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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. i enjoyed the first ep of Gokusen. If they script it properly you could get a lot of laughs out of the gangster daughter slash air-head teacher. i have to disagree though..giving the animation a B+ is being overly generous. This is a pretty ugly series. The character designs remind me of beavis and butthead. ewww.
  2. interesting comment. as much as i would love to see a japanese film studio tackle this i am reminded by the pure cheeziness of sentai shows (power rangers et al) and i wonder if it is in better hands with an american studio. sure you could argue budget dollars but i look at Star Trek:TNG as a good series with a limited budget but didn't have as much cheeze factor. or am i way off on this? are there japanese live films which rival american movies in terms of quality (acting, story, fx, etc)
  3. i'm quite positive the colour used is just a prototype scheme. looks ok but it does look like an Energon figure. either way i'll pass.
  4. shouldn't this all be part of the licensing thread?
  5. just received an email from Wil. His Primes have left Japan and are on their way
  6. i have most of the eva kubrick boxsets (think i'm missing 2 or 3). out of the lot of them (~3 figs/box) there are maybe 4 or 5 i like. i kinda regret buying them now.
  7. you have giant organo-robots with the souls of females fighting "what-if" humans and you're complaining about realism? can't fault the producers for moving away from 14yr olds. aside from the pedo implications i doubt they would be able to find 14yr olds who can pull off that mentally damaged state they're in.
  8. in no order 1.Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.Maison Ikkoku 3.Onegai Teacher 4.Starblazers 5.Ai Yori Aoshi 6.Marmalade Boy 7.Azumanga Daoih 8.Innuyasha 9.RahXephon 10. Robotech: Macross Saga
  9. the latest episode was crap. they're starting to turn 24 into a daytime soap opera. ok chase getting his hand shot was cool and killing off Claudia was unexpected but everything else..come on. CTU is staffed by complete idiots. i'm actually feeling sorry for Ryan. what's up with the bring baby to work sub-plot? david's brother having an affair? jack getting it on with nina? ugggggggggg. my friend was right - the only characters i'm actually liking on the show are the Salazars.
  10. this was available for pre-order via Dimaond Previews and have just started shipping. i think they were $50 something (don't quote me). i'm an eva fan but i found this to be a tad ridiculous.
  11. the comic shop near me has 2 (or at least did last wednesday) and i think he was selling them for $70 - $75
  12. thats what happens when the bean counters and marketing saps control a company. all sense of reason and logic is thrown out the window The rx-8 looks neat. if it comes in BT form i'll consider it.
  13. it is still ongoing. currently at around v28c270+
  14. yes. evidence - ranma movies
  15. how is the snail selling them for $28? i know for a fact the list diamond price is $60 US. hell if they have it for $28 i'll go down there and grab 1 for myself. gotta be a bad pricing error on their part.
  16. omg it's Skeletor Prime!
  17. thats odd they would sculpt a face but not make the faceplate removeable (without breaking it)
  18. http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showtopic=4893 its at the bottom of that thread or check out the rt gallery: http://www.robotech.com/gallery/galimage/v...bcategoryid=126
  19. is there anything behind the faceplate?
  20. not a bad link but not much of a review..it was more like a detailed schematic. if i didn't know about the import market i'ld certaintly be excited to get an mpc. (lol and i thought i was the only one who thinks tv-n is an uptight group. just trying to get a fansub from them is a chore :| )
  21. her new hairstyle though has got to go. if i wanted Shaggy i'ld go watch Scobby-Doo.
  22. huh? as far as i can remember there was only 1 trade in program setup for i think the season2 ranma box set. could have been worse..Manga could have had the license.
  23. ep136 was just recently released; volume28 chapter270 in the manga is also out in scanned form. The only box set is the limited box set (which is kind of a joke in my opinion). it was designed to capture the x-mas sales and to bring in new fans. the box, which was originally supposed to be a tin but dumped, has the first 3 volumes of the series, a calendar, relationship chart, some cards, and it has a 15,000 production run. i would rather wait for the eventual season 1 box myself. any other box you may be seeing are bootlegs.
  24. i think the artwork is on the same level as the previous issues in terms of style (etc) i do agree the quality of the storyline isn't top notch. i think when you're dealing with a defined universe doing these prequel type of stories as an after-thought just doesn't work. these comics are very lightweight and not what i would consider to be a must-buy. it really only appeals to the RT fans amongst us as i doubt even non-anime comic buyers would find much interest in them.
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