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Everything posted by mk16

  1. hmmm I did make sure that the mecha form was 14.50m high. i scaled everything proportionally to match the Batt at 14.50m. And the "Civilian" is 6.2 i can assure you of that. The image bellow is orthographic so theres no distortion due to perspective. The boxes you see are 14.50 meters and 6ft respectably. hmm but i do think that the feet are pretty bulky tho. they don't seem right for the use they get in valk mode.
  2. Thanks dude :}
  3. Notice the bottom of the page
  4. Heres my small contribution, its not meant to be a high poly completely accurate reproduction, more like a game quality model with some appropriate proportion. What I did was cut up my previous plane model(which you can see somewhere back in the thread) and arranged the parts to more or less resemble the complete battroid mode, and i used this model as a base for my proportions, and made my changes. Right now i'm working on the textures( they are all like 128x128 pixel so = not much detail) and the right leg is missing because i haven't stated working on the UVWs.
  5. If none of you like it then why even post in a thread with its title all over it. Its obvious that this movie is not being made for you guys. I on the other hand I'm ecstatic about this. Go FFVII, may your nihilistic view on the world corrupt many more young ones in yer new holy incarnation.
  6. Well talking about valk sims, someone is working on one now. A realistic flight simulator designed for macross valkyries. Well their webpage hasnt been updated in a long time. But there has been some activity on the sourceforge page. this is really what everyone who talks about a valkerye flight sim really wants. Im really surprised that not that many people seem to know about it here. Homepage Sourceforge workpage They have some alphas out. But they havent stated a windows port yet..hopefully they havent canned the sim.
  7. Man this is cool. Can any of you guys put a pic of the whole built paper model. im having some trouble with the head at the moment.
  8. hmm how can i express what im feeling right now. :drool:
  9. mk16

    Macross SR Sprites

    Thanks for the info guys.
  10. Ooohh news of anykind of progress is good. If you need help with making the airplane behavior maibe the guys on avsim can help.
  11. Oh man I've been wanting to make a valk for Fs for so long. But without having a good knowledgeable level of airplane engineering, i wouldn't have been satisfied with my end result. Its a great thing someone is tackling this. Man I wish you the best of luck.
  12. mk16

    Macross SR Sprites

    Man this game looks pretty good. Are there any Macross world equivalents for SRW
  13. Wow man, just as i thought. Its really amazing seeing the level of detail in your valk Datterboy. Your demonstration animation makes my yaw drop. Dude keep up the great work. You guys in this forum have great tallent.
  14. Datterboy your valk is amazing. It has movie quality written all over it. Heck the mesh is better better detailled than the ones in Zero, and some motion pictures. Hmmm maybe the people at cgtalk could have mutch more to say than me. I have to see this in motion.
  15. Not trying to sound too creepy..but thats what makes this show popular...Sorry you're not mature enough to handle it. And in relation to this post. The guy who did this is obviously out of his mind. But then again he could have come up with the same conclusion by watching the first matrix.
  16. I agree that if you are an Eva fan you should find that website is truly hillarious. Yeah that website kicks ass.
  17. I feel that The Core hasnt been mentioned enough in this thread. ...Ahem THE CORE THE CORE THE CORE THE CORE THE CORE
  18. thanks a bunch dude. :)
  19. SOrry if i posted this in the wrong forum. Im looking for a screen cap from episode two of evangelion, right after the explosion, when shinji sees eva 01s reflection on the building. What i want is the shot of the eye right before shinji screams. Can anyone help
  20. I see what you mean, well the transformations are just a quick setup. Thanks for the critique im most gratefull. Well sure ill post the schematics ill have all kinds . I have to get back home thos since right know in in school. Ill get back to you in about...hmm five hours i think.
  21. Well Chronocidal Could You Point Out What Joints I Have Missed, Im Pretty Sure Thats Everything Needed For The Transformation To Work. Well The Yf Transformation In Real Life Is Not Impossible. As You Can Se With Most Models. But For The Airplane And Mecha Modes To Work And Have Some Decent Proportions, I Believe That Some Addition To The Transformation Should Be Made. Like In That Hasegawa 1/72 Yf-19 Modified To Convert Into Battroid, Which Btw It Kicks Ass,the Fuselage Has A Joint Just Below The Little Wings And Then It Slides Back Just Enough To Correct The Bad Proportions. But Sadly Its Not A Perfect Transformation, Well Either Way I Would Still Buy It .
  22. mk16

    Valkgirl Plus

    Heheheh..hehe.he, Shes got theree boobs..he..hehe..hehehe
  23. and heres an animation. Wich better illustrates the problem, and i think some people wanted to see the plane transforming. Well everything you see in the transformation is there in the animation and in the designworks book. I just havent spent the time making it look better ^^; I didnt use divx so it should work everywhere. and the download isnt really big either. animation.zip
  24. Well here it is. Yeah it looks no good.
  25. Heres how it looks like when i push the backpack thing up. Dammit I hit the worng button
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