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Everything posted by twinmoons

  1. I have just confirmed with our supplier that the VT-1 and the VE-1 have been released overseas. He has received his shipment and we should be receiving ours by next week. So yes, these have been released!! BTW, our supplier picks them up directly from the Yamato factory, so it makes sense that many others might have not received them yet.
  2. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. Ahh, that's why we have a "Comments" field during checkout so that you can put in the complete address to your heart's content lol. The only reason why I like hlj is because all they ask is for the shipping address.... no billing or anything. I never understood why they could do that while most other e-tailers had to ask for billing address. Umm, well, in the U.S., when you process a credit card, you verify the card by matching it with the billing address. The credit card processor will tell you if it's a match. And many people have different billing addresses (such as a P.O. Box) than their shipping address (such as their work address, etc.) Also, some customers purchase items as a gift and want it shipped to someone else. I have no idea why HLJ doesn't ask for a billing and shipping address. But hey, they're in Japan, I don't know how things work there.
  3. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. Ahh, that's why we have a "Comments" field during checkout so that you can put in the complete address to your heart's content
  4. Hmm, well, as a retailer, I'll give our end of why we prefer pre-orders. It helps us know what quantity to order so that we don't order too much and get stuck with them in our warehouse. Why is pre-ordering good for you guys? Because by helping us better manage stock, we can keep prices low. Now in regards to ordering the VE-1 from HLJ, their price comes out to $83.51. Umm, and we've got them on pre-order for $79.99 and we're in the U.S. so you're gonna pay even less shipping and not have to worry about getting a defective one, 'cause if you did, we'd take care of it for ya. So my recommendation would be to pre-order and support your MW retailer. Buy it from us, buy it from Kev or any of the other great retailers here, but overall, my recommendation is to get your pre-order in because although they are not 'limited', overall demand naturally makes them limited.
  5. Dang, you're right! I guess I need to work on my sales pitch!
  6. I personally love the Takatoys stickers. They are thinner and I like the skull logo better, and it also includes some really nice extras.
  7. My advice - transform ONCE! This is pretty much the case with my 1/48's. My 1/48 VF-1S Roy is in battroid mode, the VF-1A Hikaru is in Gerwalk mode and the super-ultra-cool low viz is in fighter mode, and Max is in fighter mode. Messing with each one once was enough for me!
  8. I really doubt it, but we'll definitely be trying. We had ordered a whole bunch and so had our supplier, but even he got an allocated quantity that was less than 50% of what he had ordered. Apparently demand for these has been huge overseas. A second series of figures is also coming in Februaruy 2004, and I have made it clear to our supplier that we want MORE! I don't know which figures will be part of that set yet though.
  9. Well guys, I would've loved to be able to sell them individually, but as of now, all of the sets are sold out. I think Kevin had said that he would get some of these in as well, so hopefully we'll see some more from him.
  10. Well, from the latest info I'm hearing that the YF19FP are being delayed till 2004. If I confirm that to be true, the info on the site will be updated. In regards to selling these mini figures separately, unfortunately I won't be able to because we only got 5 sets errr.. make that 2 sets left.
  11. I just noticed that the max number of pics allowed in a post is rather low. I know this is to stop people from posting lots of huge pics, but as for myself, I always post clickable thumbnails and the current limit on images seems very low.
  12. OK folks, here's the link for where to order them: http://www.tmpanime.com/product_info.php/c...products_id/625 I have to warn you guys though that these things were in high demand overseas and our supplier could only get a few. I mean a few - we only have 5 sets! I'm not trying to hype this up, just letting you guys know!! BTW, I believe HLJ has already sold out of them: http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?CMS65001
  13. Each box has 10 figures
  14. .: ishtar :. .: mylene :. That be all. Sorry, no pics of the Minmay doll 'cause the set I opened didn't have that one
  15. Well, it seems I can't post all the images in one post, so I guess I'll have to do this one by one: .: minmay :. .: mao :.
  16. H Folks, The Macross mini figures have arrived and here are some pics for you all to enjoy. There are 11 different figures: - Hikaru with normal hair (also comes with helmet) - Hikaru with clear hair (also comes with helmet) - Minmay with normal hair - Minmay with clear hair - Mylene with normal hair - Mylene with clear hair - Ishtar with normal hair - Ishtar with clear hair - Mao with normal hair - Mao with clear hair - Minmay doll - very rare! These come packed in a set of 10 in the following box (click on thumbnails for large image): Each figure measures approximately 5" and is individually packed in its own box. Each set is randomly-packed and each box is sealed and they all look the same, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell what is in each box unless you open them. Before we get to the pics, this is your chance to democratically tell us how you would like these sold. We can sell them as straight sets, OR I am willing to actually open all the sets and open every box so you can buy the exact figure you want. So, please post your comments here! And here be the pics: .: hikaru :.
  17. I definitely prefer the slick black 1/48 boxes. These certainly look a bit too busy.
  18. twinmoons

    1/48 VF-1A CF

    I'm pretty much tired of the 1A head, a 1J would be great!
  19. Now that's an oxymoron!
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