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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. well until some new ideas/pics pop up i like the dual pyramid design. thanks for your efforts.
  2. as i stated all along....
  3. i agree - no sense posting pics that may look cool if we can't get hi res pics for with regards to the pyramid my thought is that even with the wrap around that posted the edges still get cut off. i just think it ruins the aesthetics of that image and clutters the box side. i mean all it ends up being is a rather large blue blob. given the limited hi res pics available my personal choice is to go for simplicity and have the blue and red (or blue and blue) pyramids on the sides of the box with the dessert (textless) image on the spine.
  4. how about taking your last post and swapping out the portrait pic on the left with the blue pyramid. i dislike having the pyramid chopped when its placed on the top or spine as it ruins the effect of the image.
  5. well i couldnt find a more relevant thread so dug this one up. today i received both the EVA-03 and 04 AND the HK crystal bases (thanks twin moons). i havent seen a combo set of base+figure so i had to order these seperately. anyway since most people have seen 03 and 04 i thought i'ld show the bases Crystal Bases It may be hard to tell but the 03 comes with the dark base, and the 04 comes with the lighter one. as for the figures, well i havent opened 03 yet but 04 is very pretty. the polished silver makes it seem like a limited edition figure (and judging by how fast some places sold out it wouldnt be far from the truth). be careful though..mine out of the box already had some wear on one of the legs. plus the joints seemed very loose and delicate. oh and one of the screws on the base was loose. ARrrrrggg. definately not a toy to be mis-treated.
  6. at this time there has been no word on future exclusives. my wild guess is that if they do make another exclusive it will be Asuka.
  7. it is japanese. is the exact same item as the one being sold in japan.
  8. 65.0% otaku pure (35.0% otaku corrupt).
  9. his boxes can be hit or miss..it all depends on the source artwork. the quality of the box is without comparison. as an example i don't think the monochrome boxes (black, gold, silver) really show off how nice his boxes can look. conversely some of his colour works can be subpar (i.e. the official Eva PC vs the standard one. i think the all black standard box has more impact).
  10. i dunno..it still looks like a lump of messed up plastic.
  11. and its unlikely that you will because 1. it's Golden Week (i.e. all of japan shuts down) 2. they are in the middle of moving to their new premises. i wouldn't worry. you will get your Rei's from them no problem. i've ordered a number of very expensive art books from them w/o a hitch.
  12. they knew b/c she wasn't dead and was allowed to leave the hotel. saunders was no doubt keeping tabs on the hotel and knew that she was probably clean so they grabbed her. the motorcycle was just a red herring. thankfully so. how many times have we seen bad things happen to motorcades at train crossings.
  13. Toronto, ON latitude 43.6535 43° 39' 12" longitude -79.3839 -79° 23' 2"
  14. another great ep. hmm i just noticed that this forum needs a spoiler tag. (this also seems pretty silly) anyhow with only a few more eps left i wonder if the season will end off with a semi-cliffhanger. tony has some explaining to do...
  15. thank you for your help on this matter
  16. vol2 tshirts? do you have a link of an example as i've never heard/seen it.
  17. ok so there's no feature then to have just the subtitles during the japanese langauge dialog.
  18. would someone be able to clear up the subtitle confusion for me? i understand it as follows: - it plays the whole movie with the original english dubs - if you enable the english subs then it stays on for the whole movie - for the scenes in which they speak japanese you either have to do with out subs or manually enable them (and then disable them when they go back to english). is this correct? also whats the deal with the dvd jacket? i see that not many sellers are including it. was it a special bonus for some retailers?
  19. its a cool gimmick but i think we all agree not worth the price, particularly when a regular g-shock goes for much less.
  20. i saw this box on ebay. i need to get that, bolar wars, and comet empire..just need to find it for less the $95usd :|
  21. thats a bit subjective. i havent seen either series fully so perhaps too early to tell but so far i think i like ikkitousen's story but TenTen's fight scenes.
  22. if you are either a batman collector or a hot wheels fan this years line up includes 3 different hot wheels batmobile editions. (i'm talking about your regular .99 cent line up).
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