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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Looking great. I can't wait to see this finished. I think B looks the best.
  2. Much better!
  3. It is indeed possible to make them build them. The designs look great. I'm leaning towards the Autulean-ailele design, though I think the back should maybe be three times the size - there needs to be significant storage space... The zjentohlauedy resource controller looks great! I like it.
  4. It's a multi-role transport vessel. It's used for several different missions, including supply, cargo, troop transport, and fuel transport (Macross fighters need liquid fuel for their vernier thrusters). I like the antanae on the front of both designs. I like the top one best, though maybe if those thrusters near the front pointed forward instead? The ship doesn't appear to otherwise have any reverse thrust. As for those ships, go by what nanashi says. We can have virtually unlimited types of ship. Most of those are probably archaic versions of the zjentohlauedy ships.
  5. Experimental fighters are inappropriate to the other races. They do not know how to create. Especially not until post space war I. The VF-X-2? I don't recall it. The VF-2SS is a fighter that, notably is in a parallel universe, but also some 60 years after space war I. Unless I'm mistaken. Yes, we will limit the SDP-1S. Probably to one prototype, or possibly 3 all up. Same goes for other prototypes. As for the model, we need detail, so the more you can give us, the easier the modellers jobs will be!
  6. This also...
  7. Looking good. Boxer, the colouring seems a little dark. Just a point of note. Looks good. A good place to draw inspiration, if you can find it, is here: It's from inside bodolzaa's ship in the TV series. Lots of unidentified zjentohlauedy ships to draw inspiration from! And as for the resourcers, I think the second, because the other looks a little too much like the recovery pod. Fokker, major, what do you think?
  8. Well, the version of DYRL I saw come out of Hong Kong (Clash of the Bionoids) was in very very bad english. The songs were not in Cantonese either. I heard somewhere that it was dubbed in a college studio by students as a project... It's horrible. I haven't heard the cantonese version, although I think it's on my hong kong bootleg DYRL DVD there's a cantonese language track. If you're cantonese speaking, you be the judge. I don't understand the lyrics of either version...
  9. The songs of macross have never been translated. There are no english versions. Even in Clash of the Bionoids (A horrible hong kong slashed up version of DYRL), there was english dubbing, but the songs were still in japanese. In general 99.5% of the people here prefer the original japanese songs and voiceovers, with subtitles instead. Welcome to Macrossworld.
  10. Actually, nanashi rather liked the supervision ship design. I don't think he'll be as bad as you think. Actually, I'm hoping he'll invite boxer into Studio Kappa, but that's just me...
  11. At first, I thought the UN Miner concept actually looked a little homeworldy. But on second thoughts, I can see the influence of the Rabbit, among other mecha, and the Major's right, the nature of the dettachment-reattachment of the cargo container is attractive. I like it. It's certainly better than what I designed. Although I remembered, I did design a UN Spacy transport... I'll attach a copy of it to this post if I can find it. I like the modified scout ship. Additional Zjentohlauedy vessels is probably more likely than the supervision army, but still a low priority. I love both of your secondary Zjentohlauedy miners! They're spiffy! The second one is probably more appropriate, but the first looks so cool too! Keep 'em coming! Oh, btw, I'd like for you to elaborate on the following design of mine: It needs to be fleshed out, especially the front antanae. Nanashi has commented though that he likes the engine system. See what you can do with it?
  12. that looks great. Actually, texture detail concepts are something that we need. I prefer that inside. Major, I have a suggestion to liven up the outside textures. IT has to do with shading. Normally I would like from the top upwards, not the sides inwards. I have a suggestion though. Instead of having a strait light to dark (and btw, it's still looking quite dark on my monitor), have very light to dark to lighter to light dark to lighter to dark to very light again. At least try it and see what it looks like maybe? You've got to remember also, that HW2 has its own lighting system, so the trick is creating a blend between the game lighting and the textures!
  13. Opps... double...
  14. There already is a logo for the protoculture. The colours are off, but see the 'netbooks' button for the protoculture logo. It can be seen I believe in DYRL or in Macross 7 perhaps. Yes, these issues should be carried over to the design thread I think. I don't think it would be very likely that there would be another protoculture or supervision wreck in the mod. AFOS was top secret. The Derilect ship they didn't have time to investigate. Possibly, we could extend the missions so that a bonus mission had the 'capture the satellite' type of mission where the derilect would make an appearance. But other than that... Major, glad to see you've got the idea with the bridge! that's what I'm talking about! Not sure if I like the heavy contrast on the front end, but good job anyway!
  15. The UNS minig vessel I designed wasn't very macross at all. I don't like it. As for this Zjentohlauendy collector. Looks cool! My only real concern is - is it big enough? I guess in theory these units would be automated drones that go out an collect resources for either one of the factory sattelites or the factory plannets. I'm thinking, in game, it should work like this: The collector gets its resources, and goes back to a depot, which when full 'folds' space (to the factory)... I'm not really sure if that's feasible or not... Keep it up. This is inspiring. I'll have to talk to Nanashi. Maybe he'll induct you into Studio Kappa or something
  16. Feel free to work on redesigns of my previous work - I'm not bothered or offended by it so go right ahead. The only one I'm mostly happy with anyway is the HAAC. Please repost some of these over on the new thread. btw, I like the top colourscheme of the supervision ship! And the Melt recovery suit looks awesome. Maybe a more light, greish-purple would suit best? (lighter and more grey than the standard queadluun-xxx)
  17. This thread is concerned with the development of fan designs for units needed (for a number of reasons) to complete the sides we are initially implementing for play: The following units need to be designed or refined: U.N. Spacy: =-=-=-=-=-= * Some kind of mining vessel (resource collector) * Some sort of resource controller (essentially a mobile refinery) Meltohlauendy Army: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Resource Collector (Resupply ship???) * Resource Controller * Shuttle? Zjentohlauedy Army: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Resource Collector (Or existing resupply ship) * Resource Controller (Perhaps developed from one of the designs from within bodolzaa's fortress in the TV series. Major, Commander, if you can think of more, please do. Feel free to suggest concepts.
  18. Looks great. Don't get discouraged. The artwork is fabulous. The commander is right though, it's certainly not a priority. It doesn't mean though that these aren't awesome. I'll start a new thread for you if there isn't one already.
  19. The only real art for the protoculture is the sunken city in DYRL, the protoculture ruins in Macross 7 and of course the AFOS, which I think gives a good idea of what protoculture ships might look like. Though I imagine they can also probably 'mutate' some... Remember, the Zjentohlauedy technologies are obsolete to the Protoculture by about 450,000 years... That's a hell of a lot of time... The design for the melt capture ship is looking pretty sweet. I definately love the legs and the main body. Not sure about the small claws though, and I'd like to see the arm joints in greater detail - I can't see how they work very well. Looks good though. Both ships do... Keep it up. I'd like to see colour on both.
  20. Looks cool. Unsure about the exposed missiles though. Looks vaguely like the Thuverl Salan. Yes, PM nanashi.
  21. ASS is simply a medium-scale gundestroyer. As far as I understand, the supervision army is a protoculture era military that involves both full sized zjentohlauedy and actual protoculture that have been brainwashed and mind controlled by the Protodeviln. There does exist a supervision army battlepod design, though I'm not sure where you might find it... Nanashi would certainly have the image somewhere... For the time being, I'm scanning my designs...
  22. Ugh... didn't the movie come out in 1984?
  23. Well, sure, you're welcome to come up with stuff. Ultimately if it gets used is up to the quality of your designs, and the need/priority to get them in game. We've actually designed a number of Meltohlauendy units; Dejuul Heavy Assault Attack Craft Resupply Vessel Melt version of the 'Cyclops' Recovery pod Shuttle The designs are very rough however. You could try to flesh them out, or have a crack as the supervision army. There's a picture to draw inspiration from floating out there somewhere of a supervision fleet. It's from the TV series, used when Exedol is talking about the history of the Zjentohlauedy...
  24. I've used a multiply layer that adds some pretty standard plating in the past. However, with the meltohlauendy flagship, I went for a strip-metal look...
  25. I've done a very bodge job of animating the VF-1A, so it has most of the parts it needs to be transformable. Unfortunately, it required another few polys and is closer to the 1150 mark... It still needs hands, textures on the wings and internally, and I'm going to switch the current design so that the leg swing is more accurate. You might notice one of the wings is slightly wider than the other - I'm experimenting with it at the moment because they're way too wide in Battroid mode. We could probably use the help of a professional animator familliar with maya (or MAX) to animate this for in game...
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