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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. lol. from your first post i was thinking of something like a door with a little finger slot to open and i couldn't figure out how you were going to hinge the thing. its an interesting idea but i doubt its practical. it would add to the cost and you could potentially scratch the sides of the slide out cover. plus i wonder if he has a set size for standard DVD cases - this would require making the cover piece slighlty smaller to fit inside the case.
  2. MrDisco

    TOMY Gashapons

    because clearly someone looking for robotech toys wouldn't be interested in them..
  3. Sharpie (the brand name) is a popular permanent ink marker that comes in different tips (chisel, point, etc) and is predominantly black. best used for writing the names of bootleg anime on a cd-r (just a joke!) no offense to the author but i dont like the look of sharpies on valks. i would prefer a solid black marker that didn't fade. anyone have pics of graphite pencil based valks?
  4. that is one awesome looking jetfire.
  5. i think the 2 cockpits on either side would be quite stunning - we'll get full use of the color printing if use them rather then the schematics (though those are nice as well...they would be great as a liner insert); the top could be the blue pyramid or perhaps the pic with isamu and the macross+ kanji; not a big fan of the group shot in the red triangle. the spine would be the sticking point. i still like the dessert.
  6. eww no thanks. Asuka doesn't need a male 'unit'
  7. like on the inside?
  8. i prefer the original shot
  9. i agree about the battroid pics. looks a tad too cluttered. replacement covers is a great idea but: 1. i wouldn't want to see our current PS experts distracted from the main job of the box designs 2. not everyone has access to a full colour printer its too bad PC doesnt do cover replacement projects.
  10. i agree with you, the shade of blue needs to be altered. in the end i'm still with the dessert.
  11. you and i are of the same mind jwinges. i absolutely love the dessert image. i think the effort put in has been outstanding but with no disrespect i have to stick by this selection.
  12. http://www.dvdsoon.com/show-title-details.xml?uid=106445 $52.98 cdn think that's the lowest price in canada right now
  13. where did you get that from and how much? I got mine from here. http://www.jungle-scs.co.jp/cgi-bin/goods....FIGURE&keyword= You're lucky that they still have it. HLJ is backordered. oh, that's where you got it from? Man, I'll just go there myself to pick it up. Thanx! Got it from Osaka, Japan. I don't know about the US store though. hehe. Dang!!! Lucky bums!!! this was featured in Previews so don't be surprised if american retailers sell them once they've shipped
  14. i have 2/3 of the sets released then lost interest in them
  15. From the 2004 Shizuoka Hobby Show: http://www3.hlj.com/shs/figs/pictures/dscn0868.html http://www3.hlj.com/shs/figs/pictures/dscn0869.html Both are rather grim (and 01 is just down right freaky). Not sure if they are poseable or just statue-like. Guess if you liked the Kaiyodo 'bezerker' EVA you'll love these. edit - these are prepainted with no release date as of yet
  16. thats all well and good but what are his other variable modes?? congrats!
  17. yeah i cant wait for the season 1 box set. i love this show.
  18. features: Japanese 5.1 Language English 5.1 Language English Subtitles Clean opening and closing animation Episode: 01 commentary by director Matt Greenfield Episode: 02 commentary by Matt Greenfield and Spike Spencer ("Shinji")
  19. well its rather old news. The japanese restored the video and released the Renewal project in japan (the limited box was very spiffy). after all the speculation ADV licensed those masters (though they are not necessarily of the same caliber as the originals - questions remain about whether its a progressive scan or not) so now we have the Platinum edition. considering this is the only way r1 fans will be able to get an uncut, restored version i'm not toally against it, though its a bit of a bummer for those of us who already bought the Director's Cut discs. but i'm all argued out so now i just accept that DVD companies will always be on the look out for ways to milk a popular series.
  20. "Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition Vol. #1 ADV Films 125 min. 1/7(discs) $29.98 (DVD Only) 07/27/2004" so on that date there will also be a disc 1 + box edition as well
  21. english subs and dubs
  22. lineartbox3 for me
  23. eva platinum is the new remastered version of Neon Genesis Evangelion (using the R2 renewal source). The video quality is quite stunning compared to the regular edition. initially it was a DVD only affair, but just now they announced a sturdy box option. pics aren't up yet but i believe it will be white in colour, similar to the cover art used for disc 1.
  24. ADV just announced a new SKU - Eva Platinum vol.1 + box (of the sturdy, 'chipboard' variety). for those of who preordered vol.1 may wish to cancel if you want the new box.
  25. linearartbox+dessert
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