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Everything posted by relayer

  1. The PS2 game was simply there for the fans to get a look at the gameplay, the opening cut-scene and have a chance to play it on the DLP projector screen. It was not a preview for a US release. In hindsight, I should have brought my tape recorder, but I left it in my hotel room. A good panel. Not as many table items on display as last year, but some goodies nonetheless. I got to meet and talk with Exo and briefly shook hands with Egan. Overall a good panel.
  2. relayer


    Go to www.openoffice.org - Download and install v 1.1.0 - It's free. It'll read MS Word files and you can Export to PDF. www.openoffice.org
  3. Sorry about the post, I wrote it before I found them under another thread here at Macrossworld, my bad for not researching enough... http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&th...threadid=112841
  4. Good to have everything up and running with the new software/backend. Noticable speed improvement with MySQL/PHP. Thanks for all the hard work Shawn! Jon
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