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Everything posted by cube

  1. The shelves are actually really sturdy...I could put a 10-pin bowling ball in the middle and it wouldn't break Now...the shelf with the black gourai-sempuujin set sitting in the middle of it is bending like a mofo. I'll probably have to put some support under it. I think I have a pic of my "good guys" transformers shelf that's good enough to post. Thanks! I tried to get each figure in a totally different pose...I think it turned out pretty nicely
  2. [shameless cross-posting] for pics of every soc except the combattlers, evas, and getter gs, check out my collection pics I just posted. You may have to hunt a bit, but they are all in there along with their guccis: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7836 [/shameless cross-posting]
  3. the sentais take up a pretty small part of the collection (just some Gao Ranger and Hurricaneger stuff)...I love the jumbos though. If I could only keep 3 toys, those would be the ones. I highly recommend picking them up if you can find em (the unifive repros are the way to go) funny story: I was fiddling with the Gaiking jumbo one day, and rocket punched myself right in the face from about an inch away...hurt like a mofo
  4. thank you thank you... as soon as I started collecting the SOCs, I knew i had to have a display with all the colored ones on one side and the gucci ones on the other...sortofa good vs evil thing...Baaaaarely had enough space to fit em in too
  5. Just reorganized my collection, so I figured I'd post some pics of it. This is about half of the collection, but the other pics weren't as exciting. missing from the shelves are: -SOC Dancougar -Grendizer's Spazers (full set and black set) -3 Yamato VF-1Ds -2 Yamato CFs -4 Bandai 1Ss (sans armor) The rest of the collection is G1 Transformers, Jumbo Dragun and Raideen, and a few 12" and metal material Gundams and Sentai toys. Enjoy!
  6. <----seven Best episodes: 1) Polymorph : Give Quiche a Chance, and Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation into Society (CLITORIS). 2) Quarantine : Rimmer gets the holo-disease, goes crazy, and walks around in a dress with Mr. Flibble the penguin puppet!
  7. BAAAAH! My eyes! I think he has a nut cup now (not that I looked too closely;))
  8. Lol...replying to myself....that was fan-frickin-tastic...
  9. Everybody's favorite fat tron costume maker is gonna be on jimmy kimmel tonight.. enjoy...er...or avoid...whatever
  10. not SOC, but you should also check out the shin and neo getters from aoshima...pimp as hell (especially the black shin with the glow in the dark bits!!!)
  11. boss borot is great, and most people that see my collection like him best. Daiku Maryu is viciously pointy and the a testiment to dangerous toys and the full grendizer set and getter robo set are the most "fun" of the bunch. honorable mention goes to aphrodai a for having some sweet assed shootin boobs
  12. not official, meaning its designed after the subaru WRC car, not the binaltech Smokey
  13. I thought that was required for cosplayers
  14. i was gonna get "dork" tattooed on my forehead...i think i'll get this instead *ducks and runs for cover*
  15. just forget the neck joint was ever made...it works much better without it.
  16. I've put mine on the back-burner for now...one of these days i'll finish it off though...it's sooooooo close
  17. i think he's just trying to wipe some of that dust off the shelf
  18. cool...thanks! I'm a terrible painter, but hopefully i can pull this sucker off
  19. I'm working on a little custom project, and am going to paint the model/toy with automotive touch-up paint using a brush. I was just wondering what the best way to do this is. I'm guessing: -sand everything so the paint sticks. -paint everything -sand the paint again to smooth it out -nother coat o paint -sand again -sand with a very fine grit paper -clearcoat If I'm on the right track with the process, grit numbers for the different sandings would definitely help! Thanks!!!
  20. yea, 30 is still young...i'm 27, newly single, and getting more "attention" than I ever have...all from girls between 19 and 23. You just have to get yourself out there. I actually know a couple people that have met wives and girlfriends on-line, so you could always try that ...valks are nice, but sex is bettar.
  21. cool...ill head down to my walmart tomorrow and check it out
  22. cool...thanks angel!
  23. nice...i can definitely see the energon arcee influence in it.
  24. this thing shown up in canada yet?
  25. cube

    CF VF-1A

    lol...i've been hanging out in car forums too much lately...i saw "CF VF-1A" and thought...dude! Carbon Fiber!...I'm a dumbass
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