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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Just prototyping stage..
  2. Hi, there!.. I decide to make it with CNC from wood.. Like this my model.. It took some time to build it.. I'll post some images later.. Regards
  3. Thanks). I usally use Maya, but for such stuffs a large amount of software is useful - from Paint to Solidworks for me..
  4. During the prototyping stage - scale is 1/48 for now..
  5. Metal 3D printing, however, is pretty complex and expensive process.. So I hope to make all parts from ABS (maybe Nylon for some of them).
  6. Yes, surely..
  7. Slowly, but steady..
  8. Thanks, 505thAirborne). 1/60 I think, but not shure yet. After printing some parts it will be more clear.
  9. Some progress..
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