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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Nah, it's an ancient image, not a picture from a show, but a graphic created by japanese artists. Adjusting the brightness isn't going to do anything. The picture probably only has 8 colours and is 320x200 pixels or something equally useless like that. I couldn't get it anyway. Too fast.
  2. I tried to screen capture Remember Me for the hull detail, but it's no good. IT's not high enough quality to work off. Plus the emulator absolutely flies on my computer...
  3. I agree actually. They are a bit large, and perhaps a little too differentiated. I think they need to have less contrast if anything.
  4. Oh dear... not four days... at this time of the year?!?!? ...relax Early shots of the Thuverl Salan textured.
  5. I'm fairly certain that the Zjentohlauedy missile launchers are very similar in appearance to the beam turrets. Certainly the base is the same. I think even the turret housing is the same. I don't personally like the blocky turret housing you have, but I think that will change as you flesh it out more. There's a couple of sources I can recomend, however, unfortunately, cannot offer myself as of yet - my TIA books are back in Australia. The TIA books have the turret pictures you're looking for. If you're desperate, I think some of the palladium books RPGs also do, most likely "the Zentraedi" sourcebook. They're direct knock offs (sometimes merely scans) of the japanese originals. Secondly, Macross: Remember Me (the NEC PC Games) has a few action screens showing what a zjentohlauedy trench, with turrets looks like. I really wish I still had a screenshot, but I can't seem to find it. Keep it up though, this is looking awesome. Have you scaled it against other zjentohlauedy mecha?
  6. I asked Max to pin this thread. Thanks max.
  7. Guys, I mean ONLY for the battle chatter of the units - the interface and everything in it would be in english. Think of age of mythology. The units banter in greek, norse and egyptian. That's the effect we want to achieve. I think we might be better off finding some other women to work on it. I don't have a microphone, that's a #1 problem. And then there's the accents. My wife has more of an Australian accent, while one has a more american accent (she says 'arseom' instead of awesome!), and the rest have decidedly swedish accents. They may have better luck pronouncing the words however - swedish has no silent letters (except for imported french words), and a simpler structure than english.
  8. We'd also need to find a way to work on those giant echoes...
  9. Zjentohlauedy is completely phonetic. Nupetiet Vergnitzs would be nup-e-tiet verg-nits, at least I would imagine. But units... We can make phrases: i.e. you give orders to your troups and they respond in zjentolauedy: (note, zjentohlauedy is an extremely simplified language, so none of this may translate directly) We understand: zalg esekes (zalg es-kes) Yes: sa/giltesta/utema/ucome Transmission understood: erukesto esekes No escape of (for) (the) enemy: de:sa de:gilts o debran! Approaching the Battle: delkes gadras Of course: fodants We see (the) enemy: zalg utomi debran! Enemy near: debran nilke!
  10. Not sure if my wife would help some. I have alot of female friends too. They're all swedish though. lol. My question is, when we add voices, do we do it in english or zjentohlauedy? Because the latter would be just so cool. We'd be limited of course to the vocabulary... http://macross.anime.net/story/zentradi_di...dictionary.html But it could be soo cool.
  11. Try GMAX it's the free version of 3dstudio max. That's my plug. lol
  12. something about that didnt sound quite right lol... Looks good. Maybe a little too much motion blur?
  13. We all have to start somehere. Try downloading GMAX or Milkshape or something... (preferably the former)
  14. The macrosses are fundamentally different. They have a similar basic shape, but the entire mesh would need replacing. Even the bridge is different. It's possible however, but as I have no love for the TV series macross, I won't be the one modelling it.
  15. Major, the macross is looking sweet. I'd like to see more detail on the feet next. You should be able to see from the model where I got rid of polys. Speak to nanashi about maybe getting more scans. There's a front and back pick to be had also I believe, which should show the engines.
  16. Major, like where the macross is going, but I think you should give some of those blocky edges more of a curve: Now... |``````| | | | | |______| What I mean... /``````\ | | | | \______/ You know, more of a bezzled appearance. Cmdr, that model looks awesome. It's really a team effort. Major modelled it, I textured and modified it, and Cmdr modified it and put it ingame.
  17. No, no chance, no chance at all.
  18. Major has it. You're away now, so hopefully you'll get it off him. It's in 3ds, but I guess he could change it to obj.
  19. Looking good! Keep it up team. The VF-1A is finished. Let me just make some renders.
  20. Sweeeeet.
  21. Looking good!
  22. We just got this post on our forums (Speak of the devil, eh major? lol)... Thuverl Salan progress... I suggest team members make a short trip to the boards and comment on this. Personally I think it looks awesome!
  23. Wow! I have no words...
  24. Woah...! That's awesome cmdr! I love it. The missile launch is spot on. Has nanashi seen this yet? As for the side on... I like it in colour like that. However, I think maybe it would be possible to do an add on pack or something that made it the way you wanted it. But from what I understand, that would be a lot of work for you... Oh, and Major, I agree with Boxer about the adding geometry to that texture. He's right, It should only be 10 extra polys per square or so...
  25. Great design with a creative background. I don't know how much of it we could use though as a practical matter. That would be funny if enemy harvesters could get resources from captital ships... hehehe... I can just see them shrinking like an asteroid...!
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