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Everything posted by cube

  1. controls are throttle and turning (one stick for each). Basically, there are 7 levels of throttle, and turning left or right just takes power away form one side and adds it to the other. So it's not just crappy digital on and off control. Keep the throttle up and they go up, 1/3 throttle keeps it level usually, and low or no throttle lets it glide down to the ground. Size-wise: 9" wingspan, 9.5" tip to tail You can definitely fly em indoors, but you need a decent bit of space. Here are some vids other people have made: Indoors: Outdoors: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Mau2FBGPAfY&search=aero%20ace
  2. not sure if anyone else has given these things a shot, but they are by far the most fun ive ever had...$20 at toys r us for a cool little remote control plane...made mine into a half-assed skull squadron. They come in 3 different channels, so you can dogfight with em...decent range and battery life too. (they all used to be bi-planes, but i yanked the wings off some of them, so they fly better) perfect starter if you've ever wanted to get into remote control planes...the rc guys are going nuts for em.
  3. damn nice work! how tall is this anyways? tempted to get one of these, but dont know how exactly i'll display a toy with a vagina
  4. ^thanks! i've been looking for an elint recast, and may have to bug nb4m and see if he's interested in doing a color matched run of em.
  5. looks awesome! did you have to do any sanding/filling on the recast armor, or just paint er up?
  6. i must be one of those weirdos that doesnt care about scale...i just want them to be the same size...so a cyclone would be as tall as a valk, would be as tall as a destroid monster, alph, beta, whatever. Sort of like the SOC toys...not even remotely in scale with each other, but look awesome displayed together.
  7. you might have more luck checking on tbdx or robot-japan for something like this...they tend to have a wider base of knowledge than here Good luck
  8. im still voting for the colormatched elintseeker
  9. Thanks and yea, I'm going to hit up a dollar store or toys r us for a set of kids bowling pins, then order a sheet of .08 styrene and do the cape and axe at the same time.
  10. thanks ...it took entirely too much work for something so simple looking
  11. Posted this over on tbdx as well, but figured I'd pop a couple shots here too. Took a jumbo getter dragon, chopped the spikes off the head, resculpted the entire head and chest, made the cape, added a functioning belly gun, arm spikes, and a fancy paint job, and ended up with...this: I was basically going for a jumbo version of the SOC getter 1...a little bit too much glare in the shots, but you get the idea...once i get some more time, i'll add an axe, a missile/getter beam thingy for the belly gun, and a full cape.
  12. yea, i probably won't put the head on for a while. I'm going to eventually pick up a couple cheap 1/55 Hikki 1As and chuck the armor on them...that's a ways off though. I'm sure someone else will do something more impressive with them in the meantime.
  13. im retarded when it comes to painting, so i need color matched kits (i spent the last 2 days trying to paint a custom jumbo, and so far it looks like ass )
  14. A couple pics to show how it looks beside my vf-1j max in reissue super armor as an added note: quality-wise, I'd say this kit is on par with Rob's work, with the added bonus of being color matched.
  15. update: my 2 sets of ostrich armor just showed up today...initial impression: HOLY fart! These things are beautiful. The color is sharp and bright and the recast is perfect. Sitting next to my other armored valks, you can't tell it isn't from the original toy. I just need to mask off a couple spots on the boosters and give em a shot of black paint and it'll look just like the original. Haven't had time to put the head or wings on yet, but they look amazing too. The head has all the parts form the original, cast in a nice shiny black, and the wings are a bright white. No signs of air pockets or rough edges on anything. Definitely recommend these to anyone that doens't have an ostrich already...really, it far exceeded my expectations. I think I'm officially the only person in the world right now with 2 VF-1A cannon fodders in ostrich armor And SILVERDRAGON...if you do a color matched elint kit, consider me up for 2
  16. thanks dude! I ordered the aphrodai soc by accident a few years ago, and haven't been able to stop since...ive never even seen a mazinger cartoon
  17. the black suit is a living symbiote thingy...spidey picks it up in space, it bonds with him, starts trying to take home over...eventually he splits from it, it joins with eddie brock over their mutual hatred of spidey, and venom is born. haven't read the comics in 10 years or so, but i think that's the gist of it.
  18. wonder what they grabbed the "venom" part from for that trailer...underworld or something maybe? cause last i checked venom doesnt have canine legs.
  19. thanks I used to have a lot more kibble in my collection, but I've narrowed it down to Macross, Chogokins, Transformers and Megazords.
  20. a couple shelves...about half my stuff:
  21. damn, those look awesome so far! Can't wait to get em too!
  22. hm...wonder if he does commisions <---starts saving for christina aguilera real doll
  23. maybe the look of the black suit changes over the movie? Starts off looking like a black version of the regular suit, then as it takes more control over peter, it changes into it's own look...the spider/logo getting bigger as peter becomes more spider, less man
  24. damn that is nice! Definitely keeping an eye on this! Surprised no one's done grey, color-matched elint parts yet.
  25. ive heard this game is rad
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