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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. get the cheap CF a good primer + paint + tamiya tape dismantle the bird and paint it guys !!
  2. Hey guys : pls do not put the extra hands of the V2 : they are oversized they are perfect on the 1/48 I put them on my old 1/48 and they look pretty cool personal opinion
  3. here comes the master the paint job is fatastic !!! I want one !!! the sv-51 is well design and does not fear custom paint for its transformation !!! I might get an airbrush for christmas so I will have to copy the scheme again but with the right colors Dobber : what are your colors ref ??? I just love it
  4. they always reply 1 day after my e mail is sent you should check your spam folder it could be your issue
  5. Ghostkiller

    My Macross

    What is the point of this tread ? it should be closed the smile on the topic === " " does not make sens
  6. Super max 1J blue valks for aces The vf-1 (new 1/60 or 1/48) are more solid and less floppy that the yf-19
  7. and the picture is a vf-25 from frontier
  8. The seem line does exist on the 1S head ?? under the visor !
  9. :lol: your roy can not look down right ??? or do I have a special proud one
  10. Your go But my personal taste says ALTO version
  11. My 1A is shipping from overdrive since yesterday so I will tell you soon yeah WTF my friend
  12. Do you know that on the vf-1S V2 : Roy can not look down the head always pop up and look straight there is king of spring system the only way to make him look down is to play with the neck or lock the head in an angle Not a good thing as I like menacing look down head for my display
  13. sorry man just misunderstood you
  14. thks a lot I will try that with crossed fingers I have never shop there it would be so nice if they could provide a new wing thks again I really appreciate it just hope that I will not have to do battle damaged on that one
  15. Hello guys I need some help here my left wing of roy 1:60 v2 "the one with the macross kite" came across my cat today yeah it is a bad day how can I get a replacement part ? can someone help me out pls ? I know that yamato only provides replacement part to japanese customer... really hope that someone in MW can help me on this
  16. listen : I just do not like the way you are writing and settle your points this is free bord anyway so you can go on and on bitching on yammies for the sake of your B beloved company
  17. "WE KNOW" ======== that is not nice you again... I transform my toys really often.. maybe more than you I am just saying that you have to be carefull during transfo... you get nervous all the time when it comes to yamato toys 1 advise : stay away from it
  18. The 1/60 is not the 1/48 so you have to be gentle Considering the parts are really tight you tend to force a bit-1 But don't You need to hold the shoulder attaches carefully when pulling out the arms from fighter to battroid or gerwalk ... I even take out the front of the canopy and the head The 1/60 is pretty but 1/48 rock way much better... I will not buy more I am done with vf-1 the funny thing is that I prefer not putting the armor on
  19. mine arrived today he is perfect it just feels weird to hold as I am use to the 1/48 scale Panel lines could just have been a bit deeper
  20. it is a macross plus valk ... so anime magic everywhere the result of yamato design is great IMO there is no gaps by the way I love the battroid mode ! I can live with small tailfins.... it will be display in space combat configuration I do hope we will have more panel lines on it and hope it will come with a darker grey .. it is the flash and lightening effects ?? At the moment I will get 1 it rocks ! I want new pics And if it looks better I will get a sqadron
  21. Ghostkiller

    Latest custom.

    Hey sqidd it is all about practice and having the right tools and technics it takes time but not impossible u can always learn ! Kurt : great job !
  22. it is a toy cause kids will love it... but not serious collectors like me and many members on this bord at least it should not be called DX
  23. yeah yeah at least the kid brings smart ideas for this poor and not smart design mr potatoe lover just kidding
  24. According to the pics all the gaps will help to fit the hinges of a FULL covering armor set making the fighter mode looking like a potatoe A FLYING POTATOE !!!! oups sorry it is me bitching again more seriously I agree that Bandai did not put a lot of effort into the design It could have been much better we all know they could have done better ! an easy fix for the gaps on the nose will be for them to include magnets !! like on the SV-51 nose
  25. well old enough to garanty that this is a pure toy and has nothing to do with a collector item I build jets in 1/32 and proportion is really important to me so I am really familiar with proportion so when a design is off it looks pretty obvious to me but it looks like not everyone is seeing that the same way it has nothing to do with Bandai any company who brings good stuff is fine with me : I had high hopes at the beginning in fact ........... if yamato brings us a bad shape valk I will also be really nasty it makes u feel funny to enjoy something that a lot of people do not like isn'y it ??? the ratio is about 1 to 4 get over it we all have different tastes again it is macrossworld and the good thing is that everybody is not thinking the same way : we r not robots by the way : yes I watched the full show but all I am expecting from any company that makes models / toys out of the show is : accurate stuff I am not 10- 15 years old I expected a bit more specially for the price that there are asking
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