at the same level
  17. there's a fairly detailed response from Steve on animeondvd for anyone who cares to read it. i'm too annoyed to bother pasting it here.
  18. i have both sets. what i really really really want is the manga translated :|
  19. words escape me. if only every dvd release could be so lucky as to have new masters suddenly appear <_<
  20. sorry what exactly do you mean by 'zoomed out' ?
  21. your response is basically 'they're a corporation so just accept what ever they do and gosh darn it don't rock the boat'. sorry i don't accept that. as a consumer we should make our concerns heard. it is far worse to not say anything and have companies believe what they're doing is the right thing.
  22. absolutely correct. hollywood dvds, particularly mega hits, are now *expected* to come out in various releases (or price points if you will). heck will anyone be suprised when a new LOTR boxset with new scenes comes out next year? or how about a new and improved matrix set? star wars? haha we'll be re-buying star wars every decade. i think the difference is we know that there will be a new and better release out. this is pretty rare in anime. my disbelief over double-dipping is equally directed to those mainstream releases as well.
  23. heh easy for you to take pot shots at the fans of the show huh? first we noted that the original release was not as good as it should have been. we were told there would be no remastering. fine we accept it, lay out the $ to purchase the sets. now suddenly not more then a 1 yr later a remaster is possible.yeah thats great for people who never bought in the first time but haha oops guess us suckers who bought in and supported the series are out of luck.
  24. the bitching is quite simple. fans plunked down a fair amount of money to buy all the boxsets to get RT. now we're told hey a new and improved set is coming. well gee don't i feel like a chump for supporting them to begin with. let me ask you take your favourite series..would you be happy with a grainy version or a new and improved restored edition? no point in crying? it would be far worse to say nothing and have them assume what they did was perfectly ok. there is no option at this point unless ADV offers a trade-in program. for fans of the show their only option is to plunk out more $ to get the version that they should have received n the first place
  25. well i dont know what to make of this. love rt etc etc but its only been what a 1yr? 2yrs? since the last rls. this is just blatant milking when what they should have done was rls this edition to begin with. i wouldnt feel so let down if they offered a trade-in program but of course that never happens. oh well.
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