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Everything posted by mk16

  1. Hmm does the price of a valk really matter in the macross universe? lets see they can colonize planets all the time, the rebuild giant fleets of space battleships, that they are always changing, they fight off giant warrior races (with said so fleets), the outside of the planet is a mine field of robot satellites full of cannons, have giant transforming ships, lost the all of humanities and rebounded back in less than 500 years. Does the UN spacy look like an organization that is restrained by the ultimate cost, of a MASS PRODUSABLE transforming fighter..no matter how advanced it looks? or costs.. It seems to me that the price of something is not a problem.
  2. There's only so many polygons you can slap on a design before it starts to look stupid. Besides, isn't the mapping of complex textures on polygons pretty CPU intensive, especially when the complexity involved is on the level of the VO: M Temjin? Every movement requires recalculation and reprojection, unless, of course, some fancy mapping algorithm was involved. No mapping textures on anything is not cpu intensive. Mapping a texture on these times to anything, momatter how complex looking the texture is should be no problem for modern hardware. Texture mapping is not a problem, now the size of a texture is the factor that matters, and even that isnt mutch of anything, some games right now push 1024 by 1024 tetxures into a videocard at high FPS, and newer generations can do even more crazy crap. Has anyone noticed the unreal3 engine video, it runs on nvidias new gencard, it was mentioned that a scene at the beggining had over a 1,000,000 polygons running, yeah thats 6 zeros, all in real time. wWth insanely detailed perpixel lighted, normal mapped textures. Now if these games ran on a PS2 then texture size should be a limiting factor, and no texturemapping is no problem, its all handled by the gpu. No cpu power is ever used on that.
  3. adding to the counter realism theme. hmm were does snake keep all those weapons, he doesnt even have a backpack or anything. Id like to know were he keeps that nikita launcher, or all the ammo in the first place.
  4. OOO, neat : If you need any help UV maping the plane, i can lend a hand. I pretty much figured out how to do it with my yf-19 model. Making the tetures is nighmare in my case. Being so papered by the traditional means, i kinda dont see the point in learning how to paint wih my entire hand, as opposed to the fingers with a pencil. Hmm yeah i need a tablet. I can try but it usually takes me too long to make anything.
  5. i ran this through a translation service..it almost makes a lot of sence now. But from what i can figure out, this is a prototype bike and that its ebing further developed. Also that the company is planning to sell the bike?? http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr
  6. wow i never though this day would come. Matus is surely taking his sweet time, but man this bike is finally real. In japan..it figures, now all i need to see is a working blade runner spinner and i could die happy.
  7. mk16

    CG VF-4

    The only way to get better results is to use separate VFX software, really theres so much you can do in the 3D software. Engine effects, fire and smoke are better done in a VFX package. Thats really what ive picked up ,in cgtalk,when this effect comes into play.
  8. mk16

    CG VF-11

    nice! this is a great start to a for a badass plane.
  9. I suspect you imported it into plane maker then.. thats what i understand from what you said. Theres really nothing mysterious about that, usually some really old planes from a previous version are imported but often broken somehow and thats always workable ( yes one thing you'll learn about using xplane is that knowing a bit about the technical side of planes is always helpful.) i guess you're using xplane 7-30 i was using xplane 7.01-beta to fix the plane which is probably why is not working right. you're lucky that its still loads, it was really a bad nightmare trying to make it work from the last version file format. I can t really help you out right now. since i cant run the sim, im in the process of getting a new motherboard so maybe in a week or so :\
  10. how do i make this drop down menu come up, i can't seem to access it, i'v pressed damn near every button on the keyboard. I believe you Hover the mouse pinter over top of your screen.. I can really remember its been a while since ive used it...(hmm bad motherboard blowout I cant run the game right now) or hit s and hover. This YF-19 might wokr, ive updated this for the version of xplane i could use 7.10. Well if it doesnt work you can try batch convert in planemaker. YF_19.zip
  11. Hmm I've been a a fan of the sim for sometime now. and from what I've experienced and from I've read on their forums. the simulation aspect is by far the most accurate in this sim. Real pilots use the sim to practice. and its being used to test experimental planes with it (charter copter). heh even Cessna makes models of their planes so you can test them in Xplane. Its been certified by the FAA for flight training. so if you have access to a Full motion base and you hire someone to teach you, your flight time logged in the sim is valid towards your pilot certificate. The sim also brings all the editors necessary to make/modify your planes, the terrain, even the wing airfoils. Theres a lot you can do with the sim. you can make basically anything you can think off in the plane maker and try to see if it flies. yeah so you can change the 747s engines to have the power of the shuttles and try it.( hmm four 400,000 pound engines on a 747...insanee!) and its always getting updated with new versions patches, they are all free till the next version.
  12. Its a full sim you can fly military planes,xplanes, commercial, general, helicopters, hmm blimps , space shuttle, cars, boats, rockets, fly on mars, heh you could even make the macross if you wanted. Well all planes can have weapons in the sim, bombs missiles, guns, the only catch is that they cause no damage. Nothing blows up...they would have.. but after 911 and the Iraq war the programers, Austin is the main person behind all this, had a change of heart. But yeah you can shoot missiles,drop bomb, guns ECT. But theres no damage. there are some forum guys working on a plugin that could enable you to dog fight and fake "shoot down" other planes over the net. Its all pretty much coming eventually. Maybe even before Version 8, you can get free upgrades till the next version, were on version 7.3.
  13. Well yeah sure its available. http://www.x-plane.com/ Main site, you can download a demo from here. Its not time limited in the sense that it stops working after 30 days but...it works for 5 minutes before it turns off all user inputs(keyboard ,mouse,pads) then the plane is on its own(you can still fly it via autopilot) This is a really good sim..you can actually train for an Airline Transport Certificate(given that you own a Full Motion Sim and pay an instructor) ..it has the best flight model around FS does not match it. http://www.x-plane.org/ This is the best support site there is for the sim.(Macross world of Xplane ) People there are nice and allways helpfull. and they have tons of addons lots.
  14. wow that is huge.. I guess there goes the room for your dining table.
  15. ? are you saying that according to a simulator, the yf-19 is actually flyable? for something that's designed soley on looks, thats pretty impressive. Yeah pretty much according to the sim you can fly it. But its pretty impossible at max throttle since you'd be unconscious within seconds. And its very maneuverable (hmm has a hight roll rate) at high speeds like its been said. With the wings swept back the plane is less maneuverable at high speeds(which is actually a good thing) and it can take off in a zinch, 1 seconds acceleration and you're off. http://homepage.mac.com/bgillis/gallery.html
  16. Just to complete the request
  17. Well having flown this plane in xplane. i can say that with the wing completely swept back the plane can still generate lift(im not saying that the simulation is completely accurate,,but eh) and fly for a pretty long time with the engines at idle...well after a few minutes at full power. My real comment is that that its impossible for the plane to really sweep the wings back like that. Theres no room for that third of the wing behind the wings axes, to basically go around and sweepback. It would cut across the engine and all the arm mechanism and the mechas "shoulder" part. yep impossible. well maibe sweep even more foward yeah with some modification.
  18. Thank you for the comments guys Well what i did is a pretty simple procedure guys. Photoshop makes this really easy. just make a new layer and change to opacity to "color". Then pick a brush ( I recommend a small paintbrush 100% opacity) and the color you want to change to and start painting. I recommend you make a new layer with the same options for each new color. Once you're done coloring you can use the color balance tool(Ctrl+B) to tweak the colors on each layer. Since the picture already has all the material surface information you don't have to worry about highlights, shadows or luminosity, but you can still stweak the information which is in the picture...hmm i guess thats were professionals take over.
  19. Hey thanks dude. I just finished with this one.
  20. not the skills but i have the software.
  21. I THINK THAT THE FIGHTER DESIGNS in Zero are refreshing deviation from the norm, in all modes, i actually like their "ugly" looks this one in particular is almost. they feel as if the designer of the planes didn't actually cared much about the final look of the fighter, as was more worried about it working in its own fugly way.
  22. Yeah once i got the videos to work i could smell cgi all over those clips. Hmm what killed it for me was the car stopping video. Yah lovely
  23. What is this, so now the Aliens have a higher form of culture. For a creature with no eyes and a view of the world that be described mostly as if they are in constant inebriation, they surely have good artists. Love the detail around the alien relief. Well assuming that this wasn't made by the predators.
  24. One last just for kicks
  25. Another view
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