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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Who's this Valk girl I keep hearing of???
  2. Damn, those things are tiny. Hopefully the movie version Eva's will be near the same size as the old ones, I just can't bring myself to buy any more of the old figures with these revoltech things looking so good! The proggressive knives actually come out of the shoulder pads, now that's detail.
  3. Seriously? The Revoltech stuff look nice, but the small size puts me off because I have some older 7" Eva figures and I like consistency in my collection, otherwise they sound great. If they really are bigger, well more power to them although I'm still with "if it doesn't transform, I wont get it" crowd. The fact that there aren't really any well priced, decent quality, transforming valkyrie's kinda stinks.
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