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About ~Homer~likeVF19A

  • Birthday 08/26/1983

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Here is the news. I have tried to find but there have no any the official announcement on Harmony Gold, Kawamori, Satelight or Tatsunoko Production. Is this news truth??
  2. Just pass by. Here is another JP wiki about MTF, there already have 3 passwords avaliable. Hope it can heip you~~ Password page I've just play it in slow progress(cause I also playiny SuperRobotWar L same time). Discuss it in next time
  3. From screen-shot, it seem we can have some interactive with Rakan and Sheryl. It was interest if we can make Rakan or Sheryl to become lover from Alto.
  4. Keith: Previous I've trouble with M12 to get "SS",after I search on web and found there have a site that how he beat all "SS" rank, and I get the last trophies. Hope it can help you. マクロストライアルフロンティア 裏ッ☆ミッション攻略 Simply translate: Use Klan as pilot(it seem she is his favor) and Sheryl as support(to keep full HP bonus). Use Klan's VF-25S with Armor Pack. While reload missile, use Charge Shooting to kill enemy ace
  5. I saw in kornhill @ $517
  6. Kool homer no problem you gave a lot of good information for the game and were very helpful your english was great thanks a lot

  7. Get the S rank at "Fleet of the Strongest Women" mission. Then you can get all Sound Boosters~~
  8. The pack that use in atmosphere as fighter mode are VF-0 super pack, SV-51 booster equipment(cannot transform to other mode), YF-19/VF-19A Fast Pack, YF-21/VF-22 Fast Pack and VF-2SS Super Armed Pack I also play it hard when I first play. My complete method is to try to focus on upgrade missile accurate and effective distance(in row 2 and 4), also cannon tune up in accurate and fire speed.(row 2 and 5). While playing, keep the distance with Vajra(with star) as far as possible. Within 2500~3500 use missile, over that range use cannon to attack. If they around you not more than 1500 try melee attack. it may damaged them up. You can try to use its SP attack, although when it fire not very accurate, but you can turn your fire angle while shooting(by pressing directing button). But it is difficult to aim the target, you have to practice it.
  9. Really?? Thanks Renato~~ I've buy it today but haven't read yet. I have to look out where it write
  10. You can buy it in Causeway Bay Sogo 11/F Book Club Follow is difficult for me to write in English, so I write in Chinese. Sorry for other 香港根本唔睇好這MUF, 將佢定性為只加新機呃錢作, 加上Macross 人氣比唔上Gundam, 自然無Game 書詳寫攻略, 更唔會出專門書. D 攻略我都係日本自家wiki到找. 如果想找日本原裝攻略本, 先去宇宙船博一博, 但佢地唔多入貨. 最後先去日本書專賣店, 因為佢地最少13算比宇宙船8~10算貴好多. 其中一間日本書專賣店係Sogo 11/F 旭屋書店, 另外康怡都有一間. 我住港島東, 所以只知這2開. 如果你睇日文都OK, 可以試下我找到的日本wiki 網址:MUF Japan wiki guide. Wish it can help you~~
  11. Macross Frontier, Quarter and Galaxy are get from extra mission. Frontier is complete Macross Heaven(マクロス天国) in S rank(about mission no.11) Quarter is complete Ultimate Bomber(マクロスアルティメットフロンティア・天) in S rank(about mission no.13) Galaxy is complete Yak Yak deCulture(ヤック・ヤック・デカルチャー) in S rank(about mission no.12)
  12. Type A is the Valkyries SPA did not changed, also the weapons and performance will not change to original if the pack health is used up. Type B is the Valkyries change to pack SPA(normally is full weapon fire, you have to try what it SPA as the game didn't mention at anywhere). If the pack health is used up, it will purged and lost pack weapons and performance. To manually purged the pack, is press L, R, O, X, □ and △. (Total 6 buttons) Forget some thing. If you are using Type A and the pack is purged yourself, all weapons and performance will back to original.
  13. I've killed Gamlin and got SS ranks in this mission. And I've play this mission again and find one question, are you well protected the Battle 7?? You can see the score from report "Special 2". For Sivil, you can unlock her when you got S rank in M7 mission 6(おちていく小悪魔: Fly Fly Fly) plus complete last M7 enemy mission(我が名はゲペルニッチ: Spirituous Dreaming) at any ranking
  14. As some common how to get S or SS ranks, you can see it from mission clean report. First, "HP Bonus", "Time Bonus" full score is 30000pt, you must try to get full or near full score. If one of them is low scores, you have to try to improve them. "Special Bonus" also is the main key to get the S/SS rank, so try to get them all too. And the last are "Combo Bonus" and inside killing list "Excellent bonus", these are not important to get S/SS ranks if you get high score at other bonus. HP Bonus will deduct when your basic HP is decrease(it means your addition pack HP damaged won't deduct this score) Excellent bonus is how many missile you shoot down in the mission(flared missiles in fighter mode won't count) Yes, D7 last mission is the key to get VT-1C. You have to get S ranks to unlock D7 chronicle mission, than you have to completed the chronicle mission "Galaxy Whale Singing: Zola"(no matter which ranking) to get VT-1C. "Gamlin's Revolt: I Call Your Name" you must defect gamlin to complete the mission as this is the mission target. For getting the S rank, just see my top of this post, it may help you to get S rank. Sivil is not a playable character on campaign mode.(I don't know she can play in free mission mode~~)
  15. I helped you to search, the 25k(パイロットスキル制限解除=pilot skill release) is your supporter can start to learn exclusive skill like Sheryl, Minmay attack etc. 36k(時代制限解除=Time/Era release) can use other era mecha playing. But there have one other requirement is you have completed all era/story missions. P.S. I find a new information about how to get cost free at Nyan Nyan shop, but very difficult. The shop must reach 30Lv, and all mode must completed(include enemy, chronicle, extra, EX Challenge Mode and ultimate mode). how can i get it~~~~ in ultimate mode over Lv3 always mission fail because of time over
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