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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. Yup......... and I will add you will get a nice weathered valk at the end
  2. no need to be jealous put the yamato weathered 1s next to my personal vf-1S weathered or max 1A and yamato special edition will go back into the box weathering a 1/48 takes an hour !!!!!!!!! collector =======> crazy collecting rare item is good but for that price it has to be really special and this yamato has nothing special unless you are looking for a blue box
  3. After decal application : just use a flat clear coat ===> tamiya TS80 can quick spray 3 times over the bird flat = fighter finish result below zoom on it they look painted
  4. I do not imagine a design with amor and one without waist of money for bandai armor is option and the vf-25 will be one single design in 1/60 scale seriously
  5. double hikaru ready for battle !! fully loaded skull squadron for both
  6. you can use anything to cut it off straight and use a sharp new exacto knife to do closed precision cut
  7. hey why do you paint on the sprue ? as finition it is better to cut all the pieces and paint them IMO
  8. good luck keep posting !!
  9. they are customs
  10. a bit custom on VF-J max a model touch
  11. Just an amazing work :rolleyes: this rocks !!!!!
  12. hey we are all waiting for your pics
  13. variable pose right here we go Vf1-A Max weathered the reason why I am a big fan
  14. I guess that Roy is a bit shocked by this flyby
  15. this would have been so much better for an anniversary camo my supernova inverted :
  16. You should use a flat coat ==> Tamiya TS80 airspray is really good !! future is good too Wicked ace can help you out on the use of it The YF-19 is not an easy yamato to custom if it is your first Just sand the bird !!! you can check my supernova topic it would help when done you will have to transform the bird carefully to prevent paint chipping good luck brannon !
  17. Hey another YF-19 CUSTOM is it your first custom ? my advise will be : you have to be very carefull applying masking tape to get perfect lines the borders of the red are a bit off on the pics good luck and keep pictures coming
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