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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. One of the things about fsx that really throws me off is the land water transition, it just drops off to what looks like deep ocean right away, water should transition from shallow to deep gradually. Microsoft fixed it in Flight, but yeah too bad it never really took off. Other than that this is looking pretty great. Keep it up!
  2. Great start
  3. Oooh man this has always been something i always looked for ever since i discovered macross thank to macross plus. Heck i remember finding the Valkyie flight sim page a loong time ago lol. If you guys are still interested in doing a macross sim but just dont have the time to make a flight sim from the ground up then why not modify an existing one? http://www.flightgear.org/ is Full fledged flight sim and its open source. So im guessing it would be a lot less work to work tith that than making one from the groud up... Though im no developer so i probabl have no idea what im talking about lol. Anyways cheers keep the dream alive!
  4. Ah i would love to see some kind of valk sim/game on the pc. Theres this valk sim http://valkyrie.sourceforge.net/HTML/main.htm But its been ongoing for like 8years and not much progress is made really. Mostly because the developer doesn't get a lot of interest from the fan base about a sim for macross Also the main developer for That sourceforge sim is an aviation/sim programmer so hes got experience making sims More people should show interest and he may prob get encouraged to finish it one day
  5. This project has such an amasing premmise..this is stuff dreams are made off lol. So many great projects going on around here
  6. YF-21 o.o... as if the sv-51 wanst incredible enough...i say go for it with all your heart ! /CHEERS
  7. It just looks like a modelkit....that can fly O_O, i cant wait to see this in action
  8. , this is almost too beautiful
  9. Wow, i cant believe my eyes ...this is not a troll looking for some bait? You are atually really comfused by the raping dimemberement done to macross by HG. Oo
  10. Not to be a "name nazi" but i dont see any vf-19s Just a lot of yf-19s wich are excelent btw, great work guys.
  11. Hope you dont mind me doing this . Its the fisrt picture cleaned up and ready to be photoshoped
  12. Huhahah umm im 3 months older than macross, what does that mean!!? idfk !! But happy birthday!!!
  13. Man all i want is an electronic transforming vf-1, something like those a 6 foot tall gundams, but full of servos and or hydraulics. slap on the motor control of those already walking robots in japan , if you havent noticed them, there everywere Oo, make it follow the control from a joystick. They do handle the walking by themselves, but there wont be need for the ai to figureout what it wants to do since that its yours to decide . The plane to battroid transformation wont be hard to implement, just make sure you hang it from some place high ^^;. heh and there we have it, a macross fanboys(me included) best wetdream come reallity.
  14. This DYRL takeoff? Macross___Do_You_Remember_Love_clip.mpg
  15. heheeh i got 16-17 on the first run, and that was because i overlooked one question -.-
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