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Everything posted by cube

  1. he explained it in an interview....he waits til the last possible minute, finds out who isn't working, and offers them a bit of cash...he doesn't always get who he wants, but he tends to get the occasional decent actor for rock bottom prices.
  2. i cant believe i missed this i live in vancouver, and didn't find out about it til the day after it happened
  3. if definitely recommend the toynami voltron to anyone that hasn't picked it up...beautiful sculpt, and one of my biggest, heaviest toys (only my DX tenraisempujin and black gouraisempujin are bigger than it) good value for the price
  4. yea, there's something i like about em...the weight, the sculpt in fighter mode...maybe it's just the size I like as for pilots, most of them come with them...for the ones that don't, i just stole the extra pilots out of my battroid ones and swapped em into the empty fighter mode ones.
  5. i hated my first 1/60...horrible transformation, froppy as hell, no fun at all. eventually the scult grew on me, and I picked up another 13
  6. ^ok..that's pretty awesome right there! I think vostok used to have a set fo stormtrooper armor too. ended up getting the anakin ROTS force fx myself...LOVE IT! Vader ESB will be ordered pretty soon, as well as a replica mouser to fudge into han's blaster. I'm actually surprised MR hasn't come out with a cheaper version, since replica mausers can be had for as little as $60.
  7. ^yea, i hope they go that route instead of putting out bizarre non-accurate thundercrackers and skywarps too
  8. no one can really be stupid enough to think that these ar ethe transformers that people want to see...i'm hoping it's some brilliant campaign of misinformation.
  9. they look bionicled
  10. oops, not google...did a yahoo image search the results are 90% porn for the first 3 pages (all linking to the same site)
  11. i just googled yawara...the first pic was a girl getting something injected into her pooper, and the next was a girl getting peed on by 3 or 4 people...intriguing
  12. lowered expectations?
  13. are there any differences in the obi-wan lightsabers across the series? (i know there's only 1 fx version out). I tried to find good pics of alec guinness with his, but couldn't find anything decent. if they all look the same, i'll just grab the rots one.
  14. thanks for the pic! that makes it a lot easier. i don't know the designs nearly well enough to tell the subtle differences between those, so if the anakin one works better, that's the one I'd go with.
  15. cool...im not too worried about whacking them together, just which ones sound and look the best...is the anakin rots one the same design as the luke esb(but with the new electronics)? thought i read that somewhere, but could be confused...im not a fan of the latest 3 movies, so if i get some, it would be luke, vader, and obi-wan from the first 3 movies.
  16. what are the best ones to get? I read some reviews and it sounds like the empire strikes back vader and luke are good ones...as well as the return of the jedi luke.
  17. vectorman was a brilliant game...and you cant go wrong with golden axe
  18. no bo-bobo bo-bo-bobo???
  19. ive been flip-flopping on this guy all along: love the design (even though it's not perfect), but hate the colors...in the end, i've decided to skip it until they come out with a better color scheme. I have no use for some starscream/thundercracker hybrid toy...bring on this: or leave me out of it. There is entirely too much potential for repaints here to bother with the initial release.
  20. never watched too much anime, and have no idea how obscure or popular any of these are, but i enjoyed: -Record of Lodoss War -3x3 eyes -black magic m66 -madox 01 -ninja scrolls
  21. there are a bunch of websites already where people have taken the innerds out of these and attached them to different plane designs...i don't think you'd get enough lift out of a vf, but you could definitely modify it with bigger wings and get it to work
  22. yup, no motorized flaps or anything...the engines just change power to turn or change speed/altitude. It does, of course have flaps that can be adjusted to get the right balance and lift, as well as a steering adjustment on the controller that lets you adjust the power to the left or right motor i tried my friend's f-16 one tonight and it does indeed suck...goes super fast, but doesn't turn...then it crashes...HARD.
  23. i think they go by a different name in the UK...X-Twin or something. yup...just did a search, and you can get em here: http://www.otherlandtoys.co.uk/product1723...&first_non=true don't know if it's the cheapest, but it's the first one that popped up.
  24. the other planes don't control as well apparently, and this is the only one with a LiPo battery, so it gets better life or something (just repeating what I've read elsewhere). The batteries take 15 minutes to charge, then they run full throttle for 10 minutes or so. With the amount of crashing and low or no throttle flying you do, it usually ends up being closer to 15 minutes. They have a 200ft range too, so you can get em up nice and high...just watch out for the wind. and yea, the dogfight is pretty much just flying around stuff and trying to crash into the other guy or follow the other guy...also fun to divebomb the other pilot and try to smoke him in the face (the props are small and in the back, so they don't do any damage) you can get em online at toysrus.com...looks like they are $30 there though. I'm in Canada, and toysrus.ca has em on for $20Cdn right now. I think you can get them cheap at either target or walmart in the states. Just call around and see who has em.
  25. yea, Air Hog Aero Ace...dont get any of the other models, and don't get the newer aero ace jet (it doesn't work very well)...if you pick one up make sure it's the aero ace bi-plane
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