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Everything posted by cube

  1. surprised no one's posted this yet (or i just missed it) color pics of mp megs: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  2. sure this has been mentioned, but it's pretty disappointing they aren't releasing the 1d, elint, and ostrich in 1/48...and reissuing the tv Max and Millias without FAST packs seems pointless. Oh well...aoshimas getters and mp megatron will hold me over for the rest of the year
  3. 2x 1/60 VE-1: $150 2x 1/60 VT-1: $150 2x 1/60 VF-1J Super Max: $150 2x 1/60 VF-1J Super Miria: $150 2x 1/60 VF-1J Super Hikaru: $150 2x 1/60 VF-1D: $120 2x 1/60 VF-1A CF: $80 1/60 GBP: $30 extra set of 1/60 super armor: $20 1/48 VF-1A Cannon Fodder: $100 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru: $100 1/48 VF-1J Max (no armor): $100 1/48 GBP: $100 2x 1/48 Super armor: $100 1/100 VB-6 Monster: $100 2x 1/72 VF-11B: $120 --------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: $ 1720 not too bad
  4. yea, id do the head and hands light too...the rest looks rad though
  5. ^that thing is retarded...if someone gave me one, I'd smash it with a hammer
  6. yea, it definitely looks better than expected, but it's still not the way it should have been done. it was pretty cool seeing optimus transform though
  7. Thanks:) Jetfire armor actually. Once I get some more time to paint, I'll have a CF 1/48, 2 CF 1/60s and a CF banpresto all with the same color Super armor (the paint is Krylon olive camouflage).
  8. this is an older pic...since then I've added black skull stickers to the FAST packs and black details to the armor
  9. looks like he's wearing a cowboy hat...pretty cool other than that though.
  10. Thanks for the pics! I searched for Elintseeker before, but it's only referred to as ve-1 in that thread how big are they compared to a toynami SD morpher? And valk009...Definitely interested in the Elint if you're willing to split up the set.
  11. Looking for shots of Bandai's old SD Elint kit if anyone's got em. A search just came up with a blurry shot of the box. Did they make an ostrich in the same series too? Thanks
  12. 1/55 vf-1d heads?
  13. Yea, that f'er's ugly....vf-4 is the only non vf-1 that interests me at all.
  14. im more excited by this: http://www.reno911movie.com/
  15. wow! that looks unreal! Nice work dude!
  16. my guess is, instead of making a line that is a step down from Le, they will make a line that is a step up from the force fx...essentially giving you the same as the CEs. So force fx with removeable blades and perfect proportions.
  17. just saw the film... SPOILERS! Apparently the jews killed the mayans whoda thunkit?
  18. why did you leave your 1/48s in the trunk?
  19. according to lost and found toys: "Masterpiece MP-05 Megatron is now available for pre-order, $92.95! We have been told that our shipment will not require the orange cap modification since Megatron will be packaged in Robot Mode. If things change, we will let everyone know. In the event that this pre-order sells out quickly, we will open another at a slightly higher price just like we did with MP-03 Starscream" http://www.laftoys.com/
  20. now, that looks awesome! I would have no problem buying a couple of those! the two tone forearms are cool too
  21. i dont see any of the main cars getting remade as MPs since they already did the binaltech line with updated versions of them. Plus there's the licensing issues. Soundwave, Devestator, Grimlock...maybe a cartoon accurate jetfire/skyfire I think the best thing about an MP soundwave would be the G1 seeker sized lazerbeak it would come with!
  22. yea, it's all about devestator! The seeker repaints are inevitable. Way too much cash to be made in reusing the same sculpt for them to pass it up. another cool option for some smaller MP figs would be a ratchet and ironhide that look like the G1 characters, and are in scale with the other G1 dudes. Make up for that "windshield for a face" crap from back in the day.
  23. why can't they just release a damn set with ravage, rumble, frenzy, and laserbeak? I'm not entirely excited aobut getting another soundwave just for a new ravage.
  24. wow, that looks pretty much perfect in those shots. If they don't include snap on pieces to thicken up the legs, I wonder how long it will take before someone makes their own and starts selling recasts...
  25. yea, i figured sylar got the power of whoever he killed...made sense with the whole save the cheerleader save the world thing. If he stole the radioactive guy's power and stole clair's healing ability, he'd basically be an unkillable walking nuclear bomb.
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