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Everything posted by todd77

  1. I believe someone posted a few pages back a trick to do this - something about not fully inserting the peg on the wings or somethings. The side effect is that the legs will touch the floor when grounded.
  2. I wonder what's the deal with anime man-boys with the Lancia Delta? Frontier has it and so does OO Gundam.
  3. Alto, since that's the not so common one right now. Then the Luca and finally Michel (only because we've seen so many of the latter already!). Of course, that's my preference.
  4. Is it April already? Damn, need to check the calendar more...
  5. Just wanted to do some catch-up on the series only to find out that tokyo-tosho is now beijing tushuguan on the main page. Ow, my eyes... (the colors)
  6. Agreed. I actually think it looks pretty good with the super packs despite the non-uniform colors. And I really like that underside antenna.
  7. Updated Gamu review of the RVF with super packs.
  8. Looks even better now with the proper chest armor!
  9. I was never really a fan of the VT-1 but after seeing those pics, the amount of little changes like the tips of the wings and the canopy design, plus the uniqueness of the fast pack sold it for me.
  10. Are you saying that there's no way to attach the gunpod to the RVF in fighter mode since the necessary accessory is missing? Does the bottom tail fin impede the attachment of the gunpod? Does the 25G come with an extra attachment for the regular gunpod (there are three types of attachments shown in Gamu review of the 25G)? If so, can that attachment be used on the RVF? Sorry for the bombardment...
  11. I think greasy surfaces are quite common with Bandai toys. My SOC Gunbuster was pretty greasy when I first opened it.
  12. Will the legs hold though if the toy were to be put on a display stand?
  13. Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely pay special attention to that area when mine arrives.
  14. Did yours came out of the box like that or did it took some time for the thing to wear out? If the latter, how long?
  15. Assuming this is true, are they referring to the reissued version of Alto's 25F coming out this April or a much later release?
  16. I thought drifand said that that may not be the case? Anyone with an exact confirmation on this?
  17. ^ Thanks for the replies. Really appreciate it. Despite some of the flaws mentioned here, I still can't wait for mine to arrive. Just hope that it doesn't suffer from other QC problems. Just noticed that this reviewer's 25G has a nasty gash on the crotch. Hopefully it didn't come that way out of the box.
  18. I thought we were doing mechas here, not pokemon!
  19. Thanks for the awesome pics, drifand. I always look forward to your impressions. Just a question, how well does the fighter mode hold together with all those super parts? I want to be able to fly mine around without worrying about parts falling off or flopping around.
  20. Thanks for the good news on the lasers. And boy does she look good! Can't wait for my preorder to arrive!! And yeah, what's the official news on the landing gears with the sniper rifle attached? Is there enough ground clearance?
  21. That's one chunky valk, and I mean in a beefy kind of way! Looks really good.
  22. Actually, it's TWO pics, if you care to count, Of course, bendy lasers or no, I still love the overall design. Maybe Bandai will surprise us with swappable lasers, like some of their Gundam toys. Or may be not...
  23. What the...? And Mikhail's 25G head design is my favorite one too!
  24. Or sagging. Those joints had better be tight in order to burden those giant legs and the ARMDs, particularly in fortress mode. My WAVE SDF-1 currently exhibits a bit of both symptoms.
  25. I've just received a reply from them and they said there was an error in the product listing and they'll issue a refund for the excess payment. Whew! So it is 15,000 yen. But the shipment stays the same due to the value of the product. They mentioned that the shipment listing is not correct as their system is "old." Oh well... At least they are lightning quick in their response.
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