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Everything posted by cube

  1. i think this is one of the more underrated yamato toys. i love mine.
  2. pfft...i loved the mass shifting...nothing was cooler than megs transforming into a gun, starscream catching him, and blasting the crap out of a bunch of autobots
  3. i dont think it comes with a memory card
  4. ^yea...hell, I'd be tempted to buy 3 (one for each mode) and have a whole shelf dedicated to it
  5. im guessing a wave of mp seekers followed by devastator. no licensing issues (with real cars and whatnot), and the fact that it's big AND aweseome would make it an easy sell
  6. every clip i see of the tf movie makes it look more and more like a generic monster movie.
  7. killing prime was one of the most memorable moments in any kid's life. it was our version of jfk getting shot in the head. no matter how much hot rod and the other new tfs sucked, that moment made the movie matter it took Bambi's mother to a WHOLE new level.
  8. what does one of these things go for nowadays?
  9. damn emerson...THAT is a thing of beauty. Perfect collection right there. Can't wait for the SOC daltanious to come out!
  10. i expected to not like this, but it looks awesome! I think the red on the chest and arms is just the base color showing through the black, isn't it? another shot o paint should fix er up.
  11. aw, dude! I used to watch this as a kid, but all i remembered were the dudes riding their hover sled dealies to their vehicles, not the name of show. very exciting day.
  12. awesome! this is on the short list of customs I want to make when i get some time.
  13. does it play "whip it"?
  14. yea, these things confuse the hell out of me. someone in the now needs to make a rundown explaining which ones which, list the price, size, diecast....all that stuff. I want to eventually pick up one tachi, but have no idea which one fits my needs.
  15. strange...ive never even looked for these before, and the first time i went to a toys r us (last week) they had 2 primes and a megs....guess i shoud have picked up the megs for someone here
  16. i figure, if they can turn frasier crane into the beast, they can turn eric foreman into venom
  17. edit: just read it was top 3 choices: 1) anything in a street fighter 2) golden tee 3) Dungeons and Dragons Bust a move always gets a lot of play too.
  18. http://youtube.com/watch?v=UKeDWCLajQk
  19. ive never understood what people see in the eva designs....i swear they are one of the goofier looking creations ive seen in a long time.
  20. i kinda want the prime helmet, just for the peter cullen voice thingy. wonder how hard it would be to mod it into a g1 prime head
  21. i just love that sylar is torry spelling's gay best friend on so notorious.
  22. that's cool...thanks for the update SD You know I'm in once that resin starts behaving
  23. yea, im getting one without the orange tip now for robot mode, then wait til they release the inevitable full silencered version (or someone just makes a custom one...seems easy enough) I'll pick up another for gun mode.
  24. my guess? invisible guy taught lindeman how to control his power...the same power peter has. Lindeman was an average joe, who has gone around collecting other peoples' powers, but since he can control his power better than peter, he keeps the powers he collects...sort of like sylar, but sylar is clearly just a thug in the world of super powers, not a mastermind of any kind. He's more of a juggernaut than a magneto.
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