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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. come on there are business man !!!!!! when you see how popular it is you just have to take the money to make it faster we should just post picture on a japanese forum I think they will go nuts that way for sure :lol: :lol:
  2. really nice physioguy !!!!!!
  3. another one yamato come one give us a surprise do something original pure awesome below http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/rm_gamma.htm
  4. HEY YAMATO I am giving u some ideas below http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/sv51/svpage2.html
  5. unusual pose of an SV-51 I think nobody has done this one it looks pretty cool IMO totally badasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  6. just before Xmas then
  7. Cheers miriya
  8. if they do dobber scheme I will get 3 in a row
  9. hi The 19 is the old wave wait a bit a get the new low vis from yamato of the V-51 CASH big time if yamato go ahead and they are going to do it should be closed to mine and dobber scheme it is only a matter of time now yamato is having meetings at the moment and are figuring out the scheme for the flanker camo on their computers there is no match if you are looking for a really nice fighter mode
  10. checked below for pics http://www.robotechcollections.fr/dossiers...playstand.shtml
  11. hello man black on the feet is ok for me this is engine part for me
  12. I think a dark blue will be really cool r u going to aircraft resource center ????
  13. u r right I did use yamato stickers on some parts but wanted to get 01 on this bird that is why if someone can provide me 01 like real flanker number I will change it but I doubt it does exist
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. ==>Here are secret pics of the first russian variable fighter produced by Sukhoi company Pictures were taken aound midnight SV-51 serial number 01
  16. job done already Dizman sv-51 in one piece and repainted all the way I am just looking for 1/72 scale russian red star Anyone can send me some ?
  17. Ivanov needs to be dismantled as when he gets shot at the end of macross zero lol seriously here are the parts that I have unscrewed the legs were not dismantled I have just masked with tape the knees knees and articulations taped
  18. ouhouhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dobber all the way
  19. OUHHH your local store is nautilus they are so bad I mean price are so high just a RIP OFF for an example they sell the SV-51 at 309 euros so 450 $$$$$$$$$ using 1.46 USD/EUR seriously is this a joke ???? those items will be good if they respect the proportion but I will pass on that for sure concerning the aircrafts A non transformable toy is not a macross toy more for u
  20. I think this will interest SV-51 owners and stop the issue the hips just need to be screwed just a bit tighter pull out the leg and screw it so easy to fix so no big deal at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are not doing correctly at the factory that's it
  21. I like big toys trust me vf-11 won't be small no way
  22. that topic is insane !!!!!!!!!! don't forget the roots lol VF-1 all the way :lol: :lol:
  23. As the Vf-11 is just a bit longer than the VF-1 no surprise at all a 1/60 will just look ridiculous a 1/48 will more be the scale of the new one so happy yamato is keeping the size that will fit regular plane box they do at the moment
  24. really really nice thks for sharing
  25. Hi guys been looking at the wings today I ended up not really happy with the camo on the wings so I have redone it I have redone the camo on both main wings I had to use sandpaper to erase the old marks left by the first apply of blue it helps a lot and thanksfully it looks like it is the first apply of paint now the balance of blue is way better now for my taste
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