I did the Marathon, just finished, and wanted to post right away about the "I kept it a secret part" I can't believe she was talking to Brera so soon in the series
I was also wondering whatever happened to that red tag thing around Alto's neck, it seemed to have some importance, but was it important??, We never saw it again, also in The deculture Edition, more than one person pointed the fact that Sheryl had a spot (Mark, Tatto??) on her left leg and although we all thought it was important or related to the series, it wasn't, I forgot about all those things as the series continued and just remembered after the Marathon Also I loved hearing all the music from the OST in the background I have the cd on all the time while I'm driving and now I can picture the moment when each track was played in the series
I know there's more stuff, but I'll keep it short for now