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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Man that looks sleek!
  2. maya has a weird interface...
  3. The problem is most likely that some of the faces are linked. There should be a tool in your mapper that lets you break vertices, which should kill the relationships it has with the polygons around it. Basically, breaking the mesh into individual polygons. Maybe it's not, but it could be.
  4. That is awesome! Does the ship have any turrets? Can we see closeups of hull detail, or did you mean there's a lack of progress in that area?
  5. Sounds like a plan, and yeah, the commander was right about what I was referring to. Seriously awesome looking model. I hope you can do some more stuff for the mod. Even if you can't texture so well (I haven't seen your textures yet), we still need models done, and zjentohlauedy models can be trickier because of their organic nature.
  6. I'm not a fan, nor have I ever even seen Orguss, but that looks awesome!
  7. Cool, looking good. Is the engine section on the top view meant to be so sharp? Loving it.
  8. Any chance we can see a WIP?
  9. Well, basically, we're talking at least 1500 for a LOD 0 model. Of course, 640 or whatever will be nice for like, LOD 1 or 2 or something... the average fighter model is around 800 polys in HW2, and we're talking about a 500 m ship here, not a 14 m fighter... Detail is good. It's better to have a higher count poly model with lower textures than vice versa.
  10. Major haven't you seen his high poly version? Don't hesitate, say yes! Of course we'll take it. We appreciate the help. 1200 is a good number for a ship of that size. It could probably afford another 300 or so of additional detial if you wanted.
  11. Oh, and lately my MSN messenger has been stuffing up, otherwise I would have contacted you guys.
  12. I've been sick lately, and having RL money issues, so it's on the backburner I'm afraid. Working full time on getting my next d20 e-book out (Shameless plug: The Immortal: Vampires) so that's what's keeping me for now. Zjentohlauedy is spelt as such because that's how Kawamori spelt it, in english/romanji in the DYRL production notes, most notably for the peace treaty scene. To date, that's his official spelling, and hence the Studio Kappa/Nanashi's/Macross DYRL TC spelling of the word. Meltohlauendy is an extrapolation of the same phonetics, as conjectured by nanashi.
  13. Well, I reckon that factory sattelites, which would manufacture such ships, would be capable of creating massive amounts of moulded sheet metal... I think a scout ship would be more tooled than a thuverl salan for example... Meaning there is probably less randomness in the hull.
  14. "The page you are attempting to access has been removed because it violated Angelfire's Terms of Service."
  15. I'd imagine all buster weaponary is proportional in power to its physical size - i.e. the bigger the gun, the more extradimensional energy can be channelled = more physical power = more damage. In theory, even a Zjentohlauedy gundestroyer is more powerful than the macross (as it is in its entirety a buster cannon - more or less, over 60% of the hull is devoted to the weapon). And so yes, the nupetiet vergnitzs is more powerful. However, we have to think about balance. In reality, it was other things that allowed the macross to survive. The first was that it was originally wanted for capture. The second was that its onboard culture and music saved it. In reality, mecha for mecha, it should have been pulverised.
  16. Well, let's say that the top secret information and encounters with AFOS enabled UN Spacy scientists to fully grasp the potential of Buster Beam technology. The size of the ship is to some degree irrelevant, aside from the potential width of the beam - as demonstrated by the AFOS, even a smaller craft is capable of such destructive power. Of course, UN Scientists were unable to duplicate a buster beam on such a small scale, but 600 metres was considered a successful accomplishment. Buster beams draw energy from an extradimensional space - i.e. hyperspace - so the potential amount of energy they can draw is in theory limited only by the capacity to contain and harness it before firing. Zjentohlauedy (protoculture) technologies demonstrate the portablity of the Buster cannon, as seen on the Heavy Assault Attack Craft. This design clearly shows that the beam technology is not limited only to massive craft - the design itself however is limited by its extradimensional energy capacity; it's only about 100 metres long and not fold capable. The UN Gunboat is both fold capable and six times the length of the HAAC. It is capable of drawing about half as much extradimensional energy as the macross.
  17. Just for the benefit of everyone, the UN Gunboat is about 600 m long. This is it scaled against the modified macross model* *Without ARMDs
  18. Yes, take a look at the new legs in the design thread. We want the four-legged model I reckon. A few things I want to see changed on the existing model: 1. Scale the dead down to about 30% of its existing size. 2. Scale the rearward storage area by almost 150%! It's not large enough. In the end it should look like a giant bloated metalic tick!
  19. Ugh... I didn't model that, the Major did. I think there's a few things that need addressing with the model. I love this new design, especially the four legs instead of two. It's not and should not be a power suit. It's too big, as seen by the scale - which I think Major will now realise is much larger. Glad to see the 'head' is much smaller. The pilot in there would be either laying down or standing up, but her legs would not be controlling hte legs like they do in a Queadluun Rau for example. I'll tip Major over on the other boards. Looks great Boxer!
  20. Muahahahahahah... But I enjoy torture so much... Seriously though, everyone should know that we still stand where we still stand. It will be done when it's done. The good news is, that it may even be this century!
  21. The second shot is looking great. The launch pad looks great. You need to brighten up those yellow areas though on the cannon booms. They're way too dark. I think that's one of the problems with many of your textures, that you use too much contrast between light and dark. Tone it down 30-50%. (I know some of it it just 3dex)
  22. Looking good. It would look better with shading groups I'd wager.
  23. I'm just copying the files over boxer, this is the new guy's work.
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