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Everything posted by cube

  1. damn eugimon, sounds like you got ripped on your Prime...I just got mine today, and it doesn't have any probs at all. It can hold megs fine, it can hold the big gun fine (just slide it up a bit so the trigger isn't in the hand). It stands fine, poses fine, and the feet and head are on tight. The only change I would make is to color the matrix light switch red, so it doesn't stand out as much.
  2. awww...that prowl is PIMP! Too bad he didn't wait for silverstreak/bluestreak so he could get the stock hood.
  3. thanks again everybody! (I thought this thread was lost a few days ago) I'm glad it's recognizable as a BGC figure. i was worried it would just look like a generic chick with a helmet on ...sculpting the head was actually the easy part. It was the legs and arms that drove me crazy (I had to redo the arms 3 times) and it was hard getting the legs to look decent and be able to stand up in some cool poses since it doesn't have an ankle joint. Unfortunately, i really won't have any time to work on this for a while, so nothing will change until july or august at the earliest.
  4. I was actually surprised how sturdy the gakken cyclone was. I used to transform mine all the time and it never felt like it was going to break.
  5. www.shockplay.com has some neat games. There is a 3D tennis game, and a particularily fun slot car racing game (you only control the speed and if you go to fast around corners you fall off the track). i htink bowling is fun too, but I haven't played it in a while.
  6. it looks like something from Virtual On (a videogame)...
  7. thanks! I should have posted this thing ages ago...it's a good ego booster
  8. I think the sculpt is hot, but that better be a painted prototype (although you think they would have mentioned it somewhere if it was). The seams are nasty, and the canopy sux. My guess is that it is the final version, but they painted over the canopy to hide some super-special detail in the cockpit...or the battery for the light-up eye is in the cockpit:(
  9. 319.8...whoo edit: played a bit more...323.5...Yay...highest by .1!
  10. Lol...I take bribes The biggest problem right now is that I know I can finish the sculpt, but I can't paint worth a damn, and don't have an airbrush. The thought of a finished model without a paint job (or even worse, a crappy paint job) is too painful to imagine I also have 2 Websites and snowboard season standing in my way. Once those are done with, I should have a bit of time to fiddle with it.
  11. Thanks for all the positive feedback! It may just motivate me to work on this sucka a bit more My original plan was to make it recastable (the head, chest, backpack and wings will be), but I had to bondo straight onto the arms and legs, so there goes that idea
  12. did you ever see the custom Getter lady (she-getter?) that someone made from one ofthe SOC ladies? It was amazing! Mine won't be anything near that good, but it's a heck of a lot of fun working on it (when I get the time). I couldn't imagine trying to customize an Aoshima chogo though. They have waaaaay too much diecast to fiddle around with anything more than a paint job and a head swap
  13. ah yea fulc, you've known about this one for a while. I'm actually pretty happy with it so far. I need to add a bit more beef to the upper arms and shave down the shoulders quite a bit. It's hard to get a good range of motion ifthe shoulders are too small though. In the end, I may make the wings out of styrene and make them foldable (or at least separte folded up and folded out wings, but for now it looks better if they are in a fixed position. The hardest part has been trying to get a balance between the legs and the upper body.
  14. lol...I'm not THAT loaded...it was just an Aphrodai A that one of the on-line stores sent me by accident when I ordered another toy. They didn't want to pay for shipping it back, so they sold it to me for $20 or something... and thanks Sam! I wasn't sure if people would like it or hate it. I know there are some major proportion problems right now (the shoulders are too big for one thing), but it looks good from the side view. I just need to even out the front view so it all fits.
  15. last one (the quality really sux on this one...I had to over-sharpen it):
  16. mo'
  17. Ok...so I started working on this a year ago...got busy and stopped working on it...started up again...got frustrated and quit...and now, I finally decided to post some pics. I still need to make the boobs, fix the shoulders and thicken the legs (not to mention the whack of fine details and crap i have to add), but here is my first ever custom SOC The base is an SOC Aphrodai A, I stripped tha paint, bondo-ed over everything, and dremeled/sanded/filed it down to the right shape. I didn't have any other models to base it on, so it is designed after a few pics I found on the Web, and I just sort of eyeballed everything. This is only about half done, and the other half probably won't be done for a year or so. In case you can't tell...it's supposed to be Sylia from the Knight Sabers (Bubblegum Crisis). I used to have a sword for it, but seem to have lost it. It was just made from an old clear cocktail sword, so it's no big loss. Note: I have never sculpted anything before, never worked with bondo before, and never tried to make a custom toy before. This was also my first time working with a dremel. Enjoy! (and yes...it does stand on it's own)
  18. ahhh...I still remember the day I walked into the comic shop and saw the first issue of JTHM...changed my life (seriously! )...within two years I switched from being a Forestry major at university to a professional artist.
  19. whoo...lego bluestreak http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3&category=1186
  20. 1) Yamato Elintseeker (always wanted an Elint...love the Yam one...it's one of the few toys that gets a spot on my work desk...right beside the other Yam Elint and the 2 Yam Ostriches) 2) Unifive Jumbo Great Maz...took me forever to find this guy at a reasonable price (by far my longest ebay hunt), and it is the biggest, coolest toy I have 3) G1 Smokescreen Reissue...always loved smokey 4) Metal Material Strike Gundam with the sword and Launcher...straight up pimp 5)My baby...2002 Subaru Impreza 2.5rs...not as fast as a WRX, but fast enough for me...kicks ass in the snow...on it's way to 200hp
  21. Yea, for me price is the main factor. I'm trying to get out of the toy collecting biz (was spending way too much), so I want to spend as little as possible and still be happy with what I have. If I had the extra cash, I would definitely get 2 of each BT, but getting one BT, and then picking up an Alternator in TRU or Walmart or something will save a lot of cash. Sounds like BT-car, Alt-bot is the way to go. Thanks for the help!
  22. Totally disagree with that one. I've always considered myself a "Real Collector", and have no desire to get a Toynami Valk or a 1/48 Yamato. I prefer slightly smaller toys for display purposes, so the 1/60s are perfect for me, plus they look a lot better than the 1/48 (IMHO...i know people will disagree). I can't justify paying $125 for a toy that I really don't like the looks of. Not to mention the fact that I already have 2 of every Bandai Valk with FAST packs, and 2 of every Yamato 1/60 that I want (Super 1J, Super MnMs, CF, 1D, Elint, Ostrich). I also have to spread my cash between Valks, TFs, Jumbos, SOCs, and mods for my car. The last reason I don't want the 1/48s is because I'm basing my collection around setting up a balanced display. One side will have 2 of each of the old toy, the other with 2 of each of the new toy. So 1/55s will balance out the Yam 1/60s, G1 TFs wil balance out the MP Prime and Binaltechs, colored SOCs will balance out b/w SOCs, and the Jumbos will rule over all of them . There's just no room in there for 1/48s.
  23. Just a question for all the people out there that own the binaltech and alternator version of Smokescreen: If you displayed them together (say BT version in car mode, and Alt version in Robot mode) would it look good, or would the BT one stand out too much from the Alt one to make it look like they were the same toy? I always get 2 of each transformer to display in both modes, but really don't want to spend $100 for 2 of the BTs if I can just get one instead (or even just get 2 alternators if htey are close enough) Thanks!
  24. manoman...just think of the damage that would of done if someone was down there! It's like a 10-story game of lawn darts
  25. saw the movie today, and it rocked (of course). Highlights: -Rohirrim chargin over the orcs -dead/ghost army charging over the orcs -trebuches! (spelling?) -Legolas owning the Oliphaunt -steward of gondor yumping (yes...yumping) off the top of Minas Tirith Lowlights: -Gandalf et al standing in front of the Black Gate calling out the forces of Mordor looked fake ...erm...that's about it. I'll probably go see it again within the week.
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