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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. I am intrigued by the resources that you seem to have at your disposal and the potential for the project. I wish you all the best with it. I wish there was something that I could do to help, but alas, I've not much in the way to offer of art since all my work is low-poly. I think I speak for all the Macross DYRL mod team though, that if you wish to use our models/textures for low-poly placeholders in your production (we have modelled and textured most of the DYRL-era Zjentohlauedy, Meltohlauendy and UNS ships and fighters), you are more than welcome to use ours.
  2. Nice .Give us more!
  3. That last one looks like a protodevilin ship
  4. Lestat


    True. But Aegir is a less unwieldly name. Njord is pronounced n-yord, Aegir as a(e)-gear. The latter has a much flowing sound to it. Then again sturmvogel is not a wieldly name...
  5. No. It is not. It's in development, release date: when it's done. Realistically, still months away. Depends on whether or not we get enough of the HW2 talent working on the conversion process.
  6. Lestat


    Njord is the Vanir Norse god of the sea, probably a giant. He is the father of Frej and Freja (using swedish spellings here). As for meanings, it's a name. Aegir is the Aesir god of the sea. Traditionally, Njord appears to have been more important/prominent, and is known to have the most beautiful feet of all the gods (The frost giantess Skadi demanded a husband from the Aesir (Njord was a hostage exchanged at the end of the war between the Aesir and Vanir, and is considered an Aesir god after this early event) because the gods had slain her father (or was it brother)... but the catch was she had to decide based solely on the feet of the individual. Thinking the one with the most beautiful feet was Baldur, she mistakenly selected njord).
  7. Lestat


    Could be a good name for it. Following that theme, it could also be named njord, trident, or poseidon. Other names might include harpoon or torpedo
  8. They were changed? That's too bad. If only things were as easy as in HW1 to mod. Delphy's tool kicked arse, you could do everything you needed to from it... And it didn't require using Maya...
  9. Lestat


    I have to say, I'm keen on your fighter mode, but not so much on the battroid.
  10. Lestat


    Try using the original b&w copy as a new layer set to overlay mode. That ought to darken the lines, but will not show any of the white. Soon we ought to have serious competition. hehe. Project Supernova all over again.
  11. Lestat


    Nice to see you putting your money where your mouth is Sketchley Your design is interesting. Nice to see you put tail fins back into your design. Not seeing any active stealth in there really though. It will be interesting to see the other modes.
  12. Looking sweet. All we need now is to use some smoothing groups on that thing.
  13. Lestat


    I already stipulated that my design is rid of GERWALK. Some other semi-official designs (SDP-1S for example) got rid of them because they were space fighters. VF-5 is, and so I did.
  14. Lestat


    Yes, undoubtably they did much to raid the design, but you're forgetting much was lost in the final battle of SWI, such as all the development on the VF-3. Since the VF-0 and the events of Macross 0 are top secret, and no valkyrie between the VF-4 and VF-9 is seen to have active stealth, it's reasonable to say that the VF-5 would not have. Macross diverges from the real world in the 1980s. In its timeline, we've got only four more years left before the near total extinction of humanity, and for seven years there has been an alien battleship being rebuilt on a remote pacific island... The VF-5 needs a gunpod, but I disagree with storing things internally. Firstly, it doesn't sound like a cheap option, and secondly, an internal storage bay would not be compromising in space, but it would with water landings, as it could compromise the boueyancy of the aerospacecraft. I'm standing by my designs. Although I'm thinking of revising the chestplate to bring back the air intakes a little. Theorietically, the fighter could simply close its air breathing intakes for take off, since it doesn't actually need them... Really, why the VF-1 even has them is beyond me.
  15. I thought that you were retexturing it yourself cmdr? Does your presence mean that you've got some time to help out? We really need to get people working on the mod that know the HW2 side of things... Otherwise the Mod will be little more than fancy models.
  16. Lestat


    Forget about the SV-51. The UN does not make use of anti-un designs.
  17. I think it comes from Macross 2036. Anyway, the real reason for the texture colours I chose was to make it look more like it fit into DYRL.
  18. Yep, Chthonic is the man to be in touch with, with the most up to date stuff for the mod.
  19. Lestat


    Well, if you consider that the Valkyrie is inspired by the VF-14 and derives its name from the X-73 (I think that's the model) Valkyrie, it could be pretty broad. I think it just means that its design is inspired by the sea dart, as it says. In other words, uses a similar shape and landing gear, but otherwise is different. Comparitvely, the VF-14 is inspired by the SR-71 backbird, whilst the VF-17 is inspired by the F-117.
  20. Lestat


    Sketchly, I like that you've put your money where your mouth is to some degree, but why not develop your idea further? We could host our own Project Supernova here in the fan works board and see what's selected. Although all your suggestions are interesting, I disagree about turning the VF-5 into something more futuristic looking. Design-wise, the VF-5 would sit between the VF-4 and the VF-9, both fighters designed in the eighties. I deliberately added more curves and original macross feel because I thought it was appropriate. After all, the VF-5 was meant to be cheap as chips so it could be manufactured on the colonies. You may be right about the arms, but that would require a complete redesign. The tail fin might be defunct, but I've left flaps in also, so consider it a failsafe, as it is more difficult to vector thrust when you have only one engine. Ido, the VF-1 likeness in the chest plate was deliberate. It was first test flighted in 2013 and in 2015 it was first mass produced, the same year as the VF-1 ended. Still, there's a good chance it borrowed some components from the VF-1 anyway. As for your comments about the fuselage, sorry, but I disagree. I implore you to perhaps submit your own graphical design variation, as Sketchly has at least partially done.
  21. No there aren't. Just from red to purple to blue, the exception being Milia 639's Medium Scale Gunboat which is a sort of light purple (looking pinkish in the dusk Earth sky). However, in Fleet of the Strongest Women (unaired Macross 7 episode), there is a silver ship and yellow quadrano amongst other colours. It would be nice if you could set the colour by your team stripe, but it would lower the detail of the ship textures signifcantly.
  22. Lestat


    Well, I've been meaning to post these for a while now, I've been refining the design quite a bit, redesigning battroid mode and working out how the VF-5 would carry it's gunpod. I present two alternate battroid modes (I prefer Design B myself), and a modified fighter mode with its custom gunpod and missile pod. The VF-5 is supposed to be a light space fighter with water landing capabilities. As such, I thought a twin RÖV-20 armament on the A model would be appropriate since there would be a lack of other armaments for it. As it is a space fighter, FAST packs are unnecessary, as they have already been incorporated into the design. The legs have a booster rocket each, like on the shoulders of the VF-4, and carry the fuel for those. Obviously, they have a limited supply. Because the hull must be watertight for landing, a standard GU-11 could not be mounted on the bottom of the fighter. Therefore, an alternative 'float' casing was designed for the GU-11 that allowed it to be carried on the underwing in such a way that it acted as a bouyant float. However, in an atmosphere, carrying a single gunpod offbalanced the fighter, causing additional drag. A second pod was added, a micro-missile launcher which allowed the additional armament for short range combat. If it is unclear, the two openings on the chest plate are air intakes, but due to its main role as a space fighter, they were never needed to be large. Just like the VF-1 series, the intakes are closed in space operations. Here's the pics:
  23. That particular model doesnt come apart. It would be a coding challenge to get it to work like that.
  24. That's not to say that your awesome talents are not appreciated. Indeed, your original stuff is kickass. It's too bad Studio Kappa is disolved, you would have made an excellent member. You still could extrapolate from the ships seen in Flashback when the megaroad launches. We have no design sketches for those... And they would give us a more accurate picture of what UN Spacy ships ought to look like in the aftermath of the war.
  25. It's looking great! You have rear front and side views though right?
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