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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Nice boxart! It would be cool if Sentinel tampoed or painted something on the control panel like the boxart.
  2. Seconded on USAGUNDAMSTORE. Bought from them a few times and both times were a good experience. They also have a good amount of coupons each week 15% - 25% depending on the week.
  3. This illustration needs to be come a real life thing. Make it happen Sentinel.
  4. Well hot damn, judging by the angle of the torso they worked in an ab-crunch in there. Sweet mama.
  5. Whelp, they confirmed the markings all tampoed on. I'm quite pleased here.
  6. Maybe you can just fold the white doors back up to be less of an eye sore?
  7. For the price, I hope all of the markings are printed on! No stickers! Overall, looks gorgeous. I love that you can open the cockpit hatch in solider mode. Cool stuff man. I'm hoping you can do a little more as far as posing goes, but we shall see in-hand. June 2020 is pretty far away so plenty of time to save.
  8. The 3zero Ingram looks good for the most part. The lack of ankle tilt in some of the promo pics is a little concerning and I feel the green visor looks a bit too big. For a 9 inch articulated robot toy the price is quite good in this day and age of $300 + japanese robot toys.
  9. Don't tempt us like that! Unless ITS REAL? OHHHHHHHH
  10. Soon....soon...soon. hopefully this month and it would be cool to see the legioss in some dynamic poses and hopefully it has a good amount of tampo printing.
  11. If anyone wants to own the Patlabor movies + OVA + TV series on bluray it's only $25 for the entire boxset on rightstuf. https://www.rightstufanime.com/Patlabor-the-Mobile-Police-Ultimate-Collection-Blu-ray
  12. No problem. I always enjoy trying to show-off what a toy is capable of to really get the fully experience out of it. One more pic to get the Obari sword pose.
  13. Dairugger thoughts: This guy is very fun to combine in all of his modes and there's a high sense of satisfaction when doing so. The paint is beautiful and it has a ton of details picked out on each vehicle. Articulation in combined mode is pretty good, but I'm not sure how long those hinges at the ankles and torso will last before they need some super glue for tightening. The hinges are tight for now. All of the modes are pretty solid with one exception. In full Dairugger mode the blue copter does not connect as solidly as the red copter does to the right shoulder. When you manipulate the left shoulder it stays in for the most part until you use the outward (abduction) motion of the shoulder. The outward motion of the shoulder is a double jointed hinge and ratchet that is pretty tight when you want to get the joints to end range. However, once you get the arm posed it stays on Dairugger without issue. I would also be careful when bending the right knee. You want to make sure the bottom knee block is aligned before bending the actual knee otherwise it could catch at a point and it will make it difficult to bend the knee without the connection coming undone. Finally, taking the red jet off of the chest is a little scary tight . I recommend, to apply force on the red jet in and up to release the top connector first. While I appreciate the elbows being double ratchet joints, I wish they would have worked in some more range as the elbow probably bends about 70 degrees. So far a pretty good effort from Bandai to realize a fully combining and articulated Dairugger XV. Bandai brought their A game here on the engineering and accessory end. I do wish the left shoulder connection was tweaked a bit more to withstand the outward shoulder joint's tight tolerances. For now enjoy some pictures and some examples of the articulation you can pull off.
  14. I'm okay with more 00 metal builds but only if it's the rest of celestial being or enemy suits. Reborn Gundam would be a nice pair to the 00 raiser after all of these years.....and I've been clamoring for a dynames for years now. And this is why I support 3rd party options since Bandai may never make the dream happen.
  15. Those two characters are so bad IMO I couldn't even reach the apparently amazing episode 19 that got a lot of attention. Usually, I'm okay with slapstick characters, but these two are beyond obnoxious.
  16. Yup, those are mine. I had to take some pics and show Mr. K to let them know this is happening to some VF-0S over time. He acknowledged this problem and are trying to rectify future molds to not have this problem.
  17. Amazing paint job for sure, but I'll just admire the pretty pictures from folks who do pick it up. I'll be curious to see how durable the paint is on this new PF. I remember transforming the PF SDF-1 as carefully and and slowly as I could I still lost some of the glow in the dark paint apps here and there to which I had to touch up myself.
  18. I don't know if this was posted earlier, but here is a low-res transformation video of the fewture - ex gokin Garland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhGpOXcpimc
  19. If that is indicative of the near to final product then I'd be satisfied with the color. I'd also like to note that they included the built-in chest covers the VF-0A and VF0S had on this PF version of the 0D which is a nice touch.
  20. Well damn.... I'm even more glad to own their Strike gundam. The quality blew me away for such a new company and it's pretty interesting they split into several different companies to still put out 3P high-end gundam products, bless them for it. I never liked the idea of one company solely owning a property and the being the only one to produce product for that franchise.
  21. Hmmm then it sounds like the IT one is for you. I hated how easy it was to scuff MP-36, I remember putting masking tape all over that guy while transforming. IT's ratchets make louder clicks and feel smoother. There's less of a lean with the IT. I think the only thing I don't like with the IT is the tolerances on the diecast feet are off a tad and my copy had a few chips on it, but at least there are in areas I can't see in either mode when completed.
  22. The IT Megs is only great if you like transforming MP megatron over and over without worrying about excessive transformation. The IT Megs made me appreciate the work TT put into their transformation engineering and it's wonderful......when you proper tolerances and paint that can withstand multiple transformations.
  23. Good they did away with those pesky magnets for some solid tabs. Covering up the gap near the head in fighter mode was a nice touch. The wing hinges and overall figure seems to be much tighter than the old one. The double joint elbows are a welcome addition. So.....a first release new mold from Arcadia and no major issues so far? No disengaging hips or breakages or comically loose shoulders?
  24. Awww dang. I really like the ratchets on the old Yamato's ankles. Hmm I forgot if the Yamato one had ankle tilts, does the Arcadia have ankle tilts for inversion movement?
  25. Did Arcadia keep the ratchets on the ankles or did they opt for some ball and hinge joints.
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