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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. just received a notice from overdrive after a month for both roy v2 arms hope they do not blow up this time
  2. Gerwalk mode is my favorite Also : do you guys realize that it is the only walk that can have the heat shield on all the time fighter mode entering atmosphere with Isamu not burned WHAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  3. Hello Miriya Yamato is going to use colored plastic it does not look like a painted heat shield
  4. you are right : Sharp eyes hope they correct it
  5. thk u yamato I am in !!!!!!
  6. don't forget that bandai is the only game in town for the vf-25 for vf-1 : would you get bandai or yamato ??? Let's just say that this success is due to crazy fans who just need a vf-25 toy at the moment
  7. I hope I am wrong
  8. Hey mirya : the panel line is soft right??? and the hangar pics is awesome thks !!!!
  9. Yoda told me: Broken the arm will be this arm issue is more pervert than the neck of the 19, it can happen by adjusting pose... think about it ...
  10. Hello Eugi The thing is that they are more carefull during assembly in the factory now But the design and the movments allowed will make it weaker.... When you adjust the arm position it brings a lot of stress on the hinge location I am sure some of us had no crack brand new and then cracks appeared... and don't tell me it was micro cracks let's see how many survive with time.... the vf-1 is still pretty new
  11. funny points I do laught at some pictures too but an explicit image is beyond limits for me I am pointing out 1 picture actually I am not going to quote it as you all know the one I am refering too ... Don't you ???? And I do not think that such explicit contains did ever exist really in Macross Anyway no big deal here ...........
  12. Does I sound like I am refering to jets ???? this is Macrossworld and not Macrossporn This should be clear enough
  13. Mod should actually erase some pictures here this is a toy forum... some pictures are going behond the limits here
  14. The sad part is that the design and the small parts used will break anyday in addition the movement allowed by V2 on the arm will for sure generate cracks and the arm will just break the arm does not lock into place sorry but buying a valk and being forced to be extra carefull is not really acceptable V2 owners can not recommand this bird really... it is non sense to recommand a toy that has almost 20% of chance of being broken in early stage and this rate is getting bigger with time the scary thing is that I know a person that owns 2 and both are broken sorry sorry but the figures talk by themself here
  15. well Roy lost the the right arm today the right arm did not have a sign of crack like the left arm .... but it broke well will need to get replacement parts for both side for me The V2 is a faillure for me in term of durability and I will not get anymore... 1/48 Forever I have seven and all are perfect
  16. Ghostkiller

    YF 21 Decals

    the real question is are valks supposed to have no step area ??? lol even if I do not think it makes sens to have them on I actually do put them on sometimes
  17. hell yeahhh my roy was fine but after 10-15 transfo I had a crack it just take times micro crack gets bigger as time goes by
  18. well all I want to say is : give it some times : just to let it have a good transformation numbers from the owners and a bunch of no arms vf-1 will be in our collections vf-1 won't survive with this pressure on the shoulder.... We will talk about this later
  19. it might sound bizarre but I don' care too lol
  20. I hope it is big enough
  21. well no matter the kind of plastic used this part gets too much stress do to the fact that it is small this part was bigger on the 1/48 and the hole is bigger too you can tell in the pic below that the metal bar is not smashed into place it looks clean hey ??? for the V2 the hole was too small and when the metallic bar was placed in the factory the plastic gets micro breaks that will get bigger later on ===> the plastic gets stretched the metal bar looks like it was hard to be put in place see my pics below I have just check my roy and a crack line is present I have just put a bit of cyano glue to fixe it the optimum fix will be a full metal part but are u ready for paint issues over time everything due to its size it will break sooner or later guys but I like the V2 and will just monitor it a bit preventing breaks to get worst and avoid stress during transfo
  22. eugimon is right it is the easiest way depending of course on what is damaged
  23. drop them an e mail well let s say it was missing in the packaging lol overdrive could help maybe they r really nice and always respond to queries just tell them u actually lost it
  24. my wing is ready thks overdrive !!!!!!!
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