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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. What a joke different colors on rvf-25 on different boxing I am so glad I was able to cancel my order on this one I just feel sorry for those who have them shipped or paid already I am surprised that they had no bad feed back as their display model was wrong too not clearly visible on the pics but in the show room it would have been obvious And don't tell us that Mr K has rethought the green color of Lucas if so : I would like toys shop to displays clearly the real bird with missed colors on their web page. as bandai is using 2 tones green on this one in purpose and do not hide behind : the production model can be different from the actual pics the potential buyers are not always forum readers sells are going to drop big time next week on this one ............ Lucas is going to be on sale soon Lucas failed during its mission
  2. Vegas : this is macross art here AWESOME
  3. I second that !! the weathering job done here is a joke ....
  4. no way I would rather customised Lucas instead low vis 2 lucas could be awesome low vis awacs is harder to target
  5. commercial pics were correct ! and the final product is way off : I want my money back here What s wrong with bandai : running out of correct plastic pigment ?????????
  6. WTF : 2 greens ?????? why why why ???
  7. I see now : it is not mistake : any paint job would be ruined considering the area but it would actually depend on how tight it is It was ok on my SV-51 custom ( it remain ok on the articulation area ) it will be my first vf-25 I am starting with lucas and Michel
  8. I agree I just found it really strange that they messed up as it was right on the proto anyway no big deal I am going to fix it on mine a bit of tamiya tape and a good white spray application should erase that mistake
  9. Hummm strange they always responded to me the next day for the change of adress they will ask you to reconfirm when parts are ready maybe when was it as it was japan holiday ???
  10. Nothing guys : they only respond when the parts have arrived and are ready to ship to you average waiting time frame is 1 month be patient :
  11. U should wait but nothing will garanty you get the proper new redesign shoulder.... 3 screws to open the chest and and release the wings : you need to take out the chest and the wings and screw the new arms in place it is pretty easy the pin should not be touched
  12. no pics required just request.... the funny thing with my repalcement parts is that they used a short spin on one of the arm when I checked it So I had to to replace the spin myself ( half attached shoulder.... , what the Hell ) So after time my fear does come true on this issue the conclusion is so simple : all production without revised shoulder design will break..... yamatoed again.......
  13. the whole horizontal only : flat black is flat black make sure to sand down properly and repaint only when you get a smooth finish on the plastic !!!! get a nice a micro mesh !!!! my favorite tool when modeling https://www.micro-surface.com/doc_library%5...ESH_BUFFERS.jpg
  14. hello it does not look bad at all ok go to a hobby shop and ask for tamiya tape and a fine grit of sand paper and a can of tamiya AS-6 : flat black erase all the black paint with the sand paper ( removing all will allow it not to look like a repair touch ) then secure the paint area with the tape ( make sure to tape parts of the birds that are not supposed to be painted cause you are going to spray) and spray the area when dried : remove the tape it will just look like it is out of the factory
  15. Yes but 2 magnets would have been better VF-0 fast do not hold that well...
  16. 1 x 1/60 VF-1S Roy Ver Head Part ??? was it missing in the box ?
  17. so glad of the design : this has always been my favorite plane I love canards on fighters
  18. to stay out of topic wrongly transformed all the way and wrong leg position screwing plate position , no mention of guld being able to be back automaticaly correctly when transform back to fighter... etc etc practice more before reviewing he does not do justice to the 21 :
  19. true true : but Dx contains palstic as for the landing gear I was just thinking about making them longer
  20. more seriously : this is not a nice commercial touch !!! maybe they thought : with all the required holes the valk will just look like a piece of cheese
  21. v1 will just need a driller and you get a V2 easy fix with a modeling driller !
  22. well I was not a big fan of the DX but the pics made me ordered the Awacs and Sniper version I found them cool it is toy after all and I easily imagine myself playing with it and I think that retooling the gears is possible "making them detacheable could be an option" can not wait for them to land in france !
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