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Everything posted by cube

  1. im still on the fence with baikanfu...the big guy's legs are too thick for my liking, and they try to cover it with angled shots, but I LOVE the pic with both cockpits open so you can see all 3 dudes. I think that would make a killer display piece.
  2. cube

    -->Big<-- Toy Order

    hlj does wholesale...http://www.hlj.com/overview/hlj_dealers.html
  3. that was the best one yet!
  4. the movie toys really go from lumps of turd into pretty nice little buggers once you throw a coat of paint on them.
  5. i have devestator and predaking...i find devestator looks a lot better if you tranform/combine him wrong too...for his right arm, rotate the tracks back and out 90 degrees, so they lock in behind devestator's head/shoulder. This gets rid of the purple blob between the chest and the arm and makes it so both arms stick out the same distance from the chest. none of the other combiners do anything for me.
  6. yea, i got my teo today...the only stickers worth putting on are the wing stripes, decep wing symbols, and maybe the tail fin stripes (i left those off though). the other stickers mostly have REALLY small writing, and not quite transparent borders, so the background would stand out against the black beautiful toy though!
  7. yea, the sabbath part was epic, both in it's aweseomness and cheesiness. Plus, RDJ is brilliant.
  8. ooh, ironhide and ratchet are good additions to the line. i always wanted them to remake those two, so they started from the same vehicle sculpt they do now, but transform to look more like the characters in the show. The robot mode now is pretty retarded looking.
  9. yea, baikanfu looks awesome...reminds me of the gear fighter dendoh figure from a few years ago.
  10. yea, while im excited to seeit finally show up in toy form, the moto slave currently looks a bit like something you'd find inside a kinder surprise
  11. like a lot of the recent SOCs, I'm glad the EX gokins are being made, but they really aren't my cup of tea. The getters are AWESOME! and I would have picked them up for sure, had they been a reasonable price, but none of the other ones do anything for me. i prefer my super robots cleaner and simpler looking.
  12. ^i got mine from hlj today too....very cool little figure. Don't have a memory card to try out the music, but he's a fantastic update to the original sw.
  13. i picked up one of the real gear camera dudes...pretty cool looking and fits in well with my g1 collection. might pick up another one to display in camera mode...the video camera guy looks interesting too.
  14. i think i actually like the darker color better...the banana nose still bugs me though. and aoshima's strap on missile thingy is pretty weak.
  15. yea, ive never been into these at all, but the mnm supers and the cf super look great. probably have to pick up 2 of each (depending on the price)
  16. wow...some of those tv ones look amazing...grimlock, lugnut, bulkhead,,,even prowl and black arachnia look pretty cool.
  17. gunbuster...it's a beautiful toy, excellent quality, and the price will only go up. 1/48 prices aren't going anywhere
  18. is the grey on the max and miria packs different than the normal super/strike parts that are sold separately?
  19. ^i think they'll approve basically anything at this point..everyone I've talked to has left the movie wanting a bumblebee camaro. you really can't beat that kind of advertising.
  20. yea, the new ss looks awesome, and the price is low enough that i dont feel bad buying 2.
  21. ^yea, a zapper like that was always my dream back in the day...a simple gun with an analog on the back so you could control your dude and shoot at the same time...much more fun that the usual rail shooters.
  22. yea, the red looks a little orangey, and the dirt and panel lines aren't my cup of tea, but compared to the teal wonder, this one looks aweseome! I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to remove the "weathering" with a little brasso (or whatyever you folks are using nowadays)
  23. he said it was short
  24. im just excited about the g1 prime and bumblebee transforming pillows.
  25. yup, that thing kills! looks better every time i see it.
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