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Phil K

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Everything posted by Phil K

  1. Alto transferred from the school of performing arts in midterm and thus missed out on recruitment.
  2. Er, Minmay was the fan service queen of the original cast and she was the same age as Ranka.
  3. A prime example is the last episode where the Exia fights the Alvaroon. The animation during the fight was horrid. The Alvaroon suffers from gun erectile dysfunction.
  4. Macross has never been serious business, if ep 4 is turning you off, you should probably stop watching now.
  5. Can someone post AiA's version of Ozma and Alto's convo in the hangar post fight so I can correct the .ass I got from Gattai?
  6. Ep 4 is like the textbook example of why I love Macross so much. It never takes itself too seriously, but still delivers on the character development and hot mecha action.
  7. Tuna = Maguro. It's a japanese word pun on Mah cross uu
  8. Flat two tone rendering of 3D Models is called "Toon Shading". "Cel Shading" refers to coloring animation frames by painting on top of transperant "cel"luloid sheets. Technically no anime has been "cel shaded" in a few years now, they just scan in the pencil drawings and color them on the computer now due to the rising cost of plastics.
  9. I know you do, that's why I am giving you the tip.
  10. I enjoyed Mac 7 from start till end.
  11. Don't really see any more sexualization in Macross Frontier compared to comedies or dramas set in high school from the West. Why you hating on Japan, man?
  12. Sheryl is 17, Alto is 16, Ranka is 15.
  13. This is my updated ship list that I submitted to the Macross wiki New Macross Class Assault Carrier (colored in teal) NCV-025 Battle 25 Guantanamo Class Stealth Carrier (colored in green) CVR-699 Belleauwood CVR-625(?) Clark 2 CVR-670 Bakuyou CVR-663 Kaga Bolognese Class Stealth Frigate (colored in blue) FFM-805 Glendale FFM-860 Amagi FFM-796 Century FFM-810 Eden FFM-??? Glendale II FFM-832 Arc Broom FFM-??? Furious FFM-866 Bluewhale FFM-??? Starline Uraga Class Escort Carrier (colored in purple) CVS-720 Fahrion CVS-707 Velagulf CVS-670 Rakatuo CVS-??? Magellan CVS-??? Keiga CVS-761 Vandeglift Two Bolognese class ships named Glendale are seen during the shot. One is in formation with the Amagi and Century, and its name is very clear. Another Glendale is seen in formation with the Guantanamo Clark 2 off the port stern of Battle 25. Since it is not as clear as the first Glendale, I'm putting it down as the Glendale II for now.
  14. They had this in DYRL as well when Hikaru rescued Minmay.
  15. Here's some more stuff for you folks to speculate over. These shots were taken from the CIC screen during the first wave of X-9 Ghost Fighters. The warship docked to Island 1 is indeed Battle 25, NCV-025 (listed as a New Macross Class Assault Carrier). Look at the size difference between the Battle 25 and its bodyguard Guantanmo class carriers . On its left quadrant, it is protected by the Belleauwood battle group(?), consisting of CV-699 Belleauwood and CV-625(?) Clark 2 (Guantanamo class carriers) and FFM-805 Glendale, FFM-860 Amagi, and FFM-796 Century(Bolognese Class Stealth Frigates). Sailing ahead of the fleet as its vanguard, we see CVS-720 Fahrion, CVS-707 Velagulf, and CVS-670 Rakatuo (A new class of stealth carrier?). Other Bolognese class names visible during this pan is the Eden at the left front vanguard, and the FFM-832 Arc Broom on the right. Some other interesting facts to note. Island 1 was in the process of lowering its shield when the Varja attacked. Its rate of descent appears to be pretty slow due to its immense size (about 0.01% per second). The Island 1 possesses a much upgraded Pin Point Barrier System. the upper left front quadrant alone sports six PPBs.
  16. Here we track the notable fleet movements from the opening summary in Macross Frontier Megaroad 01 in White Macross 5 in Yellow Macross 7 in Red Macross Galaxy(21) in Blue Macross Frontier(25) in Red Megaroad 04 omitted Points of interest: Megaroad 01 isn't shown heading toward galactic center Macross 5 is not shown to be sunk Macross Galaxy launched from Eden Discuss away I guess.
  17. One only needs to see the intro for VFX-2 to see that isn't the case
  18. For all we know though, it's just the Macross Frontier fleet that isn't using VF-19s. The Macross 5 fleet used VF-14s as their main fighter instead of the VF-11 after all. It does seem that each fleet has a certain bit of discretion on what they produce.
  19. Try doing this in Photoshop, it'll make your colorings look 100% better. Put your lineart on the top layer. Set the Blending option to "Multiply". This will make the blacks stay black but the white transperant. Make a second layer and put that underneath your lineart layer. Use the marquee select tool to add in blocks of colors in this layer. Now you're coloring in Photoshop without having to redo lines over and over again
  20. I was under the impression that the VF-25 was already named the Icarus.
  21. So I'm back from Otakon. Macross Missile Massacre sold ok. One gentleman bought one off me and told me he named his first born daughter Miriya cause he loved Macross so much. Now that is hardcore. Another person who I swore was Black Aces bought a print off me as well and talked Macross with me for a bit, that was nice.
  22. There are two schools of mech drawing. The school of do anything to make it look cool (ex. Go Nagai, Pat Lee), and the meticulous draftsmen (Katoki, Kawamori). The make it look cool group will play fast and dirty with the proportions and perspective of a mech to get it into uber dynamic poses like those you saw in Destiny. Draftsmen type artists will try to ensure, even for transforming mechs such as valkyries, that all the parts and gadgets are where they're supposed to be and detail perfect. Now, the trick of Macross mecha is the be aware at all times that the robot is pretty much a fighter jet you chopped apart and rearranged. The best way to get better at drawing them is to buy a couple Air Power magazines (or Jane's All the World's Aircraft) and just practice drawing the pictures inside. A battroid is easy to draw. The Fighter and GERWALK are harder . Finally, it's pretty important to draw some sorta skeleton or rough sketch before hand to work out all the perspective before you commit (cleaned up pencils, inking, coloring). The folly of many newb mech artists is to not work out what the pose and the perspective is. I have one or two tutorials up on my site, maybe they'll help you too.
  23. No, I played around with it and Focker just didn't add anything to the piece as much as I love the guy. Had to go.
  24. Hey Hey MW'ers. Old school poster has returned from the dead. Unfortunately someone new has taken my old nick (Phil, all the way back to rec.arts.anime.macross), so new nick it is! I'm doing an art table at Otakon next weekend, and since Macross' 25th anniversary is coming up, I decided to go with an old crowd pleaser, the VF-1 Valkyrie and an Itano Circus/Macross Missile Massacre. Click here to view If you're going to be at Otakon, come drop by my table at E12-13. Myself and a bunch of fellow mecha artists will be selling prints and other merchandise, and we'll be more than happy to do sketches.
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