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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. well i bit the bullet and ordered Innocence. i'll post my feedback when it arrives
  2. well of course its long stacks..its the takara version that trailer is just cardboard..dont get too excited.
  3. yes those are bear clips. clip the previous months page at the top, hang the clip the on a nail.
  4. well if you want to be practical <_< you're supposed to rip off each page. yes the nail goes through that metal piece you bend back. what most of us do is use bear clips and hang it up using those.
  5. i have yet to unroll my aya calendar...wierd about the kanji. none of past and present calendars are done like that. i'm still waiitng for my amg! and negima calendars. i had a mahoromatic and FMoS as well but cancelled those..got a little calendar crazy
  6. so you're saying the made up this elaborate plot, wasted all that time and manpower, nearly gets tony killed just to give jack an excuse to break salazar out of prison and then somehow get back in with the family? thats way too contrived for me
  7. yes jack has the same tatoo. you see it in one shot when he's setting his watch timer and pulls his sleeve. i think it was in the first season (or was it second) when jack had to go against another one of his black op buddies who turned bad. dunno what the deal is with ramon and his brother. and for that matter why they put so much effort into pursuing that teenage kid. and how is it tony, jack, and guy-el (haha) come up with this plan to reinsert him w/o informing ryan?
  8. yeah but my main point was this is the american release of the toy and it has the right-hand configuration..i just found it funny thats all.
  9. it was the tatoo to show that he was in the same elite commando squad as jack was years ago. i'm really entertained by this show but some of the story lines are pretty weak. the ex-husband who's going to shoot palmer's g/f? wow couldnt see that one happen. the extremely weak security in the nations counter-terrorist outfit..what's that about? a secret mission which tony keeps from his wife? and poor ryan..the guy is in charge of a bunch of hot heads who each go and do as they please. i hope this has a strong finish b/c so far this has not been as a good as past seasons.
  10. does anyone have any input on this item: http://www.otaku.com/cgi-bin/itemview.asp?...p?itemid=63553d it seems mighty interesting but i would love reviews first. thanks!
  11. i agree i dont like the autobot license plate or the red arms. cant wait to see what the takara version (if any) will be like. hopefully a nice sparkly silver anyone notice its a euro spec? (right hand drive)
  12. i briefly considered hooking the nes back up but then i remember how frustrating it would be to play
  13. any word on availability?
  14. you can never have too much fmp?
  15. that is simply amazing
  16. problem with AnimEigo is their limited distribution. i would be slightly annoyed if it became a website exclusive - i'ld be dinged duty fees and their packing methods are truly attrocious. after paying quite a bit for their box sets you would expect it would be shipped in something better then just cardboard and nothing else to protect it.
  17. a very cute series with great background visuals to match up with the character designs. hopefully the special will be licensed and added to the dvd release
  18. august? huh? it comes out April. where have people ordered their Rei? I want to do it with HLJ but they dont have a preorder button. How is akadot or tokyocentral?
  19. where's the Best Hentai release?! this list is a sham.
  20. http://www.tokyopop.com/dbpage.php?page=pr...&productid=1906
  21. chobits? who cares about chobits!! actually Tokyopop had a limited release of volume 8 + box + the chii figure exclusive to walden books.
  22. yeah i'ld be curious to know what other exclusives in past volumes were released. i have last years christmas set (rei and asuka) and passed on this years edition. going by the prices HLJ has the cheapest though i dont know how much shipping will change all of that. edit - AHHHHHH i can't preorder it at HLJ??? i agree its high time Misato got some love. its always Rei Rei Rei and to a lesser extent Asuka (though I hope an Asuka figure comes out) what sick little fans we are
  23. last night's ep was boring :| ho-hum kim's in trouble...i hope they kill her character off.
  24. if you get them let us (or me) know..i'll preorder from you
  25. there's a preorder for the US one on ebay for $73usd
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