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Everything posted by cube

  1. surprised no one's mentioned him yet, but sammo hung has some awesome movies too...magnificent butcher, prodigal son, and kung fu cult master with jet li, among others.
  2. yea, I've seen all the main shaw ones from back in the day, plus a bunch of obscure ones...one of these days i'll start collecting them again...i think flying guillotine is first on my list right now though. most of the ones i have now are from crash cinema and the vid quality isnt the best...these celestrial ones may be worth a look if they're better
  3. hm, i really have to pick that one up...cant believe it's not in my collection...return of the 5 deadly venoms is sweet too. http://www.kungfucinema.com/reviews/crippl...gers_010204.htm
  4. just saw this movie tonight...HORRIBLE! angle was a complete dildo, and they killed off way too many main characters with no real build-up or drama...just "there he is...now he's dead" something about the way everyone flew or hovered was off too...like the wires were set up wrong, so they hung at odd angles. beast though, was rad
  5. was it just me, or was that a little iron maiden spliced in around the 40second mark?
  6. yea, ive got 6 mpc alphas (2 of each color sans red)...I think they are great little buggers. People gave these much more grief than they deserved. The only real QC issues I ran into were with some spotty paint quality and a back hatch that didn't want to open. Not really interested in the beta, but cyclones would be radtastic
  7. i feel like i should like this toy, but just can't bring myself to actually like it...having never seen megazone, i dont have any connection to the design, so that may have something to do with it, but it still just looks drab to me. :|
  8. awesome work! ...I wish I could paint
  9. damn that's nice...always impressed by rohby's work!
  10. id say AL is dead, michael's letting henry go so he can get walt back, and the other chick is still alive, but will regress back into crazy, catatonic girl like she was in the asylum.
  11. beautiful!!! one of the best ive seen...if not THE best
  12. looks good....but earthsea just isnt the same without: in it.
  13. Wow! that is impressive!. there are some amazing legoers out there...make my dig dug stuff look like ass
  14. anyone checked out the predaking boots that are popping up on ebay? found the link from tbdx...they look pretty decent apart from the colore...nothing a quick repaint couldn't fix. link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Predaking-D-78-Clone-T...1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. the tv movie they made for bcj was great...the show was hit or miss, but i still watched it relifiously
  16. i not a hoarder, im more of a display designer so 2 of everything that transforms, and 2 of any modern gokin/diecast if it comes in a regular and gucci version. i dont think i have 3 of anything i did briefly have 5 bandai super reissues, but sold off the valks and kept the armor.
  17. rachel bilson:
  18. if they can make kelsey grammar blue, hairy, and bulgingly muscular, they can do the same thing to topher.
  19. yea, cant remember when i joined....i think it was shortly before the yamato vf-19 came out
  20. gaw i loved this game when it came out for the ps...my parents were away for the week that i played it, so i was alone in a big house, and i only played it after dark and with all the lights out (trying to get the full effect) had to stop and check the door more than once
  21. thank you thank you
  22. FYGAR...in blue unfortunately instead of green, but that can be changed easily enough. and here's the actual sprite, since i don't have the 2D version done yet:
  23. exactly! It's like those old redneck dudes that sit on their porches shooting prairie dogs in the head all day. I also keep a giant mallet handy in case evil unicorns invade my castle.
  24. yea, I'm going to eventually make a 2D version of a pooka getting esploded, but i dont know if i can pull off a 3D version. the angles would make things pretty difficult. and if i owned some property and the ground was infested with 6ft tall fire breathing dragons and goggle monsters, i would totally poke them with a bicycle pump and inflate them til they popped...or id just stab them in the head with a screwdriver like my dad does to moles that tear up his yard
  25. just finished a 3D blue version of fygar ( the dragon), plus a huge shot of flame. I'll try to take pix later. and yea, with this pixel style, anything should be possible (at least as far as old video games are concered). As you get into the newer systems, the sprites have more pixels, so they will obviously get bigger and more complicated. Simon Belmont, the vic viper, arthur from ghosts n goblins...should all work.
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