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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. no no no...i just didn't write every single line of dialog what i didn't add was that in their conversation Admiral Hunter could not spare any more variable mecha for the 10th Division so they were left with the nontransformable fighters and Condor Battloids (i guess similar to destroids?)
  2. Well anyways to bring this back more on topic, the point being is that mezzo forte and kite had a number of sex scenes in them. now granted they were ovas this series has those elements removed along with toned down violence (although you do get the obligatory sfx and blood splatches). In replacement humour has been added making this series (well just my guess based on 1 ep) far less grity. So for those expecting the same as the ovas will hopefully not be disappointed.
  3. poor tony...all the women around him are out to undermine him LOL a pretty good ep. i heard about the nina rumour a few weeks ago. the guy holding the auction reminds me of the ING spokesman here in canada ("save your money!" haha)
  4. hey jem glad you could respond your comments are always appreciated!
  5. well just finished watching ep1 seems like it will be an interesting series. The trio (you remember them from the Mezzo Forte ova right?) are hired to stop a man (Asano) from killing his ex-coworker (Takijawa). Seems 15 years ago Takijawa had one of the cute chicks (Misaki) in the lab where they work take a sample of a dead famous musician (you'll laugh at the name). she agrees and does the deed but the head of the lab finds out about it. he goes ballistic and kills the chick thinking she sold him out. fast forward to the present where that Takijawa now suffers from amnesia. Asano, who was in love with Misaki, spends his time plotting revenge. He obtains a drug that will restore his memory - his goal is to revive his memory, make him repent, and then execute him. Mikura shoots the drug and stops Asano from completing his plan. Then the ghost of Misaki appears and tells Asano to let go of his memories of her and to find a new woman (ok this part was weird). The building in which they find Takijawa is the old lab they worked in and comes tumbling down. Mikura saves Asano in one of those "no way!" action scenes. The ep ends with a sniper aiming his rifle at Mikura and the gang while they lounge around in their roof top hideout. Overall a fun ep. needs some sex though
  6. ok call me blind but other then the tires what were the mods you did exactly ?
  7. Robotech - Invasion #1 Yune, Faerber, Miyazawa, Dogan Issue 1 of the new RT comic series hit the comic stores today. It comes in 2 covers, one with Lancer in that really ugly cover page we've seen in the promos and other by Yoshitaka Amano - blank white background with what i presume is a stylized rendering of Lancer and a phoenix (please correct me if i'm wrong). this was a matter of the lesser of two evils for me. i found both covers unappealing and not the sort of thing that may sway a person from buying this on impulse. i went with the Amano cover as the other one was simply too ugly for me to look at. sorry Wildstorm no 2 cover purchase from me this time. Interior art work is no surprise for those who have followed the previous comic series. black background with cg coloured panels overtop. no real complaints here. since i'm not an expert i wont comment on whether the mecha have been drawn properly or not, though it seems fine to me. The story (possible spoilers) Following the aftermath of the Invid invasion, the 10th Mars Division arrives in earth orbit 7 years later to reclaim their home. On one of the battleships (which look like modified Zentraedi cruisers) Commander Olivia Stahl makes an attempt at getting close to Lieutenant Lance Belmont, a guitar strumming soldier in the Mars Division. He rebuffs her advances as she storms out of his room. (i should mention that her uniform is a one piece mini-skirt ensemble which seems strange. dunno maybe this was always the case for RT uniforms. she also looks like a zombie in my opinion..the skin colouring, facial expressions...not that pretty). A brief conversation between Lance and his wingmate Dimitry reveals the force is only equipped with non-variable fighters which are not designed for re-entry or close quarter fights (foreshadowing? naw). Condor Battloids are used to provide the fighters with cover, however Lance doesn't believe the Invid will attack them in space.... ....well guess again because not a page later then an Invid carrier ship leaves Earth to meet the force. The triple clam shaped carrier splits open to reveal the Invid swarm. A battle ensues, Lance's yellow squadron (he's the leader) launches to meet this threat. The fighters are armed with Reflex missles which Lance uses to take out the carrier ship, however the invid swarm Stahl's battleship causing it to prematurely re-enter Earth. Lance and Dimitry engage to provide cover but all 3 ships crash land on earth. Lance awakens to an angry mob who take him prisoner; Dimitry is found seemingly dead by a woman in a forest, split away from his commander. To be continued... For a first issue there's not much here going on to really comment on. The rejection of Olivia by Lancer is interesting (is he gay? does he not find her attractive? what's with his cool attitude?). The fighters and the Condor Battloids (dont think they were shown in this issue) didn't seem familiar to me - are they part of the RT canon or are these made up for this story? Shoult be interesting seeing how this plays out and the eventual transformation into Yellow Dancer. BONUS 'Mars Base One' This part surprised me. Included is a bonus mini-story. It opens with the final battle in Macross City with Gloval placing Lisa in the escape capsule. Claudia and Gloval have a few words ("Oh and now smoking on the bridge sir..") just before the SDF-1 explodes. The scene quickly shifts to Admiral Lisa Hayes looking over a photo album recollecting past events. The scene then shifts to a much younger Lisa (in civillian clothes no less) and Dr.Lang. An obnoxious Karl Riber is introduced to Lisa and later her father as they discuss the proposal to open a Mars base for robotechnology development. A limo then pulls up where the sillouette of a women can be seen. the limo explodes seemingly killing Lisa's mother (the women in the limo). To be continued... I found this part of the story a little more compelling (maybe its because it has Lisa in it ). The murder of her mother took me by surprise..was it ever mentioned how she died in the novels? (just out of curiosity..i know not canon). To me this mini story will hold my interest far more then the previous Minmei movie-slash-comic story attempt. Overall an interesting issue for RT fans but nothing here that will entertain Macross or average comic fans.
  8. that is a steal considering the list Diamond price is $60 USD. i can get one for $65 cdn (edit - just saw your more recent posts..yeah that makes a heck of a lot more sense! ). i myself passed on it as i think it looks rather ugly and seems to be nothing more then joints and screws all over. if a toy fails to make me a drool on the first glance then i'm gonna have to pass given the tight fiscal times we live in.
  9. that's a rather odd statement considering the popularity of macross variable fighters. both toys transform, hence they're cool.
  10. wil from Blasto is a stand up guy and very honorable. if you email him you can expect a response pretty quickly. my guess is he's just waiting for his shipment of primes to arrive.
  11. for fans of KGNE ep 14 just came out and i'm very pleased. it could have been improved slightly but overall it was a great tragic love story.
  12. i've got the same set as Rob...i felt it was worth it but others may disagree. i love EVA so these toys are amazing to have.
  13. seems like you reviewed the regular edition (which is odd b/c the picture you used is from the CE version). there is a collector's edition which contains scenes that were cut out (naturally explicit ones) and comes in sub only format. i myself loved this show. it is a small part of the story that goes much deeper in manga format (tales of drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, etc).
  14. sailor moon..its fun to watch cute chicks
  15. heh good thing i've seen this series. that trailer is rather weak. then again i suppose it would be hard to do Azu justice in a short clip.
  16. blasto has the takara vesion
  17. sex scenes? hot diggity can't wait for this to come out
  18. well by catalog i mean an actual catalog. your local comic shop should have it.
  19. err no its the japanese edition w/Rei. its under the import section in the catalog. fyi viz is also (and has been) doing their own version for some time. they are relaunching the line in the smaller/cheaper format and will include some bonus material. comes unflopped.
  20. now was that really necessary?
  21. american version = "battle damage" takara version = off the assembly line
  22. Rei+manga is now available for preorder from Diamond Previews
  23. hmm...interesting. but eesh $100 us for a rather ugly limited pose toy is too excessive for my tastes. i'll pass.
  24. i'm out of the loop on macross toys. are their pics of the q-rau anywhere?
  25. God, people... support the medium. Buy originals wherever possible. It's one thing when the product is out of print, out of circulation. It's another thing completely when the non-bootleg is still available... errr...ummm....ok ? the HK edition comes with a bonus crystal display stand and is from bandai. this is not a boot.
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