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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. thks charger!!!! not the decals of supernova but they are ok and not sealed so the bird's decals will be changed the day I can get supernova decals By ghostk,
  2. nice !!!!!!!!! really nice scheme viva autobots !!!!!!!!
  3. Fast pack and fold testing on the blue proto ????
  4. Just a pure beauty Can I have the same in hikaru or max colors ? congratulations !!!!!!! Amazing ....................
  5. Yes man could not leave it here for this topic lol lol Decals are going to be a pain I think ..........so ... regular macross signs will do for the moment unless I can get them and it is a bit glossy but I like it so far I thought this blue would be too glossy but in real it is not at all so I am wondering if I am going to clear flat it honestly ..........
  6. Thks !! I have been sanding all the pieces that could be an issue for the moment
  7. not finished at all But just love the battroid look thought It would be nice to share !!!
  8. Ghostkiller

    Almost Done!!

    Blue on the right and red on the left on the main wings only it is the rule but there is no blue on vertical stabs even on doubles v stabs seen on F-14 F-18 Flanker etc......... nice custom JUNG I would just say that the weathering is too heavy on it but again your bird rocks Yf -19 is on fire on MW
  9. cool hope mine turns ok !!!!
  10. ok here are new pics I just could not wait to see the main scheme on our yamato YF19 such a kid I know I have to say that I am glad I did all the fixes it rocks so solid now ====> as solid as the SV-51 and no gaps !!!! around the chest..... blablablablabblab nothing moves trust me u can shake the baby hard and nothing moves the legs and the wings are sticked I love it now !!!! the work is not finish at all of course the blue is only 95% done and a lot of work is still ahead so now the question is : is this the super nova scheme guys ????
  11. it is taking shape I am excited more lines to do
  12. even with tamiya tape the line is not perfectly done IMO should I double tape then to get correct lines ??? You can tell on the edge that the blue is siting a little bit higher I may have to gentle sand with wet sandpaper to even the paint I think Maybe my blue is to thick ...............
  13. I was thinking about engraving the bird with the line then the paint stays in between the 2 lines Will figure out thaks gus !!!!!!!!!!
  14. the blue is actually darker but under heavy lights or the day light it turns out to be nice blue.... the small blue lines are going to be a pain to do thks guys
  15. just started the supernova blue paint job scheme on the 19 It is quite a hard scheme to match on the toy straight lines are difficult wish me luck !! ps : Charger69 now you have your teaser lol
  16. Wicked Ace refers to the use of Future in the modeling world I found this link which is very helpfull I read that I could even use it to get a red head visor or blue creating your own shades of transparent colors http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html
  17. that is the base job I will flat clear the baby when alll done
  18. perfect white done only I might be a sick crazy head but I sand a re did some part due some unnoticeable dust marking due to the airspray apply the knees have been sanded a bit to avoid paint dammage when moving the part I want to play with it dammage free !! a custom should be 1OO % transfomable if not go for hasegawa model lol it a macross toy or it is not !!!!! for the blue part I might have found a good spray maybe more news later
  19. very impressive thks for sharing !!!!!!!
  20. the rest will be post on : Hey! What are you working on?, Let's see some progress pictures.
  21. hello in macrossworld u get everything http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...ustoms-main.htm
  22. no prob and do not forget the chest part fix as well !!!!!!!
  23. the 19 can rock solid in both side bottom and top view Yes no joke It took me 2 hours to figure out but it was worth it still using sand paper and a zacto knife Before getting to the blue paint I needed no gaps in fighter mode cause I will deal with blue lines here are the shots of the result and the parts to modify comments are useless I have rounded in red the parts to work on :wink: Yamato fix that for your future reissue
  24. Thks david H is this navy blue??? it looks ok then matt white and navy blue should look good what do u reckon ???
  25. hey guys during my custom project I found a fix for the chest part that does not look good in fighter mode see below the fix is minor and does not change the look and u can barely noticed it !!!!! a simple zacto knife and sand paper is required u need to cut down the piece and sand it to have a perfect finish but no obligation to sand honestly see the pictures below the result in fighter mode : "happy fix"
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