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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. My all time favorite has YAMATO toy so far has to be the 1/60 YF-19 with the FP. Sure it lacked locking mechanisms ,but everything else fits and clicks nicely so I think the new YF-19 is a pretty good win. The TV versions of 1/48 VF-1J's come in at a close 2nd. However if Yamato's new SV-51 turns out to be a stellar hit with all the right stuff then that will probably be my #1 favorite by YAMATO. One can only hope a YAMATO first release will perfect.
  2. Cool Thx lonely solider boy for the extra pics! Looks fantastic! I'm glad I pre-ordered mine
  3. So the 28th of August huh? So does that mean this "angel of death" will be arriving on my doorstep in a matter of a couple of weeks or less? Woot! The anticipation is following through me faster than 30oz glass of beer. XD **Prays for tight fitting parts, no stress marks, nothing broken** Is that really too much to ask for from a $220 toy? We need official pictures of this thing with tampo and all . I'd really be a surprise if YAMATO busts out with a slim, but strong as hell box. That'd make my day.
  4. Shhhhh quiet. The R word makes my ears bleed. Even though Hong Kong usually gets these items a lot quicker than most of us not in HK or Japan I still think this guy is telling a fib. With only a 96.6% feedback rating I wouldn't trust this guy. With August almost ending shouldn't we see floods of new info or even what the box is going too look like? YAMATO open up and reveal the goodness and set it free assuming it's perfect of course.
  5. For the huge price this bad boy should have a considerable amount of tampo printing. Does anyone have any pictures of the box-art yet?
  6. With fewer and fewer days left go for this bad boy to be released my wallet keeps screaming in pain. Poor wallet may you rest in peace. I'm sure glad YAMATO is taking the time to get his first release to be as perfect as possible. It seems that Lost and Found toys pre-order for this item has magically disappeared from their site lol. So is it official this thing will be coming out on the 20th or is it still an estimate of end of August? I sure hope Mr.Graham will do a review on this before they all sell out .
  7. Well it turns out that I found a really cheap brand new VF-1J Hikaru 1/48 valk on ebay so I'll just try to save up for the Gunbuster some other time. So now I'll have an awesome looking valk to go into the GBP armor WOOT. Thanks for your honest opinions guys.
  8. That is a real pickle. Gunbuster came a year before Ideon and yet Ideon is gonna get the reissue treatment first? I think I will try to pick up Gunbuster first then somehow work my way to the VF-1J. No willing to magically wait for Bandai to reissue something. GUNBUSTER HERE I COME!!!
  9. Hello MW. I was wondering what you guys think I should go for the SOC GX-34 Gunbuster or the 1/48 Hikaru TV VF-1J valk? I recently bought the 1/48 GBP armor and was planning to buy the valk to suit it up in. However I also recently saw Gunbuster and fell in love with the giant mecha all over again and saw the SOC Gunbuster for sale. I only have enough money for one of them and won't be able to save up more money for quite awhile. I know the SOC Gunbuster is getting harder and harder to find at a decent price so maybe I'll go with Gunbuster and hopefully see that the 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J stays in stock for a long while. Who do you guys think I should buy?
  10. Cool news. I can't wait to see the first prototypes on the YF-21 By now I think my wallet might have a heart attack again. R.I.P Wallet.
  11. Well guys I was the one who started this thread and with some tips from a very helpful person named AlphaOne I was able to turn in my YF-19 with fold booster with some QC problems for a brand spanking new one. This time it is QC free. Thank god. Some people might rant on www.TISINC99.com, but too me any company willing to give you a free brand new item in exchange for your broken one is a good company in my book. If anyone else has experienced a problem with their YF-19 try exchanging it with your distributer and see what they say. I'm glad MW exists.
  12. Does anyone think I can do the same with my YF-19 by getting a brand new replacement for the QC issues I faced in my purchase? Is there a special number or email address I can contact Yamato to talk about this? Please someone help a new buyer to Yamato toys out. Thanks
  13. Well at least someone didn't receive a lemon like the rest of us in this thread. Its good to hear at least one made it out of the QC center perfect. Now to wait for the reviews of the new SV-51 and see what's up with that guy.
  14. Totally man your not alone. It seems that there are still issues Yamato still has in effect through production. This is a warning to all who buy the new YF-19 with FP. Buy at your own risk!! Even well known companies like HLJ are pouring out toys with defects. Curse Yamato's quality control. I feel sorry for the people who pre-ordered the SV-51 because that's another one of those 1st run products of Yamato so expect a new THread called, "MAJOR QC problems of the SV-51 strike back"
  15. It seems that no matter how much Yamato tries to fix problems on their toys they just create new ones. Honestly whatever happened to when you open the box for a toy and the toy would be in perfect condition and would have few to zero QC problems. Even to this day companies such as Hasbro with their new Transformers movie line managed to make detailed, well painted constructed toys without all the fuss. Honestly paying $220 for a so called "high end" toy that has a broken or poorly made part is a HUGE let down for consumers. I think everyone on MW forums would agree with me when I say Yamato please get things right the first time otherwise lower the price on items that have disturbing faults on them. I still think Yamato makes some of the best representations of the valks in Macross till this day, but for some reason good quality control on products are just to hard to come by these days.
  16. Hey and thanks for the praise for my name. Although if you say this company has screwed over people before then I'll try to stay away from this company then. I've bought my first VF-1S from them before with no problems,but what are some of the things this site has done to screw people over before? Please let me know.
  17. Hi. I got the item at the booth with a website www.TISINC99.com and I don't know if they go to Frank and Sons. I just know I managed to deal with them to get the YF-19 with fold booster for $220 instead of $240.
  18. Hi. I'd like everyone to know that I'm new to the MW forums, but I'd like to share a little something about my new 1/60 scale YF-19 with fold booster I recently purchased at anime expo. When I got my YF-19 I immediately opened the box up to check for any QC problems and the good news is I didn't see any yet. The gunpod is now straight and the neck didn't have any stress marks. For when I transformed it I saw a QC problem found on the hands. For the right hand had a pretty big stress mark on the thumb. When I flipped the hand outward I didn't use any brute force at all so I couldn't have possibly caused that to happen. I'd also like to mention on the left hand the metal swing cylinder to keep all the fingers intact just slipped out causing all the fingers to slip out even though I can easily put them back in, but that shouldn't happen. In addition the top cover for the right hand also just came off probably due to a insufficient glue. Otherwise if not for the hands the whole toy is pretty solid and looks and fits accordingly. I would like to know if anyone else who purchased this item had the same problems I did. Please so share if you have any QC problems with this new item. If you guys want to see any pictures just let me know.
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