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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. nice !! but it is not dustproof unfortunately the gaps do not help
  2. ANTI UN testing UN SPACY missiles
  3. the hands in battroid mode are optional like on the 1J 1/48 it has its own hands which are smaller for transformation
  4. Ghostkiller

    Latest custom.

    ouuuhouuhhhhhh some flat clear + custom on canons I like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB and Yamato ====> this is not sold in JAPAN
  5. hey guys on the big yamatos the legs are easyly detached VF-1 , yf-19 , SV-51, vf-0 and YF-21 of course
  6. t'es vraiment un fou !!!! A++++
  7. hey pls share the technic I would like to see if it affects the battloid mode or after the fix do you get only a 2 mode valk ... instead of 3 PICS PICS PICS
  8. Ghostkiller

    Thunder Hammer

  9. HEY really nice how have you fixed that ? is it a new head ?? pictures please
  10. I guess you did if yamato makes a white 19 IT WILL BE EASY TO MAKE A SUPERNOVA SQUADRON
  11. I might leave it like this ......... i am being use to it and it looks cool I am thinking that in red it could be really awesome maybe in the future do not want to rework the 19 AGAIN NOW SANDING SANDING
  12. yup despite the scale effect I like when vaks are even
  13. cool pics guys !! isamu and hikaru getting ready to fire my favorite valks
  15. Good point !!!! why so much attention for yamato weathering which is not the best !!!! being sick = wanting this bird just because yamato has made up a restricted sale set up on this you are all yamatoed
  16. this could be an idea
  17. nice valk but the fact that only japanese people can get it it is a shame and an insult to the fans that we are so yamato listen up : here is my respond just keep your over weathered vf-1s I prefer mine !!!
  18. never happy ??? GHost squadron dedicated to all the fans it was a bit sunny today
  19. hey great picture pls !!!! yours looks awesome
  20. back to 1/60 scale squadron on the fight Yamato and ghost squadron
  21. on my 19 custom I sprayed flat clear as a try on the decals of the wings and it works like a charm even if the can says do not spray on decals funny !!! decals look like they are painted on the bird riks free on my bird
  22. a nice touch would be to cut the borders of the stickers used I do it on all my yamatos it is long but the result is nice ex below Can you believe that it is yamato stickers that I have used on it ????????????????
  23. stop it kids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. the grey on the shield looks nicer IMO it adds another color And it will be my last custom on a 19 too much work to do on it too much sanding to avoid paint dammage during transformation it feels like to me that I had to rethink the entire bird at some stage transforming toy are good but the colors have to be melt into the plastic But I am so happy of the result !!!
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