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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. if you like a solid slab of blockiness then yeah i guess Magnus is sort of neat?
  2. while it may have been nice that they did, the owner was at one point considering shutting the entire shop down due to the stress and financial concerns over running the store. after reading alot of the posts i'm much more willing to cut her some slack. i mean heck would you rather that she kept the orders and then disappoint afterwards if the order was shorted? (which we all know can and does happen). Dat Pinche "yeah seriously...i canceled my order with hlj since they doubted they'd get any in...and now this bull**** this is total bull!!!!!!" i dont understand your post. you cancelled with HLJ b/c they said they couldn't fill their order and now you have another retailer who has stock available. so why the anger? really i'm quite suprised by this.
  3. if you read the forums you'll see that the owner of the site DID NOT expect to be able to fill their pre-orders (a few other places also warned that they may not be able to fill orders). to TC's surprise they were recently sent a case that went over and above their existing pre-orders - this was done w/o their knowledge. in fact the owner expressed concerns she'ld be stuck with all these Rei figures. if you want to get angry direct it squarly at the japanese companies for their crazy pre-order schemes and short ordering and over shipping their customers.
  4. latest diamond previews has the NGE pinky (and a set of the regular ones) for preorder
  5. if jack did have a blank then ryan wouldnt have been on it going by his reaction. the great thing about this show is it willingness to kill characters and have them stay dead (ok nina was a bit of a stretch).
  6. for those who want one: http://www.tokyocentral.com/shop/exd.asp?id=2465
  7. although i'm not a fan of the colour scheme, it goes without saying you are very talented. thanks for sharing your amazing your work.
  8. i've got a takara. a much better toy then the 1/48.
  9. it also comes available with an order form to mail away for one of the Mech units.
  10. so far i like the red and blue pyramid design.
  11. damn you guys. i was hoping you'ld say it totally sucks. oh well another title to add to the list.
  12. What the...? yeah exactly
  13. so for those who have seen the fansubs how is this series? is it worth purchasing?
  14. and in other EVA news..... From the Diamond Previews catalog: "NEON GENESIS EVANGELION RENEWAL VOL 1 DVD (MR)SRP: $34.98" From ADV: "It has come to our attention that there is some inaccurate information floating around about an upcoming Neon Genesis Evangelion release from ADV Films. Please stay tuned for an official statement about future releases for this title." very intriguing to say the least
  15. MrDisco

    Yamoto check list

    i suggested this long time ago (and even had a checklist posted) but no one seemed interested or cared for the idea.
  16. yeah something like that but i would loose the macross plus text on the spine (call me crazy but i think its cool not having the text). also what about having the red and blue pyramid on either side? still not sure what to use for the top image though.
  17. no. it's not cool.
  18. i like this one. i would suggest streteching the spine so that it reaches the top and bottom. the top of the box could be a slight issue as the collage would probably look ugly if stretched. i do the like idea of having symmetry on the box sides and the simple black background and pyramid logo looks classy in my opinion.
  19. when i saw ep1 i wasn't completely unimpressed. couldn't see what all the hype was about. the voices annoyed me, the exaggerated hair antennaes on the chibi sister..ugg. but then ep2. WOW. blood! guts! awesome fight scenes! i am a believer now.
  20. the first design seems to disjointed the second one is very classy but i dont feel the spine matches up with the two black sides and i'm not a fan of the grey top. i would want to pursue this concept further the third one is the weakest in my opinion some great ideas over all though!
  21. i love playmobil! could you imagine have EVERY SINGLE set ever made? that would be one freaky mini-city
  22. addedum - the wartime buddy who was thought to have died during a mission in kosovo.
  23. reminds me of the days of that mysterious company..sun something or other. whatever happened to that supposed US arm of yamato?!
  24. i had one but mine was a bootleg.
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