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Everything posted by cube

  1. im planning on chucking the front end of a tamiya 1/24th model onto Smokescreen to make him into an 02-03 WRX (technically an RS cause I'll get rid of the hood scoop too)...does anyone that has the toy already see any problems I could run into with fitment issues, or does it look pretty easy. The 02-03 impreza is almost identical to the 04 one(smokescreen's an 04) except for a different hood, front bumper, fenders and headlights (tail lights are different too, but probably not different enough to bother changing) thanx
  2. damn that looks nice...i wonder why they made the matrix-light-up button blue? ...seems red woulda made more sense. I may have to try scanning the trailer into my computer and printing it out as sticker sheets (to chuck on a custom styrene trailer)
  3. aw...I didn't know you could get any 02-03 WRXs in BRP...I thought it was an RS only color. out of all the colors I've seen, white and BRP are by far my favorites.
  4. vostok...you gonna paint yours white? I'm going to pick up a hasbro and BRP it . I'm just waiting for the WRX cop car (Prowl)....you know they've gotta make this one!
  5. if this has been posted already, feel free to erase this thread but: check it oot: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/images/pre721big.jpg Silver Transforming WRX (Smokescreen's shiny brother)
  6. Clover Srungle DX? Check out Drifand's Rumble over at ToyboxDX (10.21.03: Lost in Transition)...looks like a Valk/Battletech cross to me.
  7. yea, the problem with grenades is that you only get 3 now instead of 6 per slot. This makes them pretty much useless on levels with landmines except for blowing the mines. A bunch of the people I play with are going to sell their copies (these are people that played SOCOM 1 between 2 and 8 hours daily for the last year!! ), and I'm considering doing the same. I'll probably just stop playing for a month or so and see if they can upload a patch to fix the system. Why oh why couldn't they just add new guns and levels and leave the rest alone I hear the new Lord of the Rings game ownez (plus you can play it online with the SOCOM mics), so I may have to pick that one up....or heaven forbid, leave my house;) I also heard some news about the new PS2 harddrive. It will retail for $99 and only be available with Final Fantasy XI. 4 months after FFXI is released, you will be able to pick the hard drive up without the game...also for $99. So it looks like they are really pushing for everyone to buy FFXI!
  8. as an added note to my previous review...I'm getting frustrated as hell with the retarded hit system. Where SOCOM 1 rewarded skill and accuracy, SOCOM 2 rewards spraying out huge wads of buttlets in the general direction of the enemy. The aim is so bad that the gun will almost never hit where the center of your crosshairs are pointing (even on single fire). You are technically supposed to be able to shoot landmines to detonate them, but I have gone through entire 100 round clips trying to hit one from 2 feet away (not to mention 30 round clips, 20 round clips, and every type of handgun)...GAY! Hopefully Zipper has a way to change the hit system with a patch or something similar. The only reliable weapon in the game is the rocket launcher. (I may have mentioned all of this in the review, but it REALLY bugs me! )
  9. here's my mini Socom II review: the new animations, guns, sounds, lighting effects (oooooooooh, you should see the lighting;) and skins rock! Now, dirt puffs up and water splashes realistically when you shoot it, and in some levels you can actually shoot out the lights to make rooms pitch black. The old levels have all been updated with gun turrets, different time of day, and slightly different layouts. The new "dark" levels are much harder to play, and really force you to keep your eyes open and use your night vision or thermal scopes. The new levels kick major ass for the most part. I had one absolutely horrible game in this swampy level with bugs. Every level I just ran around for 5 minutes and never saw anyone to shoot The urban warfare ones are particularily fun, and the new breach and escort game types force you to use a lot more strategy. Most of the new maps are frickin huge too The new weapons give you a lot more variety, and the annoying little landmines, stop you from running around randomly and force you to slow down and be a lot more careful. Noteable new weapons: silenced 552, automatic shotgun, pump action shotgun, single grenade launcher, multi-grenade launcher, bazooka, RPG, and my personal fave the Steyr STG-77. The actual gameplay is pretty much the same, but they have added switches for opening doors, and the seals have to plant C4 to blast open doors and walls on certain levels. You can also call in air strikes to strategic locations on certain maps. The entire on-line system works much better too. They have some weird ranking system that doesn't really work right now, but the clan system is much better, and you can add people to your buddy list so they are easier to find (it lists where they are playing). In the first SOCOM, you had to enter your name before you logged in, but now the names are stored on-line. I imagine they attach your IP address to your name and if you are caught cheating you are banned. You only get 3 names, so if you use em up, you're done (in theory). Negative parts of the game: -you take falling damage now, instead of just dying if you fall too far. So technically, you could die from repeatedly falling off of 6 foot drops ....boo -they changes the damage system, so it takes a lot more shots to kill someone. Normally if you tap out 2 or 3 shots directly into someones chest they would die (in SOCOM 1), but in this one, it took 5 almost point blank shots square to the chest (tapped out in single fire, so they all hit) with the STG-77 before the other guy died. The stats actually don't show how many hits you took anymore, because I'm sure it would be between 8-10 now for every death (as opposed to 3-5 before for a poorly aimed kill). Handguns are basically useless unless you get a headshot. For the last 4 months I played SOCOM 1, I only used handguns, so it kinda sucks that they are so weak now. -I suck at the game now ...lol...with so many new maps, it will take a long time to learn everything, so I'm never quite sure where to look or what I'm supposed to be doing on any one map. Since there are 22 total maps now (10 oldies and 12 newies...or is it the other way around?), you can get a full days worth of playing in, and never see the same level twice. I just got the game last night and played for around 9 hours (gawd I'm a dork), and only saw 1 level twice. -dancing...after you kill someone, you can dance on their body. I guess it's alright, but it's also pretty gay. One of the dances involves a backflip, and my new goal is to kill someone near the edge of a cliff and do the backflip dance over the edge;) ****Important**** -You must use the official Sony PS2 Network adaptor or else you won't be able to get online I used a cheap USB network adaptor before ,and it worked fine, but SOCOM 2 doesn't recognize it...the dirty money-grubbing whores ***Not important*** Overall, it is a nice improvement on everything from the first game, except for the stupid new damage system. Playing around with the new weapons kicks ass, the new maps are alot more complex than the ones from the first game, and the revamped SOCOM 1 maps are super-fun. They've also added a new "dive-for-cover" animation for going prone, and it works great. You can run along full speed, and do a flying leap behind a wall, building, busted old car, etc... Go buy this game. It's fun...no one cheats yet...watch out for landmines...
  10. hopefully I'll get it today... we'll have to play in a MacrossWorld only game, so I can own you all
  11. that's dope...you rock...i hate math
  12. i was mr t last year
  13. yea toysnjoys is a good company...and if you're going to get the MnMs, buy em separately instead of the set and you save 5 cents ($49.95 each vs. $99.95 for both)...woohoo!
  14. lol...I clicked on an old bookmark for MacrossWorld in one of my other browsers (Netscape 4.7), and look what I found
  15. at least if they actually used WR blue for it, you can get perfectly matched touch-up paint pretty easily.
  16. lol...it's funny....people are worried about chipping the paint on the Impreza transformer...and Impreza owners are worried about chipping the crappy paint jobs on their (our) cars. This is a level of realism never before seen in a toy
  17. cube

    Your Valks

    I may have to get one of those stands eventually to display my Elint in flight mode...The deely-boppers hang down too far for it to work with the gear down.
  18. too bad smokescreen wasn't an 02/03 impreza instead
  19. Yea, there's a Vietnamese restaurant near me called: Pho bich nga
  20. Damn..nice looking face...but the neck is waaay too long. It should be about half the length. Pretty easy to fix though.
  21. ya, i'm not a big 1/48 fan...sure they are nice, but for that size and that price, I would expect them to be perfect...In other words, no ungodly head seams, no scrawny arms, no uber-thick nose, no petite hands. I've also learned that bigger isn't always better (DX transforming gundam vs. Metal Material Strike Gundams), and prefer something a little smaller, and heavier. Diecast is my friend! I also like to get 2 of every transforming toy, so that I can display them in both modes, so the 1/48 just isn't worth the price. I can get at least 2 1/60s for the price of 1 1/48, and with some of the older toys, I can get 3 or 4 for the same price. I recently picked up 2 Cannon fodder 1/60s and a super 1j 1/60 for less than 1 1/48. In an unrelated note, I also picked up a brand new Bandai 1/55 Miria for only $70 plus shipping...woot!
  22. ouch!!! I pick up my new Soob in a week (blue 02 rs)...if someone hits it, I'll kill 'em. ...and ya...how come you didn't chase him down?
  23. ya vostok...I have been visiting the main sube forums and was surprised to see your name there...nice car by the way. I'm probably going to get an rs in the next few weeks, so I've been scouting out my options. I think I've narrowed it down to a 2002 or 2003 silver RS, with (eventually) morette headlights, and a WRX hood/scoop. I still have to take one for a test drive, and I'm a tall guy, so hopefully I'll fit! oops...edit 4 spelling
  24. er...I was checkin the side-view of the Elint in those auctions, and the packs on the elint look waaaaaay too small (smaller than the VF-11B packs)...maybe it's just the picture, but they look almost SD!!!
  25. lol...i can't remember if i responded to this already, so her goes: 1/72 = 2 1/60 = 11 (with 4 more on the way) 1/48 = 0 but I'm thinking of picking one up to mod it into a Jetfire. I figured it would look good next to the 20th Anniversary Prime.
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