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Everything posted by Ghostkiller

  1. there is really a screw on the left arm fast pack ..... there is no attach for the gun pod on the right one so........... with the angle you can tell zoom on it! so it is not 2 right arms fastpack guys look closer also the display of fast pack only does confirm it................. Graham can not confirm he only has the valk without fast pack sorry guys....................... the truth hurts http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=51565
  2. nice skills !!! Pls start
  3. ok listen Up in 1 hour you can get a weathered VF-1S no kidding trust me : it is so easy.... SO just for fun you guys will have to translate my technic from french to english I have posted my secret on a robotech/macross forum in France this technic can sound funny but the result is kick assssssssssssss Below the link to the website : It will cost you less than me doing it for you The owner is Bastien and he is a great guy !!! http://www.robotechcollections.fr/forum/vi...83&start=30 ====> ok les gars un de mes secrets voilà le procédé c'est simple de la peinture dilué avec du white spirit: mélange gris gun métal 50 pct + noir 50 pct "petit pot" pour les lignes noire On utilise un cure-dent en bois pour l'applique on trempe le bout dans le mélange et on applique les lignes vont se remplir automatiquement on laisse sécher et on enlève l'excédent avec du white spirit sur du sopalin afin d'avoir les lignes noires et que ça déborde pas et oui zero risque pour le valk après à l'aide d'un crayon à papier 2B "foncé" on repasse sur les lignes qu'on veut marquer en weathering si le crayon n'est pas bien taillé c'est mieux il faut que le coup de crayon déborde sur les bords des lignes les gars !!!!! après avec du sopalin on frotte dessus le résultat sera très noir et accentué mais c'est pas fini !!!! un coton tige est nécessaire il faut tremper le coton tige dans du white spirit pure et repasser sur les lignes le white va diluer le coup de crayon et permettre de dégager une nuance en dégradé ===> à vous de jouer les artistes un coup de sopalin propre permet de nettoyer rapidement l'excédant de white le réaction chimique des particules de crayon et du white donne une sorte de peinture qui ne part pas si on passe le doigt c'est de la magie
  4. in euro ???????? considering 1.55 USD/EUR and almost 1.60 USD/EUR THE OTHER DAY
  5. not yet we are just playing at the moment
  6. ok where is Chunky ???? I need to blow the fake VF-1........ :P
  7. Ok more seriously any valk as long as you are happy with it
  8. You are correct nightmareB4macross
  9. I do not think that the 1/48 do get yellow Yamato 1/48 or future 1/60 V2 are the real VF-1 they do look like a VF-1 and not a plane with legs and arms :P
  10. run run now before it is too late
  11. looking good so far then !!!!!
  12. I was refering to the future display cause we all know you ain't gonna stop after the purchase of the VF-1
  13. I will say go for the 1/48 VF-1 it is a great toy and QC free I have 7 and I really like them in term of design it is the best VF-1 out we will see how it goes for the new 1/60 soon And in 1/48 the vf-1 has a really good and nice size to play with and for display IMO You can wait to for the 1/60 VF1 as yamato line is based now on 1/60 so sticking with the 1/60 is a good idea but seriously a 1/60 VF-1 standing next to a SV-51 or a VF-0 will look funny in term of display a 1/48 next to recents 1/60 looks fine for me I have no issue displaying a 1/48 with 1/60 see below but this is another discussion if you go with yamato 1/48 or new 1/60 you can not be wrong
  14. hell yeah more pics please
  15. An idea for the display stand for the SV51 drill 4 holes and you get that :
  16. Someone should try Hiky VF1 A or S with miriya Fast pack I do not have miriya
  17. in case anyone missed that link to youtube great use of this diaporama http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=mLR2jWf_Qf4&...feature=related
  18. This mousepad is great for display !!!!! UNUSUAL max
  19. HIKY is striking a pose inside and outside
  20. awesome ron the details are so nice I love the display
  21. this exact scheme will be nice on the sv-51 if not done I will have to retry again sticking to the colors
  22. not my scheme but regular Ukrainian flanker scheme if yamato is smart enough it will sell big time dobber will be nice but being realistic it is too complicate for yamato it is over splintered the scheme below is more possible yamato listen up !!! graham can you confirm it is on the workbench for us ???????????
  23. wait for the unofficial russian version
  24. Hey Just wanted to share my supermax back from battle ( no damages it is max ) enjoy the rivets as well it was interesting to add the rivet joints
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