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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. to add to that the re-issued prints will contain some additional goodies not found in the current printing (or for the cynical a little bait to get eva fans to rebuy the existing volumes).
  2. yes exactly
  3. the m&ms look very nice. i'ld pick those up in a heartbeat if i had the $
  4. what about this for the box top: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/mecha_illuf.jpg
  5. cant say i'm a fan of the new box top image. the logos are nice but i feel that picture is too dark
  6. i wouldnt use the manga as supporting evidence as Sadamoto has his own interpretation on events. that said i'm in the camp that doesnt believe misato killed him. also for some reason i thought someone had Dr.Akagi killed...never considered it could be suicide.
  7. no kidding...and was he wrong? looking at all the angry posts here he was pretty much dead on. seems like whenever RT is mentioned all sense of objectiivty is thrown out the window.
  8. screw gundam..i want more info on that Mizuho figure
  9. sooooo....how about dem dere transformers? pretty cool huh?
  10. i dont know i think we've been pretty good thus far in coming to general consensus. we would have to know how much demand is needed to keep the prices in line with original estimates
  11. i'm going to get the 4disc set, then wait until 2007 for the super box set of LOTR+Hobbit - no thats not fact but i have confidence in marketing to release it
  12. looking at an earlier pic of the 'official' champagne box for Macross one of the side panels is the same as the blaine (and co) designs. just a small point in favour of the mikimoto layout.
  13. as nice as the top pic is i can see the need to put in a mech shot. there's one of the Macross in 'bot form (lol dont kill me over my choice of words) over looking the city and has an orange-ish background (ok that probably makes no sense). anyhow it has a water colour feel to it so it may match up nicely with the wrap-around pics. still i do like that top pic though...guess it will have to be saved for the DVD cover replacement project c'mon any takers on that?
  14. oh my god that is absolutely gorgeous. i hearby rescind my original vote and put support towards the new warparound piece. two thumbs up! the more i look at it the more i like it..it has a wicked seemless quality to it and it looks like 1 coherent piece. just throw in a descrete mw.com and m logo and you're done.
  15. there is a pretty nasty glitch that quite honestly makes that section unwatchable. i posted adv's response on animeondvd.com (and you can also read about the glitch in the glitch disc forum).
  16. for some reason that pic makes me think bootleg
  17. spoiler (loL) did you get the metal rod and the 2nd ring? the 2nd ring is found by repeatedly open/close the curtains. the rod is found at the head of the bed.
  18. so the other valk is out then? (the all white with single red stripe)
  19. ewww that was offsides
  20. well i suppose if we have no choice we can go with the J (but i really really really really want the S).
  21. nice collection what is that love hina box in the first pic??
  22. i think Arcee would benefit from a pair of slendar hands to lovingly caress the monstrosity that is power lynx omega supreme prime (whatever he's called).
  23. do you think adding the Macross logo to the top strip would be a worthy addition or does everyone prefer the textless look?
  24. i'm stuck! edit - nevermind i escaped. neato game.
  25. blaine - that is exactly what i was thinking i'm just a big fan of that particular valk and i think it looks nicely on the box top i think some people may have mentioned this but what will scaling have an affect on our pic choices? will some details be too small to render (or the reverse will it become too pixlated)?
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