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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Then you must inspire her! lol Priorities or not, women will always be superior to Macross. I think god old Roy Fokker would agree with me on that one.
  2. For the clarification: Gnerl. But it looks fantastic. So this means you're using the Bretai and pilot models on your website? And is that the same valk base model that's on it?
  3. Hasagawa specs I believe. Damn.
  4. Nice to know you've got some free time Rauk. Glad if nothing else seeing some of your work come to fruition. Good luck with it all. Both models are looking super spiffy. Will the animaiton be set soley in the atmosphere? What are you planning to put in it mecha wise, and will this be simply a mecha battle animation, or will you be using your old cockpit animations? If you ever get interested again, we're still keen to hear from you on the HW2 TC.
  5. Lestat


    That ominous thing we refer to as RL, no doubt.
  6. Hope you're feeling better. Did you see those screenies of Rauk's work. Awesome. Inspirational. I almost picked back up work, but I've got alot on right now, and 3dsmax is beeng a buttslurm at the moment, crashing on load. I'm too sick of problems to fix it at the moment...
  7. Wow... sweet. I'm not a big fan of the VF-19, but that looks awesome.
  8. Lestat


    Wow, that thing is sweet! Planning an animation, or something using an existing game engine? I especially love the hull detail. You've got it down just right. Something I've found quite hard to accomplish with Zjen/Melt hulls because there's a lack of detail in the designs. This model looks just right though.
  9. Any chance for a 1024x768 render once you're happy with the lighting?
  10. Lestat


    Awesome. As usual. You should put this in your website! Stunning. I don't suppose that means you're back in the modding community? Or is this just a short sabatical?
  11. For now, this thread will do. Good to get an update. I myself have the same problem as cmdr, money, so I've been working, working and working some more, and to be honest, when I'm finished working, I'm not in the mood to work on the mod... I'll come round, but it's not number 1 on my priority list. (being married also means working on the marriage before macross).
  12. ....man we're lazy bums...
  13. Awesome Scale. I think about 1/1450 should be around the early 30s in cms... Would be awesome. Of course, I'd take a 1/1250 (exactly 40 cm), or at least I would, if I had the money...
  14. Here's my contribution. Not a macross VF, but one for another world I designed. I have heaps of others, but they're not scanned, and they're concept art at best, nothing like some of this other stuff.
  15. I especially like the engine blocks. And the hangars. Good job.
  16. Hah... check out the Macross DYRL TC thread then. In the last one or two pages.
  17. hah... what 'noncannon' mod? Dream on, not with nanashi on the team! lol There's no current plans to get into non-cannon stuff at the moment.
  18. This is as good as it gets from me. There are other DYRL shots of valks in the hangar, but I don't have my TIA #11 with me here in Sweden, I left it in Australia...
  19. Robocrap, yes, mospeada, no. I actually like it. Keep up the good work. Don't be discouraged by the silence here. There's alot of lurkers that appreciate work like this even if they don't speak up often enough.
  20. Hehehe... a UN Spacy IZumo?
  21. How can you decide that this isn't macross. I think Kawamori decides that, since it's his creation. Did you ever think that perhaps you missed the message of every single macross series there is? Sure, things have taken a bit of a strange turn, but I think the problem that most people have with the later macross series is that you're all just so resistant to change. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Macross Zero. I think it fits in perfectly with the theme of past macross series. And yes, I have seen and liked Macross 7. I hated it for about 10 episodes, but then let myself go and found I enjoyed it, despite the spirita strangeness. Macross Zero is about showing the power and force that exists behind the scenes in the original TV series, movie and macross plus. Kawamori is evolving the story, coming full circle. He shows us HOW it is that a single song can turn the tide of a war. Macross 7 shows how music affects people in the macross universe, and Macross Zero explains how that kind of talent and power came into the human race. Macross is not just about mecha. If that's what you think, you've totally missed the point. Just accept it for what it is, and stop whinging about it because it's not what YOU want. Macross 7 and Macross Zero ARE. Deal with it. Kawamori has always been a good director in my opinion because he goes against the grain. He tells the story he wants to tell, not what other people want to hear. And that's the way it should be. Macross is his creation, and his art. Who are we to tell him how to make it?!
  22. Tough to say. In DYRL, Milia 639's ship, which is slightly longer than the macross, fired a beam across it's bow and disintegrated its main cannon. A direct hit can destroy a ship, head on, but it takes alot more to puncture something, such as Bodolzaa's fortress... I agree, more powerful. Enough to destroy a thuverl salan in one shot, but maybe not a nupetiet vergernitzs...
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