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Everything posted by Macross1982

  1. I did the Marathon, just finished, and wanted to post right away about the "I kept it a secret part" I can't believe she was talking to Brera so soon in the series I was also wondering whatever happened to that red tag thing around Alto's neck, it seemed to have some importance, but was it important??, We never saw it again, also in The deculture Edition, more than one person pointed the fact that Sheryl had a spot (Mark, Tatto??) on her left leg and although we all thought it was important or related to the series, it wasn't, I forgot about all those things as the series continued and just remembered after the Marathon Also I loved hearing all the music from the OST in the background I have the cd on all the time while I'm driving and now I can picture the moment when each track was played in the series I know there's more stuff, but I'll keep it short for now
  2. I hate this guy!! http://sdf5x.blogspot.com/search/label/Macross%20F He is all about Robotech and he claims not to like the show, but I bet he does anyway and I'm sure he will buy the toys too!!! How can Shadow Chronicles even compare to Macross F?? I can't denied that it was Robotech that brought me into the Macross World (I don't mean this website, but Macross as a whole), but I don't keep myself from watching Macross because of that, heck!! the More Macross I watch the less Robotech I like.
  3. I was waiting for this, Thank you Veffidas!!
  4. She will come back in the movie wearing one of those patches that Birler and Briitai had
  5. Did anybody notice how the blush came back to Luca's cheeks when Ozma called him skull 3???
  6. What a Geek!!! , Just Kidding!! I am transforming my VF's as I write and listen to Lion
  7. Yeah, but the fact that Klan was flying his VF-25 and that she handed the Sniper gun to Alto to defeat Grace was a nice touch
  8. Awesome!!!! Great Episode!!! About the last Aimo song, didn't it sound like the voice of the person who played Myung/Sharon Apple in Macross Plus?? Gabriela Robin maybe??
  9. That's true, if We get all the questions answered now, there will be no more Macross in the future, that leaves the door open for a movie or OVA's
  10. I can't belive we've gone to 24 pages in two days!! I just finished the episode (My daughter is taking a nap so that gave me the chance to do it ) and it Seems that Sheryl is related to Mao after all, but if she is Mao's grandchild what happend to Mao's daugther in order for Sheryl to be abandoned like she was?? Anyway maybe somebody else already posted this, but like I said 24 pages in two days is a lot of posts to go through and I doubt my Daughter will sleep for the 5 hours that I need to go through all of them
  11. LOL I'll let it go then, Hey Gubaba who do you like best Gubaba or Nanase???
  12. Your Avatar is so Cool that nobody remembered to quote you, We were too busy thinking about the YF-19
  13. Hey MisaForever, I don't mean to put you in the spot and I don't know if this has been brought up to you before, but if you had to choose between Misa and Klan which on would you pick??.
  14. He will always be alive in our hearts
  15. Wow!! Nice discovery, It would make sense if Mao gave them to Sheryl Kawamori said this series would tie them all together, he wasn't kidding
  16. Wow, this page is full of people complaining about the espisode, don't understand why most people loved it
  17. Any more news about any more Cm's Toys??
  18. So, not worth watching them then ??
  19. Does anybody know what is that Macross Fufonfia that appears in Tokyotosho????
  20. I need an AVI file not MKV, It does not work for me. Please Lunar!! Must see this episode again with subs and in AVI format
  21. There was an announcement in the middle of the Episode saying Final Macross F 10/16, so I think that is pretty official
  22. Macross F ends in October so that wouldn't be a good enough reason
  23. Or Maybe Shin Came with his Magic VF-0 And took him to whatever Magic land Sara Took him 50 some years ago
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