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  1. Here's the address: Anaheim Convention Center 800 West Katella Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802 The closest cross street is Harbor Blvd. The Convention Center is on Katella between Harbor and West St. (Disneyland Dr.)
  2. Yep, we still have a few of those left so we should be able to bring'em.
  3. Howdy folks, This year we will be exhibiting at Anime Expo for the first time! We'll have tons and tons of awesome figures, dvds, and much more, so if you're coming to AX, don't forget to drop by our booth! We actually have two booths next to each other. The booth numbers are 1234 and 1135. Click HERE for a map of the exhibit hall showing our booth location. Hope to see you guys there! Best Regards, Tam
  4. Just a quick note to let you guys know that we will be carrying these and we WILL be offering them individually. As I've done with previous CM's figures, I will be going through ALL of the boxes, opening them up and offering them individually. As for the chase figures, once we get them and I know how many we have, those will be put up on ebay to let everyone have a fair chance at them. If you're interested in getting a complete blind-packed set, please shoot me an email at service@tmpanime.com. PLEASE do not send a PM because I'm not on MW that much and response time will be very slow! Thanks. Tam
  5. Just a quick note that the Angel Chromosome-XX figures by WAVE were made available in the U.S. by Yamato and we actually have them in stock now! Please check link below for further info: Evangelion Angel Chromosome-XX figures These come in really beautiful window box packaging. Unfortunately I haven't had any free time to take pics of them Best Regards, Tam
  6. I really don't see why you guys are assuming that you'll see significantly cheaper valks. I mean with the Robotech license, they gave us 1/55 scale toys for $79.99, hardly a bargain. Do you honestly think that if they made a deal with HG, that you'd magically start getting cheap valks? Even if they were allowed to distribute them in the U.S., I don't really think they would be that much cheaper and I highly doubt they would be under $100. But it would certainly save us a lot of headaches and having to deal with international shipping hassles.
  7. Well, it would be awesome if Macross toys were available in the U.S. and I hope Yamato works out some deal with HG, but who knows.
  8. Yeah, I might lose my shirt, but that's better than re-negging on my word! So yep, we're offering them at $97.99. Now I have to go and hunt down our Yamato rep and force them to give us a better price! BTW, here's the link: Megazeone Garland for $97.99 @ Twin Moons Anime Best Regards, Tam p.s. There were also some rumors going around that the U.S. version will have different packaging, etc. This is FALSE. The U.S. version is the same exact version as the Japan release. I have confirmed this with Yamato myself. Also, the U.S. MSRP is not $99.99, it's $129.95 and listed as such on the Yamato U.S. site HERE.
  9. Hold on to your hats folks: Yep, 1/48 GBP armor for the Low Vis 2 will be coming! I don't have the pricing info yet, but as soon as we do, I'll have the pre-orders up. BTW, we do have the pre-orders up for the new low vis, stealth, and the new valk stands. Please check the thread HERE. EDIT: Just noticed the other thread about the camo gbp. * smacks self *
  10. LOL. Well, this is a definite work in progress and we're constantly adding more info. We've got a system in place for people to submit their contributions on our forums here: http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showforum=89 This is actually our third attempt at doing an info repository. The first time we did it was with some glossary software, the second time was using a wiki (http://www.tmpanimewiki.com). But we went overboard and tried to add too many series all at once and things got out of control. So this time we're trying to take it slow and focus on a few anime at a time. Also, during this experimental phase we are also fine-tuning the formatting, etc., so we should have an overall style guide before we start putting a lot of info in. If anyone is interested in contributing info to this, please drop by our forums here: http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showforum=89
  11. That's pretty cool; looks like musicplasma uses a similar software written in flash. I do like the feature of showing other people.
  12. Hey thanks; Quite a bit of info has been added for: - Last Exile - Samurai Champloo - Fullmetal Alchemist Another nice feature is that info can be exported as standard HTML pages, which will enable us to also have an HTML-based version of all the info. Here are some examples: http://www.giantleaps.org/html/animeseries...aiChamploo.html http://www.giantleaps.org/html/animeseries/LastExile.html http://www.giantleaps.org/html/animeseries...lAlchemist.html
  13. Howdy folks, We have recently launched Giant Leaps, a very different approach at information presentation. Please take a look at: http://www.giantleaps.org/ Note: The site requires Java 1.4 or greater. We recommend getting the latest version from http://www.java.com. To get a feel for what it can do, click on: Anime Series --> J K L --> Last Exile And click on the nodes under Last Exile. The site has just been launched so obviously there isn't much data in the system yet, and of course I will be putting Macross info in it. If anyone is interested in contributing Macross (or any other anime) information for this project, please shoot me a PM. Thanks! Best Regards, Tam
  14. Ok folks, we've got the pre-orders up on our site. Please see the thread below for full details: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11768 Or you can always check here for the latest additions to our site: http://www.tmpanime.com/products_new.php We're also working on getting the Christmas and Nurse figures. As soon as I have pricing info for those, they will be added to our site as well. Best Regards, Tam
  15. Yes, absolutely. I do have them on order. And I will have all of these on preorder on our site by this weekend.
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