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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. as a certified eva nut, those new evas look pretty good. anyone have more info on them? (i.e. which ones have come out, how much,etc)
  2. anyone own or have comments on the '06 Sonata? i'm in need of a new sedan and this caught my eye.
  3. its odd but in the midst of these super gee-whiz consoles from MS and Sony I am most excited about the DS Lite and 'Revolution' (or whatever they call it..tune in tommorow)
  4. Where's Buffy when you really need her??
  5. i hope it does well. we need more sci-fi on tv (and before the purists get on my back, yes i know SW is not sci-fi but just work with me on this one).
  6. you can now pre-order the Christmas special on DVD which also comes with the first ep of the '06 season from the BBC Dr.Who website. ships sometime in May.
  7. anyone have pics of the car voltron toys (or even that 3rd voltron which I barely ever saw).
  8. i haven't watched much lately, however one which i was a little disappointed in was Diamond Dust Drops.
  9. man mirage is pretty fugly as a bot imo.
  10. not everything from japan is cool :|
  11. ImToo suite, specifically dvd to ipod and psp to ipod utilities.
  12. well to be fair all companies raid their corporate parts bin to cut costs, its just that the degree to which GM does it is astounding. i see no difference in badge engineering of the 80s and today. to me the lines should be rijigged as such: Pontiac - sport coupes and sedans. dump the minivans and suvs Chevy - affordable cars, vans and trucks (the vette being the exception). make the impala into a better camry Cadillac - real luxury cars that give MB and Lexus a run for the money. I hate to say it but keep the escalade if only to sell to rappers and make money off of them i would get suppliers to give me quality components where it counts. i may not need a super expensive gas door hinge, but i sure would want high quality parts in the cabin. shift more production to canada. with our subsidized health care i would work with local unions to lower wages in return for jobs here. we've proven we can have world quality production plants. (naturally this is all unsubstantiated ponderings on my part. i'm sure much smarter people will prove me wrong on my points). anyhow as it stands i would never buy another american car for the next 5 or so years. my current Regal has been absolute lemon - certaintly nothing that would lead me to believe it deserves to be considered a 'near-luxury' model. i am so hyped over Hyundai that i absolutely can't wait to test drive the sonata.
  13. i don't think its their biggest problem, but i definately agree on the useless aspect. For GM i think Buick needs to be dumped in favour of Cadillac, Saturn should be merged with Chevy, GMC should be axed all together (send all the trucks to chevy and the luxo trucks to Cadillac), and Pontiac should re-focused into a high performance sporty division in the vein of mopar, amg, mazdaspeed, etc (gee isn't that what they're supposed to be?).
  14. that was a great scene. had the guy in need of Depends Pierce is a great character. hopefully they'll give him a bigger role in the coming seasons.
  15. fyi hyundai has a massive plant they just opened in Alabama. hardly slave labour personally i want GM to go bankrupt so they can clear house, cut down their car lines, dump their oppressive labour costs and get back to building cars people actually lust for. i can never understand why they have 4 divisions and fail when toyota/honda can get it right with just 2 main ones.
  16. i've always loved the 2 seater/coupe concept cars that Hyundai has created over the years. on that note i'm absolutely in love with the new '06 sonata from a value standpoint.
  17. dito. mine are the HK versions with 'crystal' bases.
  18. here's hoping they loose the eva movie license so i can have yet another eva dvd to buy.
  19. a pretty good ep. things are happening so quickly, though we still have a few unanswered questions.
  20. easy. goto a comic shop point at the nice shiny toy and tell the slightly overweight man behind the counter eating chips while watching FMA that you want this. you may or may not need to put down a deposit. or just use the order form from Previews and fill out what you want and bring the form to a comic shop and give them the form. in my case i just scribble my name next to the store copy of previews (the diamond catalog that comes out each month) and my buddy/comic shop owner orders the goodies for me.
  21. Thanks to kevin (of v-e) i received my voltron today. #3304 (did we do roll call yet?). not only was the display box mint, but it came sealed in a bag with styrofoam pieces surrounding it which was placed in a white box (with the 3304 marking) which in turn was placed in an OFFICIAL voltron/toynami carton. how much more rare can you get then that? (oddly the carton was numbered 1652 out of 2500..wonder what that means. the carton also listed which editions were inside - mine held #3303 and #3304). just random trivia since all the talk about the toy has already been covered i opened it briefly just to look at the box and the heft and detailing really impressed me. this is truly toynami's finest release yet.
  22. re:batman man that's not lego..thats plastic toys with little bumps on the surfaces :| (aka what ever happened to imagination and non-specialized parts to create models?)
  23. i love the poses! i gotta find me the mpc voltron..
  24. i just saw the tech demo for the ps3. WOW. then my buddy sent me the link to the Killzone 2 tech demo for the ps3. HOLY @#$. if that doens't convince someone to buy a ps3 i dont know what will (the FF demo was kind of lame though).
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