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Everything posted by SuperHobo

  1. Hey I totally didn't realize the possible symbolism there! Nice one Sumdumgai. Meeting is on the 21st could there be some big bombs about the YF-21 at this meeting? Oh let it be true we want info. .
  2. WoW Squidd you sure are going Yamato crazy!!! You are now officially a valk-alcoholic !!! Maybe conserve some of that money for future Yamato releases or some soul of chogokin toys . Hehe there's a giant dildo attached to your YF-19's shield call the DOCTOR!!!
  3. I just got my 1/48 Milia Reissue a few days ago and its nicely improved over the past VF-1 1/48's. All the joints are nice and tight and have a nice click. Even the "chicken hands" on my Milia could hold the gunpod amazingly well. However I think Yamato might be over tightening the "chicken hands" now. Before they were rather loose, now they're a little too tight. As the left hand on my Milia was so tight I couldn't curl the fingers together to make a fist properly. I tried and used little to no force for when I tried pushing the index finger back the the plastic that holds the finger to the meater portion of the hand exploded in my face. Now that hand is practically useless anyways, but I should be able to make a fist or whatever out that hand with ease. Its not a big loss as I just use the fixed pose hands anyways. So definitely look out for that on your next purchase.
  4. LOL "Mortgage on our kids". This is why its good to be young and not tied down to a wife or kids. MWHAHAAHHAA HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR YEAR ROCKS ALL YA!!!! Like I have enough money to buy multiples. One is good enough for me or all that I can afford at the moment.
  5. Thanks Sqidd for the awesome update. Looks like I'll end up picking up one of these bad boys after all. Once I get more money that is This thing sounds like a real winner now. Awesome sculpt, paint app, tampo printing and now with solid structual improvements. Yamato you devil you taking $200 more of my dollars. XD
  6. Comment #1 : First and foremost thank you YAMATO for making our childhood favorite and modern valks of Macross. Without you guys I would of never thought about collecting toys much at all if it wasn't for you guys. Questions: 1. Will Yamato ever consider making their valks out of a much stronger plastic or have more diecast content? 2. Will Yamato ever consider using ratchet joints for not only the legs, but the arms, shoulders, etc. The clicking sounds is always a sound of comfort. 3. What is the status of a possible SDF-1 in the works? 4. I would love to see a VF-4 made by Yamato and so many others on this forum would too. So Mr.Graham could you insist the production of a VF-4? 1/60 or 1/48 scale either would be pretty cool. 5. Could we see some pictures of the YF-21 1/60 prototype pretty please?
  7. All I have to say is WoW. This series rocks! I just finished watching the series and all I have to say is WoW!!! I am now officially a Gurren Lagann fan for life! Usually I don't like productions from Gainax, but this one is special. This is one mecha series to remember! Can someone say BEST ANIME OF THE YEAR AWARD? Poor Simon losing Nia in the end put a manly tear in my eye . Anyone else besides me want to buy Konami's high impact model of Gurren Lagann? If that thing is anything the quality of or better of an SOC I'm willing to pay the price for it!!
  8. Damn why do the sites at Toysdaily take so long to load. I feel like I'm having the DIAL UP experience all over again!! MUST SEE all new pictures!!! RAWR!!! BTW Does anyone know the diecast content of Baikanfu yet?
  9. Never we shall RESIST!!! All hands on deck our wallets and money clips alike will make their last stand here! For now we shall FIGHT! COME ON SPARTANS WE CAN TAKE THEM DOWN!!!
  10. I'm talking about in battloid mode.
  11. Ok after all the awww and WOW's I also noticed on my SV-51 the hips are rather loose. Also I'm not sure.but does anyone know how to fully lock the shoulders and arm into the torso so the arms don't go flopping around when moved? How far do I push the shoulder up until it's locked? Anyone mind helping me out?
  12. Just got mine from HLJ and WoW this thing looks and feels amazing. This bird is a true work of art. So far I can't find any QC issues on mine. Apparently I have the correct wing hinges as both wings fold very nicely. However I wish the wings were a little more solid and less floppy,but this can be spared. Everything is beautifully detailed and the engineering is simply amazing. My hat is off too you YAMATO. Hehe I also got MP skywarp on the same day.
  13. Mwhahahaha just got my shipping notice from HLJ. **High fives nearest person near me** Anyone know how long EMS shipping from Japan takes to get to California? Man I sure hope mine doesn't have that pesky wing problem.
  14. HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF GOD. DYRL HD remaster? SWEET. wait wait wait. Can we have a region 1 release for that as well? Could I play this on my computer? Me want this!!!
  15. Hey Dobber how long did it take for HLJ to send you the payment request email?
  16. How long does it take for HLJ's payment request to be sent to your email?
  17. [quote name=What I like about MW is that we're not about sides here. I think we should keep it that way Agreed. Nobody has to take sides and what not. Lets just all enjoy, talk and discuss about this masterpiece called the SV-51 . Swoosh I do enjoy the "fully loaded" pose a lot! That pose is one of the reasons why I got into giant robots, because heavy firepower just looks so cool. I can't wait to get mine and feel like a 12 year old minus the carelessness into transforming this bird. **Patiently awaits HLJ's payment processing email**
  18. Woot! Nice guys finish last!!! EVIL CONQUERS ALL MWHAHAHAHAHHAAHA
  19. **Prays mine from HLJ will be flawless** At the very least this problem doesn't seem as severe has some of the VF-0 problems. Still paying a payload of money for a high quality item only for you too do a "check up" and possible "retool" is beyond me. Thanks Swoosh and Dojumpjump for providing info and pics on how to fix this problem. I feel like if I try and fix it I'll end up destroying the whole thing. Everything explodes in my hands Graham if you have this problem as well would you mind showing us in your video how to fix this as well? Hopefully this problem isn't universal. Darn QC guy wake up! The bloody coffee isn't going to get any stronger.
  20. Yep. Unfortunately those of who live in the states have to pay a much higher premium than those in other countries. At least will hopefully be getting a bird thats completely worth hard earned dollars. -Are the hands a lot more solid than the 1/48's? Can it grip the gunpod well?
  21. HOLLY MOTHER OF GOD O_O. That valk is freakin awesome! Are those hands on the SV-51 still the chicken hands? Besides the wing and missile issue I don't really mind it. So far so good on the 1st release sounds like yamato has broken their curse (so far) without dropping a bomb. Now when will we the buyers in the USA get ours? You lucky HK people not only get it for a cheaper price than us, but you get it a lot faster than us too. **sobs** Anyways thank you Swoosh and Graham for the awesome pictures!!!
  22. Question. Is the Dancouga being sold at HLJ right now a reissue? If so does anyone know if this reissue will include improvements and fixes over the original? At first I was going to pick one up. but after hearing about the loose: head, hips and feet being able to chip easily I'm rather skeptical about this bot. Can anyone give me some information about this? Thanks I'd really appreciate it.
  23. TY. I thought this box would be uber huge,but since they packed it diagonally you get a "standard" size Yamato box after all. Even though the cardboard still looks flimsy . However now that we know that it will be in stock soon at most places its time to get the champagne and start celebrating. Mr.Graham where are you? We need a review please Graham-sama.
  24. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the pictures of the SV-51 in BOX LOOK NOW http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...DME:X:RTQ:US:11 It's a link for an ebay auction that I asked the guy if he could take pictures of the box! ENJOY!!!
  25. I second that notion! I wouldn't mind flying around looking like a complete idiot if it means I get 3 free SV-51's. xD Hell, I'll even dance like a little girl in rags if they ask me too. On a serious note if the ship containing these things is already on its way to China then it should to still be on schedule. Patience is needed and Graham like the rest of us has a life outside of MW. Yes I said it he and all the rest you guys out there have a life outside MW. xD Personally Nora's color looks ok too me, but I'm not going to buy that one anyways. Me thinks I should start saving for the 1/60 YF-21 coming out later in 08. Until then more Transformers will go on ebay! Look for the seller mrxwind for all your transformer, coin, comic book and gemstone needs.
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