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Everything posted by cube

  1. yea, that blue does look good!
  2. just picked up a dx and an activators bumblebee today...i like the activator better in both modes :/ the plastic seems cheap on the dx, and it's all multi-colored because half of it is molded in color and the other half is painted...really shoddy looking piece
  3. i hate tfa starscream too...something about the head bugs me.
  4. yea, it should be easy enough to cut out a couple bits of black cardboard and slot em into the legs
  5. 'ere ya go...I'm planning on adding some side pieces to the legs so he can stand on his own, but for a quick fix, it works pretty well and looks a lot better
  6. ah, cool! have to get at least one of him then glad you like the collection. I got hooked after i picked up leader bulkhead, and it's been on ever since. I was planning on skipping oilslick, jazz, and soundwave from the latest set of deluxes, but I broke down today and got em...definitely glad I did! you really can't beat em for $13 a piece...nice to walk out of a store with an armload of toys for under $100
  7. ha sweet! can you take his orange thingies out? or are they permanent? would look a lot cleaner if you could get rid of em. picked up a couple more deluxes today and figured it was time for a group shot. still can't find bumblebee for the life of me :/ did a bit of a trick with soundwave as well...attached his legs on backwards, so the backs are now the fronts, with the wheels out to the sides. then instead of folding the toes under, extend them down to form his lower legs. Had to add some super glue to the ball joints at the knees, and he has to be propped up against another character to stand, but his height is a lot better this way (IMHO) and in a group shot, you really can't tell that it isn't supposed to be like that. colored in snarlag's cheetoh as well....just used a thick sharpie and it works quite well.
  8. yea, i just preordered the piccolo a couple minutes ago. Ima pick up the whole series for sure ooh, and I did a really poor job posing him there...it's got a ton of poseability and you can REALLY crank the poses around. the shoulders in particular are really impressive, as are the ankles and wrists...it's very stable no matter how you contort the legs
  9. here are a few for now...more in a few days: didn't feel like swapping the hands for the shots
  10. i think ss is out in december... did some more posing today...and apart from the hand positions, you can do all the fusion dance poses only addition I wish it had is a screaming head. dragonball is all about the running and the screaming, and a good kamehameha pose would look better with a solid screaming head to go with it...same with a powering up pose.
  11. quick review: this thing rocks! from head to toe, it's a perfect version of goku...comes with 8 hands in a good variety of poses, and the suit is pretty good quality. This is my first man-doll, so it took a while to get used to posing him, but once I figured out how all the joints moved, I could create some awesome poses. Comes with a stand as well, but it relaly doesn't need it, unless you want to do some crazy off balance pose. Other details: the belt has wires in it, so you can pose it as well. looks like the top half of the outfit is separate and removeable, so you can do some muscely, shirtless goku poses if ya like. No time to take pics today, but I'll pop a couple up later this week or early next. can't wait to have a full shelf of these guys...they really look like they were ripped right off the tv screen and dropped onto my shelf
  12. yea, with the wiimote, nintendo has the ability to make some pretty intense horror games...use it like a flashlight, like in the old silent hill games, but with more extreme lighting
  13. mine's being deliverd right now! My first man doll....oooooooooooooooohhhh!
  14. i was nunexpectedly happy with voyager prime...didn't expect to like him too much, but of course had to get him cause he's prime...he may actually be my favorite character in both modes right now
  15. yea, lockdown is prettty cool, especially in car mode....i little bit of detailing on the grey plastic parts really improves him too (panel lining the engine and coloring in the "holes" in the tips of the exhaust pipes).
  16. i think size-wise the activator matches up better wit hthe others...i prefer the look of the deluxe bb though, so ima go with him for robot mode at least. Might grab the activator for vehicle mode and tuck him in under grimlock in dino mode. for me, the must-haves are leader ultra magnus, leader bulkhead, voyager prime, grimlock, prowl, leader megs and voyager megs.
  17. got my animated voyager prime and grimlock in the mail today....prime is WAY nicer than i expected, in both modes, and Grimlock is just as cool....running out of room on the shelf for these buggers thouhg...luckily I'm not a fan of the seekers
  18. that was the tits....must see more
  19. yea, im not even a line-art nazi, but when i saw the first pic, i thought the canopy made it look like a turd....
  20. my current excitement level is...0 got all the 1/60s i need already, and although i would love it if their legs stayed on better, it doesn't bother me enough to drop $130 a pop on more of the same
  21. 14" or so, if memory serves...
  22. my local toys r us had a shelf full of em for $30 too...seems they aren't selling too well
  23. im still on the fence about snarlag...like dino mode, but not sure about robomode
  24. Wow! Nice work, and excellent pics/progress report....i'll be keeping an eye on this one
  25. if you're going to get a bulkhead, the leader's the way to go....REALLY nice toy. I ended up picking up the voyager as well to display in truck mode and i love that prowl can ride himself...he will forever be displayed like that in my cabinet.
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